
Thirty Four: 3rd POV

Long after Namjoon had left his family behind and parted to his room, Yoongi jumped up from his sitting position and grabbed the phone out of Abby's hands. He examined the ultrasound scan. "Weren't you and your sister born and raised in Texas?" His question pulled everybody's attention. "Yoongs?" Jimin asked as he joined his side. "This scan had been taken in South Africa," he concluded before anyone could say anything else. Yoongi put on his thinking face and said apparently deep in thought (yet they could all tell that it's just a front): "Now why does that name sounds so familiar?" Like a make-believe lightbulb have been flicked on he continued, "Now I remember, because Sam has been there for longer than expected!" He hit the nail straight on its head. Taehyung took the phone out of Yoongi's hands and scanned the photo thoughtfully through. "Haven't Joon-hyung stayed over about eight weeks ago?" He questioned mostly to himself. "Yes, you're all indeed correct. She doesn't want him to know," Jin answered calmly. "Bullshit! He has a right to know!" Yoongi exploded furiously. "I have to agree with Yoongi-hyung on this matter. How can she keep this from him?" Jungkook were equally confused. Abby took a deep breath. They want answers and so she would give them what they want. There's no more getting around it. "She's doing this to keep him safe. She truly believes that her father is more than just bark. He'll obliviate him if the truth are to surface," her confession made the comfortability level drop to below zero. The newest information about Samantha Jones's father and the unexpected pregnancy changes everything. Even though they weren't all completely on board with the idea of who Namjoon's soulmate turned out to be, they would still stand behind him a hundred and ten percent. It's not in their blood to turn their backs on one another, and their not about to start now. The both of them needs them now even more than ever. She doesn't want to inform him about the pregnancy now and they will meet her wishes, by not saying a word.

Days passed by like seconds to an hourglass. Kim Namjoon mostly kept to himself, assuring the hyungs momentarily that he's doing fine. Still they could all see through his thick demeanor. His daily zoning out maneuvers doesn't fool them either. While at the other side of the world. An almost 23 hour flight away, Samantha Jones is starting to show off her newly growing baby bump. She's been living on nothing but cheese puffs and orange juice. Giving in to some weird midnight cravings, such as: pickles dipped in peanut butter or salty avo puré spread between pieces of deep fried potato slices. Whenever these weird cravings strike her, she usually makes it downstairs to see what she can do to ease the uncomfortable feeling. Just a few more weeks to go and then she'll be returning home. A few more weeks until she will inform Namjoon about the pregnancy in person and how he will become a father. Even though Samantha is completely optimistic, she fear the worst. A fear that's been nagging for a while now. The fear of rejection.

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