
chapter 36

__early morning. 36

Carriages lined the front of the palace as the noble guest take off back to their respective kingdoms and cities, the people all came out to bid them farewell, security is still tighter than ever as the king, the princess and top general/the princess fiance to be are also outside bidding the noble guest farewell.

 Safia wore a simple cream colored dress that has red roses designs on it down at the flare of the dress and at the waist line, its long sleeve, she paired it with red shoes, and a cream colored scarf around her arms, hair styled in a neat bun adorn with a white flower, no princess crown atop it, but just a pair of small glittery earrings.

 While the king is clad in his trusty royal attire, a red tunic that has intricate golden designs, paired with black trousers. While Anthony wore his military attire.

 When the important noble guest all left, its time for the main royal guest to leave too, the king showered them with gifts and riches, while the people also gift them what they think they'd like best. Susan receive gifts of many daggers and sweet desserts from the people, while her twin Alex, got double blades and ruby pendents.

 Prince habib was happy to receive many different flavored smoke pipes and little crafted toys of sandy. While prince Adi, who shyd away from the people received vibrant colored capes and turbans made with the finest silks. The people never really cared or liked prince Liam so they were happy at his disappearance.

 The king explained to the people what happened that night, how Liam disrespected him and the kingdom and dared broke the peace contract, then the hero sir Anthony green who bravely step up and engaged the princess, shutting prince Liam off completely, he purposefully left out the werewolf part.

 The people were greatfull to sir Anthony while they pile more anger and hatred towards prince Liam and his kingdom, the young men of black moon celebrated at the news of Anthony's engagement to the princess, finally they will have a chance at wowing the young ladies now that the national play boy is taken, while the ladies feel sad they missed their chance but are happy for the princess nonetheless. The royal guest thanked the people and spoke words of good wishes and gratitude.

 The first to leave is prince Habib, he wave at the people with a proud smile as he rode sandy the sand worm out the gates of the kingdom, then prince Adidaya was the second to leave, he held onto safia tightly as he shed tears, while safia patted his head in comfort and escort him into his carriage, she spoke kind and encouraging words to him with a promise that one day she'll surely visit him, the people, especially the girls all went awwwn at his cute childish behavior.

The last to leave are susan and Alex, safia got to pet their giant talan cats before they climb into their own carriage too. Alex gave safia a one arm hug, and promised to help if she ever needs anything from him or talan. Susan hugged safia tightly as she whisper *when you become queen, don't forget your best friend okay* safia whisper back *I'll never, and don't forget to invite me when you tie the not with Quinn..* susan chuckles shyly. 

 When all the guest left the kingdom, king Travis announced the official end of the ball, and told the people to start rejoicing for soon their princess will officially get engaged to sir Anthony. Then dismissed them all.

Before going back into the palace safia approach her father and ask *father....I want to visit Vivian and check on her, can i?* king Travis ask *Vivian?..*safia reply *yes...the little girl cas and jasper saved, the werewolfs....* thinking for a few moments king Travis spoke *alright....don't take long* *thank you father*

 So safia took a small carriage that only needs one driver, seeing the kingdom is already tight with security she decided not to take any guard with her, as she was about to board the carriage Anthony approach her and state *I shall accompany you my princess* safia refuse *thank you sir Anthony but I will be fine on my own* before he could try to convince her the carriage took off, blowing dust at him.

 After a few turns the carriage stopped in front of a medium size house with a big yard, a bit away from the main house a small stone building could be seen that has a lot of smoke coming out through its chimney (its the forgery) as the driver parked the carriage at the side safia descend down and climb up the 3 steps of stairs leading to the house main door, she knocked.

  A beautiful woman with chubby cheeks opened the door, and immediately her round brown eyes widen in surprise and she fumbles to fix her messy black hair, and smoothen a few folds on her plain green dress, she cutesy deeply *welcome my princess please come in*

 Safia smiled and stepped in, and was immediately greeted by the little living room that has four couches and small round carpet at the center, from behind the couches she could spot a wooden dining table that has four seats too, she could also spot four closed doors, meaning 3bedrooms and one kitchen, the small beautiful house is neat and tidy.

