
CHAPTER 20- The rules of the school. Part 2.

CHAPTER 20 - School Rules. Part 2.

Everything is sorted out. I didn't have to do much.

Those who tried to assault that girl are already receiving their punishment, and I didn't leave any evidence at the scene. Nobody saw me, and I made sure to quickly get home and be alert to anything.

Ninda covered her face when people were around, so they didn't recognize her, although that wasn't really necessary thanks to the power of the legendary illusion ghost.

And the old man, the leader of that ghost hunting organization, will make sure to protect her.

Everything is fine. That organization is more powerful than a criminal organization, they can give her a new identity and even a new face.

Ah... How tiresome... But I was the one at fault, I had to do something... Well, I only did it because if they found her body, Sylphie would have felt terrible and I prefer to avoid delays with her.

I turned on the bathtub faucet and sighed.

"And well? How did it go?"

The 4th legendary ghost, the ghost of bad luck, appeared next to me.

"Hahahahaha! You should have seen their horrified faces! Some shit their pants! Saik, you're the coolest guy I've ever known! You have no mercy for anyone! It was so satisfying to see them begging for mercy while you ripped out their hearts! Kya! I missed your evil and sadistic side so much!"

... I thought I was used to it, but it's still strange to hear a little girl saying that.

She has the appearance of a 5-year-old girl... She's adorable, but her personality takes away her adorableness and becomes terrifying.

Black eyes with purple pupils, matching her violet hair, and a white dress stained with blood. An appearance worthy of her sadistic personality.

I'm not scared because I'm her master, but that doesn't make her any less terrifying.

"I'll repeat it again. How did it go?"

"Everything is resolved. Both criminal organizations practically disappeared from the map. Now, fulfill your promise."

"Yes, yes. Let me take a bath first. Goodbye."

She nodded.

"You wash your butt, master!"

She disappeared, and I took a breath.

I can be at peace for a while longer. No one is trying to kill me anymore.

The members of that ghost hunting organization suspect me, but if I keep a low profile, they won't do anything to me.

Their moral code prohibits them from killing innocents unless necessary. What a stupidity, but knowing them, there must be a reason why they have that rule.

I used the 4th legendary ghost to worsen the luck of all the members of those two criminal organizations.

Thanks to that, the investigations that public security organizations were conducting to arrest Ninda's father managed to obtain the evidence they needed to arrest him.

And the remaining members were killed by Shadow. Thanks to their bad luck, they didn't have a chance to escape from Shadow.

Last night, I killed the members I still had to kill.

Why did I do all this? Revenge? No. I did it for one reason only.

"To continue having my peaceful school life."

With Ninda and her friends ruining my school life, I couldn't enjoy it. The only way to get rid of Ninda quickly was by making her lose everything.

She doesn't have family or money anymore. She lost everything... Well, I admit that was exaggerated, but I couldn't help it, it was the idea that convinced me the most.

And in doing so, I killed two birds with one stone. I would ensure my peaceful school life and eliminate the criminal organization to which Yuki's killer belonged... I think.

I don't know who her killer is, but Yuki's mother was a member of the rival criminal organization of Ninda's father. Logically, I assumed that the killer belonged to Ninda's father's criminal organization.

I will never tell her what I did to Yuki. She is traumatized by the killings.

I could see the terror in her eyes when I killed those rapists in front of her.

If I want her not to be afraid of me, I should never tell her that I'm a killer... I kill bad people, but I'm still a killer.

"I've always said that I'm not a good person... I will never be, even if I try to be."

My principles forbid it.

... I really don't want to lose Yuki.

As promised, I arrived at the café to study with Sylphie.

... A normal café... Nice place.

I thought it would be a boring and embarrassing place with women dressed as maids, but fortunately, it's just a normal café.

It smells delicious.

I took a seat and an employee approached me.

"Good afternoon. What will you order?"

"I want two cups of coffee and two slices of chocolate cake, please. That will be all for now."

"Your order will be ready in a couple of minutes."

"By the way, I'm looking for Sylphie. If you see her, could you tell her that Saik has arrived?"

