
Visit to Green homelands and Surreptitious search

Amenda was waiting for days but got no response from Lucy she lost her composure and patience and packed two bag packs one with necessities and other with clothes and we left the orphanage.

Amenda before leaving gave responsibilty of orphange to her bossom friend and told her to not let the information out that to where I left and with whom.Amenda was being cautious all the time just to protect me she was high on her gaurds.

We left towards the north and Amenda was in contact with someone they organized a personal ship but then my father was in search of me the person realized that personal ship will face ambush in its way to "Green home lands".

He send messanger and said that it will be better to board on a commoners ship the researchers and investigators will be unable to find them there.

Amenda got two tickets to boards on that ship she climbed up carefully she could use her transportation magic but the other messanger told her if she did that due to high security and checkup she will be caught in no time.

Amenda was getting agitated that who has this much power that they are blocking each path. Well all in all she had no other choice but to board on that ship when the ship cruised our journey commenced.

Amenda hid me in a big Golden cloth it was. magic cloth when ever it felt danger it would turn into ash red color Amenda would start to get cautious and would take such actions to pull strings against the danger.

During our journey at one point the ship halted and Amenda hid me inside a big cask which was empty and she marked it with magic so she can find me afterwards.

It were the people of my dad when he get to know that he has a son he started searching every where to find me. The people were not checking any commoner but their babies and they were checking the infant's eyes if they were not golden they would leave the babies they checked each corner of ship but couldn't get a que of where Amenda hid me.

Soon they got tired and left before leaving they put a special device which could tell the location of the ship. Amenda felt assured but she also didn't knew that there is a device on the ship my father had a feeling that I am on this ship.

To know more read "loving you but in your head am just nuisance"

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