 The woman started *I am violet my princess, please have a seat I shall get you snacks and breakfast..* safia stopped her *thank you violet but its alright, I'm just here to see Vivian* hearing the princess words, Violet's face paled, and suddenly she dropped to her knees and start crying as she begged *I beg you princess please don't take my daughter away, it was an accident she didn't know they were werewolves please don't take her away, I beg you please...*

  Safia was shocked witnessing such sudden change, but quickly she stopped violet by helping her to her feet, she spoke in a gentle tune *please stop crying, I'm not here to take vivian away I know it was an accident, I only want to check on her, she seem close to then so I thought I'd ask her a few harmless questions*

 Violet wiped her tears and smiles happily, she spoke *thank you princess you're ever so kind* safia smiles at her then ask *where is Vivian? Does she live here?* violet answer *yes she's...well ever since the incident she's been in her room and refused to come out, we tried everything but she won't open the door...*

 Safia spoke *for someone her age that's normal after witnessing such traumatic scene, can I try my luck?* violet then lead safia to one of the closed doors, with a hopeful look she knock *Vivian sweetie, open the door is mommy* but no sound came from inside the room nor did vivian opened the door. Violet sighs and was about to knock again but safia stopped her, she stepped forward and spoke *Vivian.... it's princess safia and I'm here to deliver cas message to you*

 Before safia could close her mouth the wooden door flew open and small arms grabbed safia and drags her into the room, immediately the door closed with a soft thud, violet stood there, startled and confused at what just happened.

 Vivian started *Tell me tell me tell me, does cas hate me now? Is he coming back?is he alright? Oh pleaseee just tell me...*safia took a deep breath and calm her startled self,

  then calmly walk over to the small wooden bed and sat at the edge, she spoke as she take a look at the medium size window only someone with Vivian size could feet through, a little wooden wardrobe at the side and a small soft pink carpet that matched the rooms bright pink paint. *cas is alright and he doesn't hate you....calm down*


Vivian let go of the breath she's been holding and flop down on the bed next to safia, but she quickly sprang up and ask *but what Is the message?* safia reply *I'll tell you the message, but first you need to answer a few questions of mine* realizing something vivian quickly cutesy and apologized *I am so sorry princess I forgot my manners, I ..uh...would you like some chocolate?..*

 Safia almost chuckle but held it back, instead she waved her hand and spoke *its alright don't worry about it....okay here are my questions...how did you know cas and for how long have you known him and jasper? Tell me everything from day one* Vivian nodded then sat on the bed next to safia, she answers 

 *I've only met cas and jasper the day before the incident, I was giving out flower crowns to small girls like mama told me to, then cas and jasper came and ask for flower crowns too, but they were for small girls only and I was out of flowers, so i ask them to help me pick out more fresh flowers and in exchange I'll give them each a flower crown. but then sir Anthony showed up when we were picking out the flowers in the local garden, and they ran away while he chased after them.

 Then the next day I saw them again, they wanted to talk to you but since you'll talk to the people only after the performances I told them to stay and watch my performance then we'll talk to you together after. But then the fire started and everyone panicked and ran away but I was stuck on the burning stage, cas saved me but then the soldiers surrounded us and jasper was protecting us but then that soldier....he hurt jasper and there was so much blood...*

 Safia added *but why Has sir Anthony chased after them? And what did cas wanted to say to me?* Vivian shrug and reply *I don't know...* safia thought  "did Anthony knew who they were from the beginning? Was that why he chased after them? Or did he really thought they were theifs?* 

Vivian's question cut safia's thoughts *my princess, jasper bit the soldier do you think he'll now turn into a werewolf too?* safia reply *uh...probably not, thank you for answering my questions Vivian, cas message to you Is short

      :  I'm sorry about what happened and I promise we'll see each other again:*

 Vivian blinked, and blink again then ask *wait that's it?* safia nodded then Vivian add *well he does seem like he don't talk much, but he is a good listener, he's kind too, he apologized when its none of his fault, but...he said we'll see each other again, how?* safia shrug *I don't know, maybe he plans on coming back*

 Vivian refuse *no please don't say that my princess, he can't come back here, he shouldn't, not after what happened, its just too dangerous...Oh my gosh this is no better, I've got another thing to think and stress about now* safia smiles at vivian then spoke *don't stress about it, he's a smart boy he knows what to do, but can I ask you a favor?*

Vivian nodded and safia continue *if cas ever did come back, I'm sure he'll come to you first, can you let me know immediately, just send a small letter to the palace and I will be there, I just want to ask him more questions, harmless questions I promise* Vivian nodded and spoke *I know you would never hurt him my princess, I will let you know immediately if that happened*

 Safia nod as she thought "what could cas want to talk to me about, if it was important why didn't he tell me at the dangeon, was he afraid to say it? Decided against it? Or there wasn't enough time to tell me? No, he snuck into the kingdom putting his life in danger just to talk to me, it must be important...could it be about...."