"Oh, I see. Are you her boyfriend?"

"No, I barely know her, we're just friends."

"I see, I see."

Huh? She winked at me and... she's smiling in a strange way.

Women are strange. Why did she do that? Did I just receive a flirt? Girls flirt by winking, right? Or at least that's what I've seen on TV.

"I will let her know."

She walked away, and I took out my smartphone. Ah, whatever.

I hope the chest is already open. I need to clear that dungeon if I want to get those upgrade materials.

I can't complete the main mission with my current character level, I need to improve it.

"... Yes."

Now I can upgrade my sword.


That chest gave me exactly the amount of magic stones I needed.

I will upgrade the sword and then...

["Cristal" wants to join your world.]

Oh, she's online. Perfect, she can help me.

I accepted the request.

I hope she can help me, I'm struggling to keep progressing. A little extra help would be nice.

[Hello! 😁 Could you help me gather Minkfak horns?! 🥺👉👈 Please! 😭😊]

Ah, a message... Too many emojis... I'm not used to using those... And I'm not used to receiving them either... What should I do?

Hmm... I think... An affirmative response is all that's needed... I suppose.

[Okay. Follow me.]

Well, a short message.

[Yay! Thank you so much, Saik! 😀😊]

Well, I have 10 free minutes. With my level, it's easy to get those materials.

20 minutes later, Sylphie's shift ended.

She approached me. Wow, she looks adorable in her uniform, but why is her face red? I guess she's tired from work. I shouldn't be too demanding with her today.

"S-sorry for keeping you waiting, I had to clean the bathroom."

"Ah, don't worry, I was playing, so I didn't feel the time... Wait, I have to say goodbye to someone."

[Cristal, I have to go, we'll play tonight, is that okay? I need to study.]

A few seconds later, I received a response.

[No problem, thank you so much for helping me. See you tonight!]

I exited the game and put away my phone.

"Ready. Sorry, I was playing with someone."

"Don't worry."

We took out our books, and I offered her the cup of coffee and the slice of chocolate cake.

"Here, you'll need the energy, I'm somewhat strict."

"T-thank you very much."

She didn't try to refuse it? I'll take that as a sign of progress. It's so easy to manipulate her... Although that's also bad.

Ah, a relaxing study afternoon. A peaceful school life.

Ah... This is what I mean by a "peaceful school life." No evil ghosts messing with my life. No ghost hunters bothering with their harassment. A quiet school life.

Studying with someone else is a good idea, but I already had Noel, I didn't need Sylphie.

... Ah... And speaking of Noel, he followed me.

I looked at Noel, who sat next to Sylphie.

"Thank you so much for helping my daughter study. I'm here to teach you how to teach her. I know my daughter perfectly well, I know the perfect teaching method for her."

I nodded slowly. It's a good idea.

My workload decreased.




I feel... sad?

I glanced at Noel while Sylphie finished some math exercises I gave her.

He was patting her head, or at least pretending to... Ah...

I got up and sat next to her, right where Noel was.

"What's... w-what's going on, Saik?"

"Please, don't misunderstand what I'm about to do. My mother used to give me a head massage to help me memorize things, and it worked quite well. Can I give you one? I want to see if it works for you too."


"A massage...?" Noel said, confused.

"I want to see if it really worked or if it only worked because my mother did it, using the excuse of memory improvement just to pat my head. Well, I think all parents show their love through that."

Noel smiled and nodded, understanding my hint.

"Thank you."

"Y-y-yes, o-o-of... of course! Th-thank you!"

I closed my eyes and possessed Noel. You have one minute.

I handed over control of my body.

(Pov - Noel.)

Am I... in Saik's body? I thought this wasn't possible without destroying the person's soul.

Fufu. Well, we're talking about Saik, so he probably used his power to do this.

So now I am Saik... And I have my daughter in front of me. My lovely little Sylphie... My blood.

Huh? My hand is moving on its own... Yes, I understand, Saik. I can't waste any more time.

