
Useless deaths

Going ahead of the waves and ignoring the inhabitants of the sea below me that, out of fear, swimed as far as possible from me. Looking ahead, seeing in the distance a white sails with a seagull on them.

Looking at the approaching flotilla, I felt light and prepared without thoughts of losing battle. Knowing that the clones were already at the bottom and swimming towards the ships, I heard explosions from the ships and the whistle of falling cannonballs.

The black dots whistled up to the islands and engulfed the buildings in explosions that had been hit. Panic, screaming, the victims did not know what hit them, looking back they only saw flying black dots towards their homes, I did not really worry about the people of the land.

Looking towards the flotilla that was sailing towards me I still was trying to understand why they were sent after me.

Why is a golden snail called in just to kill a man? The last time I heard of Buster Call was an incident on Ohara. They touched the possession of poneglyphs. But here we are, and apparently, they are afraid of me now so much that they sent so many ships, looking at the giant sizes of the ship I only saw grave ships.

Stepping forward, I squinted at the bows of the ships with the Sharingan. Two Admirals I immediately recognized, Sakazuki and Borsalino. Many ships had vice admirals, officers, and other specialists that I could see by the way they were looking.

Enveloping myself in a bone cage and hurling a spear on the hand of the Sussano I compressed chakra. Giant waves rise at high speed, as the thrown spear entered the ship's bow and an explosion destroyed the ship in pieces, as spear went through.

In response to this, lava and light rays flew toward me. As if the rain that had passed me hadn't hit the attack or the expectations of my two tree clones, I gave the signal with that spear to the clones, so I dispersed the chakra, preparing for a quick escape in advance if the technique fails.

"How dare you destroy this island!!! Dogs bark at their owners!?" - a high voice was heard all over the ocean and reached me.

Raising an eyebrow at how the stone giant grew on Dressrosa, I ignored the high voice that was shouting something furiously. Judging by the appearance of the ships, there were no laughing soldiers, as they knew that they had been sent to destroy the island and it was not time to laugh at war. The situation was not fun at all even if Pika voice was funny.

Giant rocks flew towards the ships like projectiles, but apparently, oficers were strong enough to deflect the rocks. Dnd one after the other stones were erased into pieces. Pika did not give up and continued to throw rocks, putting more pressure on the flotilla.

Attacking the distracted Marine, I looked into the eyes of Borsalino, who meet my gaze.

Flashing through the water at high speed, I used a giant fireball to put the first ship on fire. The deck was covered in flames, and the Admirals jumped off their ships and hit where I was, but the speed… Even if Borsalino could move at the speed of light, his thoughts are not. Therefore, having managed to predict that I had already gone to another place and put new seals of the fireball on the new ship, I burned marines on it to crisp. Strengthened by the natural chakra, the temperature was so high that even the bodies turns to ashes.

Killing the Marines that came to kill me didn't give me feeling of guilt and taking the Admirals further and further away from the clones underwater, I used Sussano to block the flowing magma on one side and explosions of light rays on the other, i withstood the attacks growing further my armor attracting all the attention.

A majestic gigantic figure rose, looking down on ships ready to sink them with everyone on them.

"How troublesome..."

I squinted and read Kizaru's lips as he entered and folded his arms in accusation of a new attack.

"Now it's going to be even worse..." - I just smiled as I concentrated.

I finally moved into the second phase of the attack.

The two clones exploded as the chakra ran out of control over the ships and hundreds of seeds went berserk as they moved upwards. In a matter of seconds, ships began to tear apart from both sides and the screams of the Marines were heard everywhere. Under the attack of the stones, my Sussano and surrounded by carnivorous plants that absorb one ship after another, marines were in a panic losing every second hundred of soldiers.

With each new pierced ship vines start massacring everyone and turned into a red color from absorbing blood. Using wooden ships plant start growing destroying ships into pieces and sinking them.

Among all the chosen ones, there were only a few cases when they did not succumb to fear and made their way through all the bloody thorns, simultaneously dodging stones.

From Kizaru's folded palms, two small suns appeared, and when both balls of light exploded, they split into thousands of rays. Heading towards the Pika at the speed of light, they began to bombard the giant stone body, which began to wear down and lose control of it under thousands of beams. Looking at this attack, my eyes widened under the impression of this power.

Lava rushed from Sakazuki's hands, enveloping Sussano's legs and rising higher. Forcing the lava formation to develop fetters Sakazuki was planning to catch me and realizing that I could no longer keep Sussano afloat, I began to sink. But, I didn't let go of the chakra so easily and, extending the blade, waved it diagonally.

The powerful impact cut the four nearest ships and damaged the hazards. Of the fleet of over 30 ships, only 14 remained and their number decreased with every second due to the bloody plants that captured all the new ships feeding on the marines, piercing and tearing them splashing blood on the decks.

Realizing that he could no longer tolerate the placement of Sussano and plants at the same time, Sakazuki made a serious decision and, with anger in his eyes, raised his hands to the infected ships whether in his side.

"Admiral no please!"

"Admiral only you can stop this please stop this mon..." - marine was pierced by a vine and killed not letting him finish.

