
The strongest personalities in Lionar kingdom

"Mr. Parada, you become a lot older than the last time I saw you," An old man with long white hair and an outwardly frail physique said.

(Head of the Mages of Lionar Kingdom, he became way stronger since the last time I saw him) Fray thought before saying,

"Mr. Alexander. how are you? Are you okay ?"

"Haha, I'm a hundred and thirty years old, how can be okay?" Alexander said with a smile on his face. "Tell me, how is that old Adam, is he still alive?"

"He's fine so far, Sir Alexander," replied Fray, looking at the old man.

Thus, the guests continued to introduce themselves with respect and smile on their faces revealing that all the characters present here are very important figures in Lionar kingdom as each one of them has the power to move the kingdom with just one word from their mouths.

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