
| The Time of the Werewolf

Jarvis looked at each of them in turn. 'Maski is a revolutionary, yes? A wolf idealist, tired of his kind being forced to skulk in the shadows for fear of incurring the open wrath of humanity.'

Ava nodded. 'Sure. So he uses genetics to help the wolves evolve to a higher level – and to hit back at humans.'

Jarvis sighed and nodded. 'And he seeks to convince the purebloods that, if the wolf race is to flourish, it must unite under one strong leader.'

Amon snorted. 'What, and he really thinks he's a suitable candidate?'

'That is the crux of his work here in Chicago,' Jarvis said. 'He has shown himself to be fallible. In New Orleans, he was frustrated, and again in New York. He has lost face, and he knows it. So what he needs is a figurehead. An indisputable champion for whom the werewolf race will rally together without question.'

'Who?' chimed in Jack. 'Surely that's the whole problem – there's no such person.'

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