The stronger ones were able to use Sora and jump off the ships that were consumed by the magma, but the remaining Marines weren't so lucky. The writhing red vines with thorns were swallowed up by the magma, burning along with the ships, and stopping the plants Sakazuki stopped destroying his ships and people with pain in his eyes.

Whistling, Borsalino flickered in the other direction, and clasping his hands as if using Kameha, he fired a destructive beam in the other direction, creating a giant tsunami that hit Dressrosa. Having stopped the parasitic plants that lost the main tree and life, they stopped their attacks and returned to me.

Pica was still restoring his body from scratch, and in the meantime, without wasting a second, Borsalino continued to concentrate attacks on one point in my face trying to break Sussano. I could say that I cannot withstand infinity attacks and sooner or later it will crack. Explosion after explosion, Sussano's viciousness fell, and as I swung my sword again, I finally met resistance. 16 Marines with halberds, swords, and sabers covered in Haki screaming met one blade.

Having collided creating an explosion that swept away all the weak in the sea, the blades did not advance a millimeter. Meanwhile, Sakazuki continued Wrapping Sussano as he reached his waist hoping to catch the armor into indestructible armor and sink it with me.

The blade that i was holding cracked and the chakra exploded from the dense condensation. Having lost the blade of Sussano, I raised my left hand creating a giant Rassengan. The Water Rassengan formed and, losing an arm from armor, I jumped out of the Sussano as it dissipated and the Rassengan fell along with the arm onto the Marine ship.

Everyone jumped out of the ship along with the Admirals, but the explosion overtook them in a sweeping jump. As a giant bomb exploded, the dome of the blast wave rose and swept away the ship along with everything that was inside. In the first six minutes that the battle lasted, the Marines had already lost 90% of their soldiers. However, I could say for sure that they lost somewhere around 10% of their real strength.

The real opponents were the Admirals and Vice Admirals. Many of those who stood next to Sakazuki looked at me with the cold, old eyes of a warrior.

Returning to a state of invulnerability, ignoring the giant waves, I went straight to the ship from Borsalino.

Suddenly, the air flashed like the reflections of mirrors, and the ship of the Marines in the back, along with the soldiers themselves, seemed to pass through a sieve. Pieces of what was left of the ship fell into the sea while everyone looked at the new arrival.

Looking down without a smile with his hands in his pockets, Doflamingo looked at me, then at the Admirals.

"So, who will explain to me what is happening?"

Sakazuki spoke first.

"Doflamingo, you were fired as a warlord for your crimes and we were sent to arrest you. And we are also here on orders from above for the head of the dirty criminal Ghost. It is useless to resist justice just surrender."

Looking at how confidently he looked standing on the bow of the ship that was swaying on high waves under the light of the setting sun, I smiled at his impudence to declare that we had no chance. Crossing my arms, I sighed at this impudence, feeling that this is the very moment when you can talk.

"Is that so, then can you tell me what happened to the rest of the ships and a thousand Marines?" - I asked loudly looking at the Admirals.

"Talking is useless." - Borsalino just replied without laziness.

"I see now. So you didn't come here for my head in the first place, but for an Obito Uchiha. Then ... "- Doffy adjusted his glasses and, holding out his hand, began to play with fingers in the air.

Thousands of threads headed towards me with the intention of immobilizing and capturing, but just standing and looking at him with boredom I ignored them as they passed through me.

A bead of sweat ran down Doflamingo's forehead as he realized what had happened.

"You just tried to kill me, didn't you, Doffy?" - calmly asking him, I put my hands down.

"How about a temporary truce? I think we have a common enemy now. We can forget this little incident" Doflamingo smiled wide and faked relaxed.

Assessing the situation in silence, I decided to take a chance.

"Good. Take on at least one Admiral, I'll kill the second. If you can't do this I will kill you first."

Having lost his patience with the dirty pirates butchering the fish that had not been caught, Sakazuki lost his temper and released waves of magma and began to beat the air and sent giant fists of magma at both of us. Doflamingo only climbed up the threads and ran to distant ships that did not stop shelling the island from mortars.

Realizing what he was up to, Sakazuki could not stay and rushed after him. Meanwhile, looking at Borsalino, I jumped to him and began to move between the soldiers that were standing between me and him with a shunshin and, dodging attacks, watching how they hit their own, I rushed towards Borsalino. Seeing that I was running towards him, Borsalino only went with a flash of light to the mast looking down at me without intention to fight me right now.

Ignoring how I was attacked without success by the other Marines, I waited for them to fizzle out without taking my eyes off Borsalino, who insolently used the Marines expecting me to fizzle out or set myself up turning my back to him. Turning my back to him, I grinned to myself as the attack did come but missed as i stepped to right.

Rushing to the nearest soldier, bypassing him and extending my hand, I elegantly twisted his neck 180 degrees. Drawing his blade, running lightning chakra through the blade, I continued to dodge at high speed and slash at the Marines. Losing lives and hands, their ranks began to decrease and judging by today's battle, the Marines will be too weakened. The pirates will start to run wild in the seas after today's battle, so I couldn't kill both Admirals even if he could. Continued to play with marines that had no chance against Mangekyo and the speed I waited for the right moment preparing for the Borsalino attack.

