



On the other hand, Xavier speedily made his way towards his next point of attack, the first city of Drakenflare and opened his mouth, ready to send hell on the people when he felt a sharp pain pierce his heart and momentarily stopped.

By now, everyone had already received the message the torch Raven lit had sent.

And due to the fact that the watchers of the city had seen him coming from afar, the warning bell had been rung, announcing the grave danger they were faced with.

Several soldiers with their wings tucked behind them heavily marched out, ready to go on the attack.

However, when they saw him stop and did nothing like someone who had lost his tail, they halted in their steps as well.

Xavier shook his head, trying to understand where the pain was coming from. He tried again but the proximity of it felt faint and distant.

He was visibly clueless on why he would suddenly feel such pain at this stage when he was ready to send the realm of Maestherial in eternal hell.

Ignoring the feeling, Xavier got ready to spread more flames when he felt an even sharper pain hit at his heart.

Promptly, his senses were attacked next as a certain feeling tugged in his mind, forcing him to a stop.

He sniffed, drawing in his nostrils as he concentrated his inner energy in search of where this pain came from.

The soldiers watched with quizzical, yet cautious expressions, wondering if he was out of flames or preparing for his next attack when suddenly his eyes flew open.


Fear rushed down the spines of everyone present, causing all of them to be rooted on the spot.

If he were to kill them at that point, he could have easily done it. Instead, he took a turn in the sky, heading back towards where he came from at an alarming speed.

"What… Happened?" One of the soldiers managed to question the moment his presence and threat was gone.

"I don't know but I think we should give it a chase," another suggested, immediately earning him a slap at the back of his head.

"Chase? Are you mad?" The soldier who had hit him questioned the stupidity of his words, causing the baffled soldier to lower his head.

"We must report to his majesty first, then we can decide on what route to take next," the soldier suggested.

"True. You do not chase after an ancient dragon. Who knows, maybe he is luring us into a trap."

Ignoring their squabbles, Xavier raced further, shutting every other noise and crying out while focusing on that singular energy in his mind with a weak heartbeat.

He did not know what it was or whom, but the closer he got, the more he felt Saphira's energy began to grow close and at the same time her life force weakened.

Fear gripped at his heart, unable to take what would happen if he did not hurry.

In several villages he passed, the villagers hid upon spotting him in the sky as he charged on.

It did not take him so much time to arrive at Heartfire and straight to where Raven was.


Long before then, one of the older-looking men in the village stalked closer to the rumble Raven was, using his magic to lift the small pieces of rocks that fell on her, throwing them aside.

The young girl, sensing someone was here to save them, managed to push Raven's hand away and snuggled out from under her body before trying to wake Raven up.

"Wake up. Please. Let's run," the young girl pleaded with a croaked voice as her tears followed down her cheeks freely.

At the same time, Xavier arrived, flapping his powerful wings with his eyes focused on the unconscious Raven.

Sensing the eerie presence of the one behind them, the little girl froze in place, letting her hand stop midway from Raven's face as she slowly turned her head to take a look.

Alarmed, her eyes popped open before sluggishly getting up to her feet, trembling with each passing second.

From the palpitation of her heart, Xavier could feel every ounce of her fear.

Regardless she did not run, nor did she cry. Instead, she stood her ground like a brave warrior with tear-stained cheeks.

Neither she nor Xavier did anything.

Alternatively, he kept his lingering gaze on her, daring her to make the run before he did something treacherous.

However, what he got sent home a message. The young girl tightened her hands on her dress and returned his stare with her shaky eyes.

He snarled, angry she was taking time to leave but rather than run, she stood her ground and glared back.

"Stay back," her quaky voice ordered, earning another snarl from Xavier.

The older man who had been watching, tensed up when he saw Xavier snarl, taking in deep breaths.

He could tell from one glance what he planned to do but was holding back because of the child before him.

He knew a dragon barely held back when faced with what they wanted.

Hurriedly he rushed over to the girl but before reaching where she was, Xavier averted his gaze at him, with his mouth opened, daring him to take one step and be burnt alive.

The old man stilled, lifting his hands into the air in utter surrender. He did not dare take a step else he lost his life and the child's.

"Lori, step back," he dared himself to speak after a minute of contemplating, calling out the name of the young girl.


"Please," his voice broke by her bravery but now wasn't the time to be brave. Not with the ancient dragon before you.

Xavier growled, this time he flapped his wings with a much greater force, triggering Lori to fall on her butt from the powerful wind that accompanied each flap.

She lowered her head, covering her eyes from the dust and failed to see him move closer to them.

"Please stop!" The older man called out, taking a bold step in their direction.

"Take her and get out!" Xavier's voice rang in the older man's mind, hypnotizing him into obedience.

Like a spellbound servant, the older man rushed towards Lori, picked her up and scurried away against all her struggles.

Left with no other barrier to his prized goal, he hoisted up, picked Raven from the ground and flew away, getting himself lost in the clouds while leaving the village to their fate.

Whether or not she was his late wife, he wasn't sure. However, he planned on finding out why she was so linked to him in the same way and he was not going to let go of her until then.

Left with only one destination in mind, Xavier flew in full speed towards the one place where he once found comfort and hell.

Although he had been locked for ages and wasn't sure how the world had evolved, he wasn't worried.

He knew the direction where he wished to go and from the void and silent environment around, he could tell it had been deserted. Not that he minded though, he wished to be left alone.

He raced in the direction of north-east, flying through the trees which were below him until the forest opened up, expecting it to reveal his palace gate but surprisingly, he saw nothing.

Perplexed, his eyes darkened a bit as he peeled his gaze from the sight and glanced around, staring at absolutely nothing but the open field.

'No. This has to be wrong. Even if they hated me, no one can tear down the Aisle of Drakenflame. Something is not…'

He did not get to complete his thoughts when a sudden realization dawned on him and he caught sight of a flash of light at the eye of his palace.

He scrunched his nose, blinking at it before facing the singular pole that stood from afar, the only symbol which signified the right location of his palace.

On the pole was a sapphire gigantic gem that shone when the sun rose at the east of the palace.

'When the sun shall rise, the Aisle of Drakenflame shall be seen.' Xavier recounted in his mind.

The minute he did that, a smile flashed in his eyes as he recalled clearly and he shut his eyes for a few minutes.

'Illusion magic. I am back, old friend.'

He pried his eyes open and with it, he opened his mouth and spat out flames from deep within, sending it straight for the open space before him, taking it round till it landed on the gem and it lit up with vibrancy and power.

Immediately, he ceased his flames and averted his gaze back to the open space.

However, what stood proudly before him, wasn't the endless lands of the realm but the majestic palace, home to the pure-blooded dragon kings.

'I'm home, Xander. Finally,' he voiced out in his mind, flapping his mighty wings as he moved straight for the golden palace.

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