*my princess....is it true that you really know how to use a blade? my sister works at the palace and she told me that she saw you training with all kinds of weapons, but if its not true, even thought I doubt its not, you don't need to answer me, you known what, just ignore me and lets pretend I never asked this question, and please don't punish my sister for telling me, I promise I'm the only one she told, and I told only cas and jasper then you, I will keep my mouth locked and never tell another soul...*

 Laughing softly safia reply *slow down Vivian I'm not punishing anyone, your sister is right, I do train and practice using different weapons, it is against the law for a girl to even hold a weapon in black moon but as the princess, I'm an exception....thou I am trying to change the kings mind*

 Jumping in excitement Vivian cheer *yes yes yes that would be so amazing princess safia, thank you thank you!* safia reply *don't thank me yet, it might take awhile..* Vivian smiles cheekily. Safia added *but why did you lock yourself up* Vivian's smile disappear as she reply *I..I was scared that the king will have me executed for being involved with the werewolves and hurt my family...it is all my fault...*

 Safia held Vivian's small hands in hers and spoke in a gentle tune *oh Vivian, it is not your fault, it is not anyone's fault, and the king, you were right to worry..he could have you and your entire family executed but count your lucky stars he's busy with other stuff, you can relax and unlock yourself, your mama is worried and I'm sure you must be hungry*

 Vivian was shocked and looked even more scared now that her worry is confirmed, safia quickly added *I shouldn't have said that...oh no...hey Vivian its okay, he is very very very busy he totally forgot about you and he will not remember at all, I will make sure of it* Vivian let out a shaky breath and nod.

 Then smiled and urge *alright then, come let's go have breakfast princess safia* stepping out of Vivian's room safia was met with violet, Vivian's dad and a little boy. Violet immediately hugged Vivian and spoke as she pepper kisses all over her face *oh my sweetie I missed you so so much, you look so skinny..* the little boy cheer and join in the hug too *Vivi!..* smiling at them the man ruffle Vivian's hair and turn to safia, he bow deeply and spoke.

 *greetings my princess, I am brock, I'm Vivian's father and I am but a simple forger, I thank you sincerely for showing us kindness* before safia could reply the little boy broke away from the hug and spoke loudly *and I am cadan vivi's little brother, you look so much pretty in person..*brock shushes the boy by covering his mouth.

 Smiling safia cutesy and spoke *it is nice to meet you sir, and thank you cadan you are so adorable too* turning to Violet safia added *you have a lovely family* smiling violet reply *thank you my princess, please stay and have breakfast with us* Brock scolded softly *how can you say that Violet, she's the princess, royals don't eat with us commoners, I am so sorry my princess please forgive my wife*

 Safia quickly assure *please don't apologize it is okay, Royals and commoners are all people after all and violet, I would love to stay and have breakfast with your lovely family, oh and I might have some company outside who could use a meal too* brock smiles at safia great fully while violet got excited and started.. 

 *yes yes my princess, come sit here I'll get the food, Vivian sweetie get some hay for the princess horse and cadan dear, escort the princess driver to the yard table then come collect his breakfast for him..*

 The two kids set off to their task while violet  rush to the kitchen, brock guided safia to sit on the wooden dining table, at the head chair.

 Safia ate a lovely breakfast while having a nice conversation with the little family, violet reminded safia of her mom a lot, how she pamper her and kept putting more meal onto her plate. After breakfast safia stood to leave but violet stopped her by engaging her in another conversation, and like that, safia spent the entire day at their little house, she has lunch there and only left when it got dark outside, she doesn't want eat away their dinner too, tho the driver wouldn't mind.

 After a long motherly hug from violet safia climb onto her carriage and head back to the palace, she wave at the lovely family behind wishing she's part of them.

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