
Post Praimfaya Chapter 11 - Visitors(5 years later)

I just got back to the village after being out on a hunt for a few days and as soon as I reached our hut, I found Clarke sitting on a chair with the radio in her hand trying to contact the Ark.

"Hey guys, this is Clarke speaking. It's been quite a few days since Praimfaya. Well, to be fair it's just a little over 5 years. Leon and I spend most of our time making the village as habitable as we could for you guys and since it's now safe for the rest of our friends to come outside, I reckon we will have a lot of work to do. Believe it or not Madi, the little girl that Leon and I took care of had started to see Leon as a fatherly figure eagerly learning everything he would teach her. I wished you guys were here to see everything we have done… and Raven, I'm sorry for starting a family with Leon. I don't know if this message would reach you, but I just want you to know that no matter what would happen, it wasn't Leon's fault so please don't hate him..."

Suddenly, Clarke stopped as tears fall down her cheeks, and just as I was about to walk inside, she grabs her drawing book before speaking again.

"I know that it was wrong, but who can blame me? I didn't have no one left other than him. He was ready to give his life just so that I could live when Praimfaya hit. I hope that we will still be friends when the time comes for you to come back down on Earth."

Clarke drops the radio and cries harder, pouring her heart out for the first time in ages. At first, she didn't care what others would say or do, but now after five years of being together with me, Clarke had finally understood just how painful it would be when Raven and the others came back on Earth and meet with us.

Not wanting to let her feel alone, I walked inside and she freeze in place when she heard my footsteps.

"Who's there?"

She quickly wipes her tears before glancing toward the door, only to blink in shock when she saw me standing there looking at her with a pained look all over my face.

She tried to smile at me, double-checking if there was any tear on her face, not wanting me to see her cry and be sad.

"Hey, Leon, when did you come back?"

"A few minutes ago. Clarke, why didn't you tell me?"

"What to tell you? Nothing's wrong, Leon. Geez, you are such a worrier."

Yeah right, princess. Her words didn't convince me at all, instead, it only made me worry more than before so like any good … partner? Boyfriend, I walked closer to her before sitting on the bed, patting the spot beside me for her to come and sit beside me.

"You were calling the Ark again?"


"And why did you start crying at the end princess? Was it because you missed our friends?"


"Clarke… we have been together for five years now, you don't have to carry all that weight on your shoulders alone. Whatever others might say, we are together and we should share our worries and burdens."

"I don't know, Leon. I do like you a lot, but I'm scared. Scared of what would happen once Raven and the others came back. What if because of us, she would stop being our friend. What if she would do something that would hurt everyone?"

"Here you are wrong, princess. Raven's not like that, but she would get angry. And when that happens, oh, boy, I will have to go through hell and back to get her back, but in the end, she would accept our relationship. Just leave her to me, and I promise you that everything would be alright."

"Maybe you are right Leon. After all, a lot of things changed in the last five years."

"To tell you the truth Clarke, it hurts me when I think about it, but this might just be the truth. For all they know we are dead and the chances are that Raven had mourned me and moved on, just like any other person would do."

The two of us sit on the bed side by side for a while, spending most of the time remembering all of the fun times we had with our friends when out of nowhere we heard Madi's voice shouting for us. If the last years taught me something, which was that I was the overprotective father a girl would defiantly not want to have and because of that I was the first one to reach Madi. As soon as she saw me, she hugged me.

"A ship! A ship came from the skies!"

Clarke was just behind me when she heard Madi, and before I could respond she yelled out in happiness. "They are back!"

"Let's go greet them!"

We quickly got into the rover and drove towards the place where Madi saw the ship, only for Clarke and I to open our eyes wide in shock. Not because we saw our friends, but because that wasn't their ship. It was something bigger, than any of the ships that were onboard the Ark.

"It's not our ship."

Madi turns towards me in panic. "Then who are they?"

There was no way I would let Clarke and Madi stay here if those people aren't our own and just as the ship landed I looked through the scope of my rifle. At first, I didn't see much, but as soon as I got out of the rover and find a better position I managed to read the name of the ship.

" Gagarin Prisoner transport. "

"You think they were in space just like us?"

"We would have to see,won't we?"

Clarke nodded at me before we return to the rover and follow her back to the vehicle. Madi was still in the passenger seat, looking between the two of us in fear as I was checking our weapons in the back, while Clarke got us away from the edge.

"Who are they? Why are you both so scared?"

Clarke glances briefly at her before focusing on the road. "I love you Madi, and I will not let anything happen to you. Do you understand?"

"Well, maybe they're friendly. Maybe they are here to help us."

"Maybe. But until we figure this out, I want you to hide in your secret spot."

"No! Clarke-"

"This is not up for discussion, Madi. The Flamekeeper scouts never found you there. Neither will they. Promise me you'll stay in the hole, no matter what you hear."

"What about you and Leon?"

"We'll be back as soon as we can."

"Clarke's right, Madi. You should worry about them, after all, we are the only ones who know where all of those traps are placed."

Madi gave me a forced smile before she nodded just as we reached the edge of our village. As soon as she stopped the rover, Clarke take her pistol before handing it to Madi. "Here, take it, but remember, if you shoot, they will hear you."

"I'll make sure it's my only choice, Clarke."

"Go and remember, no matter what you hear, don't come out unless you hear our voices."

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel (at least five chapter ahead - right now there are more than 30 chapters there ) >

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons : 

Rick Villarreal ,


Edward Parsons,Blake Barnes

B,Ayub Abdi

Travis cox,Maxime Anne Louise

Cristian Prestridge

Tier 4 patrons :

Fallout Armagedon


And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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