
Don't forget the antidote, please! part 2

"I can't do anything, she's far gone"

"That's what you're saying, but you still have some mana left, I can see it"

Ryu said completely Ignoring the fact that no one was supposed to know that mana could be seen by the naked eye after using a skill. Lea didn't have the time to ponder if she believed him or not and hurried to reply before facing the consequences.

"I do have mana, but... If I keep going I might die, for real!"

Contrary to Helena, Lea had formal training as a priest and she was able to regulate the amount of mana poured into someone to make the healing process more efficient. It was slower, but she was able to heal more health points at a reduced cost of mana.

"I will only say this once, so better listen well, you have to save her, you have to, even if it means losing your life"

"Now you're being unreasonable"

"Enough blabbering"

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