
Chapter 135

A few hours after he left Arkadia and quite a few ambushes that we to take out, our small convoy of cars has finally made it to the island, on a boat of course. The only, let's call it bad incident was the betrayal of Roan's men as well as Clarke getting injured by one of them, when I, Sergey, and Miller was hunting a dinosaur for dinner. Other than that we didn't have any trouble dealing with the ambushes, however, Bellamy and Sergey returned once we loaded everything onto the boat, one to go after his sister while the other one, surprisingly enough to help his new girlfriend, to Mount Weather.

As soon as the boat reaches the shoreline, Roan volunteers to stay behind with Miller and unload the fuel so that Sinclair can lead us to Abby. To be fair, I wasn't exactly going to be helpful at all, but thanks to Clarke's insistence, I was kind of forced to go with her rather than stay behind and help them unload the fuel. While for me this was more of getting to see Raven after quite a few days, for Clarke on the other hand, especially with the events of the last few days, it has felt more like lifetimes of being away from her mother. Sinclair led us from the shoreline through a densely wooded path, keeping up some rather light conversation with Clarke almost the entire time, until we reach the place where I take A.L.I.E was "born" or at least the place where she had been kept until Jaha freed her.

"This is Becca's main research lab, however, this is just of the six levels this whole place has."

Even though Mount Weather had quite a few screens and computers, it was nowhere near, as what we were looking at right now. Both Clarke and I stood there frozen looking at the dozens of screens and computers, as well as at all kinds of equipment, chemicals, tubes, and beakers, all brightly lit and situated at the bottom of a flight of stairs. As we went further inside the laboratory, Clarke couldn't help herself from muttering once or twice how incredible everything was and how untouched everything seemed to be compared to other places that we had been to.

Unknowingly to her, those words were heard from across the room, reaching a figure who was standing in front of one of the computer screens, working on how to create the Nightblood, before she stopped and turned towards us. Abby turn around as soon as she heard her daughter, smiling at her when their eyes met. Seeing her mother smiling at her, made Clarke smile in return before she lead the way down the stairs. When the two of them were close enough, her mom pulls Clarke into a hug. Since this was an intimate moment between mother and daughter, I together with Sinclair made up an excuse before leaving the duo alone giving them more than enough time to catch up.

While Clarke in her mother where catching up, I turned and walked towards Raven, who until now didn't move from her computer. Despite that, I was more than sure that she had seen us, but right now creating the Nightblood was exponentially more important than anything else was. As soon as I was standing beside her, Raven stretch out before giving me a smile.

"Glad to see that you haven't forgotten me. So what's up?"

"Same old things. Arkadia blowing up, our people getting all of the stuff that could be carried and survived to Mount Weather, Byrne and I had to keep the grounders from attacking the civilians and so on."

"Ah, never a boring day when you are on the field huh?"

"Tell me about, so how have you been, what are you working on?"

"Compared to you, my life has been as boring as it could get. I mean look at this, this is what I've been having problems with for a while. Both Abby and Sinclair are trying to figure it out since it kind of gets between me and my work."

"What is that?"

"A scan of my brain. Ever since I stepped foot on this island, I've been having seizures. The last one, I had it right after we heard the news about the fuel coming here. Even though it's not painful, I'm scared Leon. None of us know why is this happening to me, and between the two of us, I fear that Abby and Sinclair might know something more than I do about my problem."

If I remember correctly, Bellamy did say that the device Raven made had a relatively small chance to do some brain damage so that the c hip could be destroyed, but never would have I thought that being the first one to be freed from A.L.I.E grasp would mean that she would get such an injury. Even though she didn't say anything I could see that this thing wasn't exactly easy to cure, but despite that, she didn't cry about it even once when we were together.

"Everything that's happening to you, it is somehow related to…"

"To the time when Clarke and everyone else saved me from A.L.I.E's control. In other words, this whole thing is one fucking ischemic stroke."

"Does that mean that it can heal, right?"

"In theory yes, as long as I take it easy and if I'm overexerting my brain, sooner or later I'll recover. Anyhow, where are the rest of our friends?"

"Well, Miller is the only one that has come on the island. Bellamy, Sergey, and the rest of our friends are still back at Arkadia or at Mount Weather. "

"What about the king? Didn't Clarke say that he'll also come here?"

"He's helping Miller unload the fuel."

Raven smiled when she heard that we put the almighty king to work before she saw me looking at the microscope that was just a few meters away, beside Abby's desk.

"What's Abby working on?"

"It's bone marrow. Luna's. A theory that Sinclair and I agreed should remain untested."

"What theory?"

"You know how we can't create Nightblood unless we go to space, right? Well, at the same time, Luna can do it in her body. Theoretically, we can inject ourselves with her bone marrow to gain the same ability as her."

"Just like the Mountain men…meaning that once we inject the bone marrow into us, we should theoretically become Nightbloods. Do you think this might work?"

"I think so."


"But the only way to know for sure if this method works is to test it, and that would mean…"

"Injecting a test subject then exposing them to some unhealthy doses of radiation. "

Just as Raven was about to answer my words, Clarke's voice made everyone, look at her.

"Do you think we can do that here?"

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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