
Petran's decision

Hikaru nodded in agreement with Darnag's opinion. Currently, his territory was too small; it was so small that Darnag didn't even have his own place for research. The farmers only had individual bedrooms in the farm house.

Upon seeing Darang's renovation plans, Hikaru was immediately interested. As the plans showed, the area of the territory that would be expanded to 50,000 square meters.

Of which, 10,000 square meters of the center will be built into a castle dedicated to Hikaru and his closest confidants. The castle was surrounded by a river. This river gets water from the infinity lake, so there was no need to find a source of water.

The river surrounding the castle would be 10 meters wide. And in the river, there would be magic to prevent others from entering the castle. Therefore, if you want to enter the castle, you can't swim across or fly in, but you can only enter from the only bridge leading into the castle.

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