
| Could've Been Something

Ava turned to Lucy as the banging on the front door grew louder. 'There must be a back way out of here?'

Lucy nodded. 'Let's find it.'

But as they reached the hall, they heard a frantic voice at the door rise above the banging: 'Lucy! I know you're in there – I can see your car outside. Let me in! He'll get me! I can't find my keys, let me in!'

'That's Woody,' Lucy breathed, heading for the front door. 'He sounds terrified.'

Ava hung back in the hallway as Lucy fumbled with the door latch and finally got the door open.

Woody shambled in on his knees, clutching his stomach, and pitched forwards. 'Dr. May,' he gasped. 'How'd you get in here? Close the door, for God's sake.'

Lucy tried, but Woody's legs were blocking the way. 'Help me, Ava!' she yelled.

Ava took the doctor by his clammy hands and dragged him forwards. To her horror, she found he was leaving a thick trail of blood in his wake, a crimson stripe across the floorboards.

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