However, for the sake of showing my strength, I could have killed Borsalino. Seeing how I turned around again to attack the new soldier, Borsalino took a chance and, turning into light in a split second, found himself next to me, strengthening my arms as much as possible and attaching myself to the deck with chakra, I grabbed the leg flying into my neck and squeezed it, feeling the cracking of muscles and bones hold it. Not letting go, I just smiled looking at Borsalino. After applying the genjutsu, I saw how he squinted, but the attack did not weaken him as if he didn't felt it. Realizing that it did not work on him, I did not let myself relax, waiting for the trap to slam shut. A strike at the speed of light would have thrown me overboard, given that the deck began to break into chips underfoot, but then something happened that Borsalino did not expect.

The four Vice-Admirals around us suddenly wrapped their weapons in black color and rushed forward. Not paying attention to their movement, he considered that they rushed to finish me, but one after another the sounds of tearing flesh were heard and spitting out blood, trying to breathe, Borsalino looked in disbelief at the protruding blades in his important organs.

"We finally killed him!" roared one soldier with a bleary eye with joy, but soon his eyes cleared and he stared in horror at the Admiral. - "We… Killed…"

In silence, staring with eyes full of horrors of what they have done, the marines could not believe that they attacked the Admiral with their own hands!

However, knowing everything in advance, I only stepped forward and with a quick attack hit the heart, tearing it apart.

Without waiting for him to die, I used Kamui and transferred the already dead Borsalino to my dimension. The body limply fell on the stones and, with his last breath, Borsalino covered the stones with blood.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" roaring, the Vice Admiral swung his blade at me, but jumping to the side, I looked up.

A gigantic ship six times the size of this ship I was standing on, floated out of the sky as if gravity itself had no effect on it.

On board stood a frowning blind old man clenching his fists. Explosions were heard in the distance from the ship on which Sakazuki had clamped down to the flamingo, which turned out to be stronger than anyone thought.

"Ghost, do you realize how many pirates will rise in the seas when everyone finds out that the marines have lost so much strength?" - landing in front of me, he stretched the blade in half.

Entering an invulnerable state, feeling pressure on my shoulders, I got rid of the attack and breaking the deck to the bottom of the sea, the pressure force formed an abyss at the bottom. If I had hesitated for a second, then his strength would have squeezed me into a cake.

The ship immediately began to sink, but slowly thrusting the blade into me and moving it from side to side through the air, Fujitora removed the sword without lowering his vigilance. Putting the sword back in its sheath, realizing that I could not be reached, he opened his white eyes.

"I wish I could see again to see what I can't feel with my other senses. I still feel with Haki that you are standing there and I am sure that I pierced you with a sword, but the sword only felt the air. You truly deserve the title of ghost. How about finishing with that for today?"

As if asking if he should stop drinking tea and cake, he asked without a hint of anger. However, the dark faces of the Marines behind him were filled with tears as they realized that everything that had happened was meaningless.

"If I kill you and Sakazuki, it will let the pirates go insane and the deaths of two more peoples will create millions of others. Pirates will go crazy raping and plundering cities, villages, or even entire kingdoms. By the way, the 5 elders so easily decided to destroy the island by sending so many forces just for me, do you want to tell me why?"

Standing on a ship that was half sunk while the rest of the Marines climbed to escape to the admiral's ship, I ignored them and the flaming ships from which Doffy run away fried like a chicken. Behind him, a new lava flow rushed, which, flooding the sea, began to form an entire island. The lava went farther and farther, flying into the sky, chasing the unlucky Doflamingo. Apparently, they didn't even notice that Borsalino was dead.

"I don't know why the government is persecuting you, but it was originally believed that you were related to ponyglyphs and were studying it. I think you are not an idiot and you understand how they do not like at the top when someone digs into the past."

"Do you despise them?"


"I see."

As I stood looking at him, I knew that he had decided to keep me talking hoping that I would let the rest of the Marines go, however, after Kizaru's kick, my left arm and forearm were broken. Chakra is about 40% left after Two wood clones with frenzied technique and Sussano. Kamui pulled out the rest and feeling how the chakra is now running out again, I realized that long fights were not for me.

"I guess we're done. See you again Fujitora."

"I hope not." - his face darkened.

After leaving shunshin towards the island, I, first of all, slowed down the circulation of the chakra, squeezing the pressure while hiding, and immediately relaxing, I got a whole stream of orgasm of pain in my head. Like a fountain that broke through the cement, my hand was in pain, and using medical techniques to speed up healing, I clenched my teeth, enduring burning sensations and a desire to comb. Looking at the storm in the distance, I realized that the flying ship had gone into the clouds after 20 minutes.

Apparently, they rescued the remaining marines at sea and finished off the remaining plants and the parasites that feasted on the bodies of dead marines.

Watching the steaming shadow run across the sky towards the castle, I realized that Doflamingo was really able to stand against Sakazuki and not turn into a meatchunk.

Entering my dimension, I first took off my clothes and began to treat my hand with ointments that should have accelerated the healing process.

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