I placed my hand on Sylphie's head... The last time I patted her head was before I died... For the first time in a long time, I was able to pat my sweet Sylphie, my dear daughter.

If only I could hug you and tell you that I am your father, I would, but I can't. I want to, but this body is not mine, and I don't want to endanger Saik, not after everything he did for me... No... For us.

Sylphie, your mother stopped drinking and now has a job. And you have become more sociable and capable of genuinely smiling... Both of you can continue with your lives without my help... Help...

I made so many mistakes with your mother... I thought taking care of her was enough. As long as she was happy, I was happy, and I never thought about the possibility of me dying before her. If only I had been more mature to see the harm I was causing your mother by being overprotective, none of this would have happened.

Daughter... forgive me.

"Saik? Why are you crying?"

Am I... crying? Yes, I wanted to cry, but I didn't think Saik would allow me to... Thank you.

"It's just that... I miss her so much."

I miss them so much. I saw them every day, but it hurt not being able to touch them or talk to you... but now that you are better, happier, I am happy.


... She hugged me... No, she hugged Saik, but feeling my daughter's embrace is enough to fill my being with happiness.

"I understand. I miss my father a lot too."

And I miss you, daughter, but... I think it's time to let you go.

Be happy, daughter.

"I love you."

I left Saik's body.

"That was the last thing I heard from my mother... Ah... I'm sorry for that, Sylphie."

"Thank you for allowing me to say that, Saik."

I love you, daughter, and I always will.

(Pov - Saik.)

After two hours, we finished studying.

No wonder Noel was one of the most respected teachers at school. They even gave a scholarship to his daughter.

He knows many study methods.

I feel smarter... Well, considering how stupid I am, feeling smart after studying so much is very easy.

"T-thank you so much for helping me today, Saik! I understood everything you explained... Th-thank you very much."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow at the same time."


I paid the bill and left the place.

I will do my nightly exercises and continue studying.

It's already 8 p.m., it's late. Yuki is probably starving. What should I make for dinner?

"W-wait, Saik!"


I stopped and turned to look at Sylphie.

She caught up to me and offered... a toy?

Ah, no... It's an ornament... A keychain... A small cat from a famous anime.

I don't watch much TV or anime, but I have to admit it's adorable.

"H-here! Th-thank you for... helping me... Thanks to you, the girls stopped bothering me... And you also help me study... You help me a lot... Th-thank you very much."

"I'm so proud of you, daughter! Saik, she couldn't talk to men before, but she talks to you without any problems! Please marry her!"

No, thank you.

But I will accept the keychain, the cat is cute.

"It's nothing, we're friends, that's what friends do... I guess... It's the first time I have a friend."

Although I don't consider you a friend, Sylphie.

"Thank you very much."

I took the keychain.

It's cute, I'll put it in my backpack.

"... By the way, Sylphie..."


"... No, nothing... Thank you... I have to go, I have to do my homework... See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," she said, smiling.

I walked away.

I wanted to tell her not to depend on me so much, but I can't say that yet. It's too soon.

I will make her independent through actions, not words.

I arrived at a park and sat on a bench. Noel sat next to me, and I sighed. That will pass soon, I can sense it, and I don't want Yuki to see it, she might get scared.

"Ah... It's been a long day."

"Saik, you are perfect for my daughter... If she falls in love with you, what will you do?"

"I will reject her."

"Oh... That immediate response hurt me."

"Noel... I have never been in love... And I can't fall in love... I treat Sylphie as a friend. If she falls in love with me, it's her fault. I will reject her immediately if she confesses her feelings."

"... And is there nothing I can do to convince you?"


"What should I do?"

"Go back to the past and prevent the deaths of my parents. Can you do that?"

"... Ah... You have your hidden motives... I won't ask anything about it... Although it's a shame, you are a good boy."

Noel looked up and smiled.

"For the first time in a long time, my daughter is happy... Her smile is genuine... And it's all thanks to you... In a week, you managed to bring back Sylphie's smile... If that's not true love, I don't know what it is."

