
Official Notice:- Won't be uploading until further notice. Working On New Book

Note:- Dont buy yet.


"Huh?" Ray raised an eye brow, a bit confused as to what a volcano of time would refer to much, much less look like.

"Let me explain," FengFeng clarified as she raised both of her hands and opened her palms wide, producing thin bursts of flames that spread out and took different shapes and soon enough, a whole structure was made. It was all due to the intricate control FengFeng held over her powers and so, despite being underpowered with a huge chunk of her powers siphoned off and blocked, she was able to show such mastery over flames.

"These are the blue prints of the first region," FengFeng said, pointing at the opening of the place. Studded with skulls and flames everywhere, it was the literal definition of a phoenix's lair.