
Sake Thief. (Bonus Chapter)

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CH 35: Sake Thief. (Bonus Chapter)

"Great, he succeeded"

"He pulled the saber out."

Gaban looked at Shanks who was little embarrassed by his crew members, Shanks looked at his crew members and scolded.

"He just pulled the saber from the stone, anyone could do it, even a child could do it, why are you celebrating?"

"I thought you will passed the test if you pulled the saber out of the stone." A random pirate spoke.

"And who told you that?"


Jones, who just pulled the saber out from the stone, held the saber in his hand, unlike others he knew that it is not the test, the real test is whether he could use this saber or not.


Jones swung the saber and sharp flying slash cut the sea, but Jones face darkened and he felt all of his energy drained, he doesn't even have the strength to hold the saber, the saber fell from his hand.

"He failed." Shanks looked at Jones.

The Supreme Saber 'Ace' is not something that can be easily used.

There are two ways swordman use a sword, first is the normal way and second is by infusing haki on their sword.

If you gave this saber 'Ace' to any pirates, they can use this saber as an ordinary saber without any difficulties, but if they want to infuse their haki then the saber would reject their haki, and for those New World pirates it become useless.

"Dengo, you can try next, maybe you can succeed."


Gaban looked at the two and knew these two can't take the saber, Roger was master of all three types of haki and this saber has been tempered by Roger's Armament Haki and his Conqueror's Haki, this is not a normal saber anymore, anyone who wish to take this saber should possess Conqueror's Haki. Shanks is only 25 years old and still young and his talent is great and he can use Conqueror's Haki pretty well but he still doesn't understand the true purpose of Conqueror's Haki yet.


Benn Beckman looked at Jones.

"Hope his confidence won't break."

Jones looked at "Ace" in despair, this was his only chance and he failed.


Dengo took a deep breath, he washed his hand clean and came to 'Ace' more religiously, he closed his eyes and calmed down for a full ten minutes and reached out and gripped the hilt of the saber.

Everyone held their breath, they pray for Dengo in their heart. they all are losers who also tried to use 'Ace' but failed, even Yasopp who was not a swordman tried and failed so they all prayed in their heart that Dengo will fail like them.

Dengo picked up the saber and slashed towards the sea, the flying slash hit the sea and create a huge splash.

Dengo felt extremely weak and couldn't even stand properly and he fell down, his situation is worse than Jones.

Shanks looked his two crew member and hope that they will not lose confidence in them, the saber 'Ace' is not something anyone can use.

"There no need to feel depressed even I can't use this saber, all of the crew member also failed." Shanks patted Dengo on his shoulder.

"Yes, yes, captain had failed in the past and he even cried, bo need to feel depressed." All the crew members start to laugh.

"What a useless saber, it should be damage already." Shanks glanced at 'Ace' viciously. "You can stay here and eat rust you useless metal."

Gaban silently looked at Shanks's childishness. 'Look like the saber will stay here'

"Are there any famous swordsmen in the sea right now?"

"No." Red haired Shanks shook his head.

Gaban sighed, he also hoped that someone can take the saber 'Ace' away and keep the Roger name alive. It's been almost ten years, no one has succeeded.

"No one can succeed in this era, it is a saber held by Roger, a legend will always be legend." Benn Beckman sighed, he has seen many strong people and knew there no one can succeed, Shanks had failed, Hawkeye Mihawk failed, they all have failed.

After everything is over the red haired pirates start to party, laughter filled the area, the bottles of sake were taken out from the cellar and they brought meat from the forest.


"Didn't you take the sake already, why are you taking more." Gaban face was darkened.

"Ah, Gaban-san look like you are not drunk enough, here drink more." Red haired Shanks gave another bottle to Gaban.

The party lasted for almost a day.


Next Day.

All the crew member wake up in the noon with serious hangover, some couldn't even stand, all the crew member dragged themself to the ship.

"Gaban-san we are leaving."

"Get lost." Gaban said angrily.

Red haired pirate ship start to sail, in the morning, when everyone were still in deep sleep, Shanks went to cellar and take all the remaining sake bottles, he left only one for Gaban.

Gaban sat in front of the house and start smoking, he was like an ordinary old man who is basking in the sun, he watch the red haired pirates sailed.


The crew member pulled the anchor and the ship is ready to sail.

"Captain, where are we going?" Lucky Roux asked, he was still eating.

Red-haired Shanks yawned "we have stayed at East Blue for so long, I think it's time to go back, to the New World."

"Shanks, aren't you going back to foosha Village?" Benn Beckman asked.

The red haired Shanks expression immediately became unnatural.

"No, I made an agreement to meet with luffy when he reach the peak, there is no reason to go the village again."

"Just Luffy?" Benn Beckman teased.

The red haired Shanks looked a little embarrassed, the figure of a woman came to his mind.

"We don't know how many years later we will return to East Blue, do you really want to leave?" Benn Beckman asked.

The crew members smiled and looked at the red haired Shanks.

"Forget it, our journey is too difficult for Makino, I can only meet her in the future, I believe she will wait for me."

Benn Beckman was speechless.

"Why will she wait for you? Let me remind you captain, there is nothing between you and Makino right now, all you did was had a meal and drink at her bar."

Redhead Shanks smiled confidently: "I believe in fate."


"Let's go" Shanks gave his order, the ship start to sailed and the destination is the New World, all the crew members take their position.

As a lookout, Yasopp also came to his post and looked around the ship from the high platform, suddenly he saw a ship coming towards them.

"Captain, there is a ship coming towards us"

"Strange, this is a remote part of the island, except for Gaban-san, there is no one else here, is that ship lost its way." Benn Beckman wondered.

All the crew member look at the ship that was on the horizon but they also don't care, the Red Hair Pirates crew have good temperament, but they also have arrogance, with their fighting power, there is no one in the East Blue that can challenge them, even in the Grand Line there are only few pirates that can challenge them.

"Is it a Marine ship ar pirate ship?" Ben Beckman asked Yasopp.

Yasopp lifted the telescope and looked at the ship's flag. It has a normal pirates flag of skull and crossbones with sun and moon in the background.

"It's the Sun and Moon Pirates."

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