
Prologue: Daughters and Sons

Atlas sat still, observing his daughter as she shone bright through the midnight sky. She was his youngest, and his most beloved. Atlas shook his head, he caught himself thinking of how she reminded him so much of his beautiful, elegant wife, Pleione. A mere spitting image of her, in fact. The sky was more than still, and Atlas felt there to be an ominous vibe across the universe. He couldn't place it, but he was sure something was off. The glittering laugh of his bright constellation pulled him from his rabbit hole of worry, and he smiled at her, showing his perfect, starlike teeth.

Elsewhere the once graceful goddess, Leto fled through the night, rage and sorrow consuming her scrambled thoughts. She cried out to the heavens, with no tangible, coherent thoughts to be found. Her own son, how dare he! Conspiring against the very life his own mother lived, all for the sake of a little more power amongst his peers. Leto's heart shook with betrayal and anger, as she found herself nearing the edge of the sky. There was nothing that she could do that wouldn't involve the other gods, and her rage erupted further from the depths of her soul. A strangled how came through her scorching throat and she dove further into the sky.

Atlas whipped around, right as a gust of wind clouded him. He looked at a flashing blur halt to a stop, and his eyes widened with curiosity. Leto had revealed herself and her face was twisted with sorrow and Atlas began to worry. He felt her pain, and the feeling became nearly unbearable. His curiosity and worry grew rapidly, Leto looked as if she were a deer in the headlights, and not the beautiful and powerful goddess that she was.

Leto flickered her gaze from a worried Atlas to what his sight was previously on, his daughter. Her mind instantly switched to her beloved creation. Lycans of ancient descent held great power, and with that of a constellation's potential, a solution popped out at her. With one swift movement, Leto changed her course, and pounced onto the young constellation. Effectively, she was pushed out of the sky, hurtling towards earth, calling for her father in sheer terror. Atlas could only watch, frozen in a state of horror, as his beloved daughter soared through the now pitch black sky and into a realm he dared not go, for the balance of the universe was the one force never to be reckoned with.

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