"Don't confuse love with gratitude. She is only grateful to me for helping her, that's all."

"And you also saved my ex-wife... Saik... Thank you... Thank you so much... Everything is fine thanks to you... Iris promised to be a better mother... Sylphie has a reliable friend... Everything is fine..."

Ah... That is about to happen.

Noel started to glow, and I sighed.

"We had a deal."

Realizing what was happening, Noel started to cry, but he wiped away the tears and smiled at me.

"I'm sorry. I won't be able to keep helping you. Forgive me."

"There's nothing that can be done... Thank you for teaching me study methods... Goodbye, Noel."

"No... Thank you, Saik... Thank you so much."

He closed his eyes.

"Sylphie, Iris, be happy."

Noel turned into dust and scattered, going to the afterlife. Paradise or hell, I don't know.

"You have no regrets, huh? I envy you."

His daughter got a friend, and his wife stopped drinking... He must trust me too much to have no regrets so soon.

I thought he would stay here longer, to confirm that his wife was really okay... But it wasn't the case... He really trusts me... He thinks she will be fine because he counts on my help... He left a great burden on my shoulders.

I must meet his expectations. After all, I am indebted to him. I must fulfill my part of the deal.

"Goodbye, Noel."

While Saik rested in the park, a new danger approached.

91 was reading news on her computer while eating potato chips.

She still suspected Saik, but she didn't have the evidence to confirm it.

"Yesterday, he killed again... Shadow returned and forced the old man to protect a girl... Why is that girl special to him...? Fufu. I will find out."


Mmm... Yes... A little more... Perfect.


"I-it's del-del-delicious!! Give me a slice, a slice! A big one, please!"

After finishing adding the chocolate bars around the cake, I took a photo and cut it.

I don't use social media, but since Sylphie gave me the recipe, I must fulfill what she asked. She told me to send her a photo of my cake when I made it.

I don't know why, but she must have her reasons.

"Here you go, Yuki."

She took a bite of the slice of cake and started jumping.

"Delicious! It's so delicious, Saik! Thank you, thank you!"

Well... She has helped me a lot this week. It's the least I can do for her.

"I'm going to bring a piece to Sylphie, she gave me the recipe, I should return the favor."

After packing slices of cake in my backpack, I gathered my things and we left the house.

A new week of classes began.

Many interesting things happened last week.

I helped Sylphie and her mother, destroyed two criminal organizations, and helped Noel go to paradise.

Last week felt endless. I hope this week is calmer.

I was supposed to have a peaceful school life. Last week was anything but peaceful.

Today is a new day, I must forget my problems and enjoy the present.

"Mmmm! It's delicious!"

Seeing Yuki enjoying her slice of cake, still savoring it in her mouth, makes me excited about how adorable she is.

I patted her head.

"When we get back, you can eat more."

"Thank you!"

She floated and hugged me.

"Thank you so much, Saik!"

"You're welcome."

Having company is nice. Yuki's company makes my life less boring.

In the past, everyone considered me weird and didn't come near me. I got too used to loneliness. But I admit that having Yuki by my side makes my life more fun.

I consider her my little sister.

(Extra - I'll surpass you.)

(Pov - Ram.)

Like every day, I wake up, and although the sun is just beginning to timidly peek through the window, my world is already immersed in a solitude that has become as familiar as the walls of my room. I slip out of the sheets with a cold elegance, and as I walk towards the bathroom, the echoes of silence accompany me.

The hot water from the shower falls on my body, a daily ritual that contrasts with the icy sensation of being submerged in an existence where human presence is as ephemeral as the morning mist itself. I put on my uniform with precision, every fold and button carefully aligned, as if the symmetry of my appearance could compensate for the asymmetry of my life.

Breakfast, that daily moment of human connection, is a solitary encounter with the empty table. My parents, as always, are lost in some corner of the world, occupied by their endless business commitments. But in this routine that has become monotonous, I find small delights. The freedom to walk naked through my home without being questioned, to choose my food without restrictions, and to surrender to sleep at any time I desire.

It is a solitary life, yes, but I try to find pleasure in it.

