
Just a dumb giant

And just like that, large amounts of ground energy began converting into solar energy.

He controlled as much as his crux would allow him before sapping it from the ground, right into his crux.

He quickly noticed that the toll he felt from using Kumulipo spells was very different from that of the normal crux. Where the normal crux felt like it was melting his brain if he strained too much, this instead felt like his mind was being frozen.

In fact, what he was feeling couldn't even be called mental strain. It felt freeing, like his burdens were being chilled away, leaving an ice-cool breeze within his mind.

It had been a long while since he felt this good.

"Look," Avankor whispered grimly, staring toward the piece of land Lucius had absorbed energy from. it had been reduced to a grey state, its once vibrant textures now dull and lifeless.

~This isn't surprsing,~ Lucius thought to himself. This just proved that this world's physics followed the laws of conservation of energy.

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