
Not afraid

I thought it was the medicine, the reason why I had such a hard time sleeping that night. 

But no, it wasn't. I twisted and turned and flipped, the sheets wrapped around my legs. I was wide awake, my mind running nonstop, flying to whatever far reaches it could go to. Strangely, my skin was damp with sweat, sticky tangles of curly golden locks all over my face. It was safe to say that I was unable to stay put, but not in a fidgety sense, no. I was normal, I felt like it, and my heart was beating normally.

I just had trouble falling asleep.

At that point, Lira got fed up of my fussing. She gave me a nudge and said, "Quit it, Rosie, I'm trying to sleep here."

I huffed, my eyes stuck to the low ceiling. "It's not like I have a choice. I can't sleep, Lira." 

She groaned, tucking her face under her arms. "Shut your eyes and don't open them again for the next seven hours."

I wished it were that easy. 

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