I gathered my things and left my apartment, leaving behind the echo of my solitude. The elevator in the building descended, a physical descent that only underscored the persistent loneliness that envelops me like an unbreakable shadow.

I headed towards school, that peculiar enclave that presents itself as a constant challenge. The idea of expelling students for a simple academic failure is drastic, but my good grades keep me away from the danger zone. I don't worry about others; my focus is an arrow directed solely at myself, an advantage that simplifies things.

If my classmates fail, it will be their own incompetence that expels them.

Well... It's Saik, the weird guy.

He is the only one who escapes my analysis. His actions and personality are an enigma, a constant challenge to my ability to understand. In this peculiar corner of my life, he stands out as an anomaly, a puzzle without an apparent solution.

He is the only one who surpasses me... How is it possible that he is better than me? He falls asleep in class and is lazy.

How is it possible that he surpasses me? This makes no sense.

I watched him leave a store with a bag of lollipops... Does he really spend his money on sweets? What is he? Maybe a pervert trying to attract children with candy?

His obsession with sweets is one of the many things I don't understand. Looking at his neck, arms, and face, it's evident that he has a body without excess fat. Rather, he exhibits well-formed muscles. An excellent physique. How is that possible if he constantly consumes sweets?

This makes no sense at all.

The mere existence of that boy is puzzling.

"But someday I will surpass him."

My thoughts echoed in the air, a silent promise that faded with the morning wind. I work harder than you. My studies are a priority that I take more seriously than you... It's not fair that you're better than me... It's not. Each word resonated with a bitter echo, an internal confession of my frustrations, and a silent challenge thrown to the universe.

(Extra - A friend.)

(Pov - Sylphie.)

My mother prepared breakfast and lunch for me, gestures that have now become a kind routine in our daily life. She has changed a lot lately, as if she has regained her old self. Since she overcame her suicide attempt, she's become a better person, and every day I feel grateful for that change. I couldn't bear the idea of losing my mother. I already lost my father, and the mere thought of losing my mother was unbearable to me.

After a pleasant shared breakfast, we both left the house. My mother headed to work, and I headed to school. Going to school used to be a terrifying experience. I feared the teasing and bullying from my classmates, but that fear has faded thanks to a special person.


My eyes lit up at the sight of Saik, and without hesitation, I ran towards him. He is the only person I can consider my friend, and thanks to him, my life has improved significantly. Since he appeared in my life, school bullying has ceased to be a shadow that haunted me, and his help in my studies is making a positive difference in my future grades.

"Good morning, Sylphie."

"G-good morning, Saik."

As always, he offered me a lollipop, and with gratitude, I accepted it. Saik is a good guy, someone I can fully trust. He doesn't look at me with lust or ulterior motives, he is just genuinely kind.


I couldn't help but look at his face, trying to appreciate the kindness in his eyes. Any girl who sees Saik's eyes would agree with me. He is a cute guy, someone who doesn't care about his appearance or the opinion of others. A great person.

... But I can't help my heart racing when I see him. It's not love, I barely know him, but there's something about his presence that attracts me in an inexplicable way. I must control these feelings, as I barely know him. It would be strange to fall in love with someone I barely know.

"What's wrong, Sylphie?"

Uwaaaah! He caught me staring at him!

"I-it's nothing."

"I see."

Saik ignored my gaze and kept walking. I need to be more discreet, think before letting my emotions take over.

... Well, we've arrived at school. A new school day has begun. Before, I would be nervous and scared, but now I feel calm. I'm no longer a lonely girl; I have a true friend. A friend who accompanies me to eat. A friend who helps me study... A true friend. I close my eyes for a moment, grateful for the friendship that has brightened my life. A friend who has helped me discover the joy of each day at school.

(Author's words: I finally finished the first volume of my first non-isekai novel. Saik is becoming one of my favorite protagonists. I hope you continue reading the work. Please share the novel on your social media if you liked it, that would help me a lot. And leave comments on my Facebook page "Ángel Pikas," I would appreciate it.)

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