
Isle of Dreams 16

The war was getting more and devastating,since humans army was growing in numbers with more and more kingdoms joining in.While Bethmora army,while strong didn't have the number to defeat them,even Hadrian who started using high tier spell couldn't stop the huge death count.

Hadrian was now on ship with Nuada going to Island called the Isle of Dreams.

Hadrian asked Nuada"So this Island,what is so special about it?

Nuada sighed explained"The Isle of Dreams,it is haven for magical races of all kind,peaceful and beautiful.The island has a protection of Water Elemental,so humans can't get there without getting killed.We are going to ask them help in the war."

Hadrian nodded and thought"Interesting."

Nuada grabbed the rail of the ship and leaned touching the seas praying"Please grant us safe passage to the Isle,I am Prince Nuada of Bethmora."

Then out of the water came a great wet, bearded head, larger than a man's, crowned with rushes. It looked at them and out of its mouth a deep voice came"Hail,My a prince I will make sure your ship reaches the other side."

Hadrian looking at in awe muttered"So this is water elemental or sea god."

Soon they arrived at the Island, where two sentries, towering wooden creatures,they were humanoid tree looking giants made of roots and greenery with faces that merely look like evil skulls.They 

stood in shores,the sentries served as guards,a job they seem to take very seriously.

One of the sentries told Nuada in his native woodish tongue "We will guide you to the Queen,Prince Nuada."

Nuada nodddd,he made sure only to take Hadrian with them,since bringing to many people is not great idea.The Isle of Dreams were quiet. the faeries who called the lush land home were safe and protected. they spent their days playing and living among the beautiful trees, flowers, and plants that grew in abundance. They gathered in harmony and danced under the moonlight. They no longer feared the world beyond at least, not as much.

Hadrian with Nuada was guided by the Tree warriors were through the forest.Hadrian knew it was silly, but he felt as though the trees themselves were watching, the grass listening.It was growing dark and the jungle has come alive with glowing bioluminescence spots and patterns, ghosts and galaxies of blue-green light.Throughout the following they move through a glowing phantasmagorical forest.

That's when they heard flapping sound and looked up two see a winged figure on both her sides were Male bodyguards with similar wings.

The women was leader hovered above them,flapping her wings, which now looked like gigantic feathered claws.She noticed Nuada and with small smile said"It is good to see you,Prince Nuada."

Nuada gave slight bow and replied"It is good to see you too,Queen Lyra."

While Lyra studies Hadrian,Nuada seeing this spoke up"This is my friend Hadrian,he is powerful magic user."

Lyra nodded,she could sense very powerful magic inside him,Hadrian saw the bushes at the edge of the clearing rustle. A moment later, a small faerie, its translucent wings fluttering furiously, appeared in the glen. Then another faerie appeared, and another. Within moments, the glen was full of faeries. They ranged in size, some no bigger than a stone, others the size of a fern. Some had blue wings, while others had clear ones. There were females and males and older faeries and younger ones.

While Lyra gestured them to go away,which they did as she whistled as two gryphon's arrived, half-lion and half-eagle,both of them looking majestic and slightly bowed there heads letting Hadrian and Nuada climb on them.

Lyra lead them to what was called the Nest of Origin,it is place all the fey lived and the nest is a large island, located north of the Isle.Hadrian's was in awe seeing the view as the gryphon's rapidly beating wings.

They soared through the sky,over a majestic waterfall that flowed into the pool.Nuada gesturing towards the pool said"That is the Pool of Jewels,it produces many precious and beautiful gems in all the world.This whole Isle is created by Goddess Isis."

Hadrian slight awed muttered"The humans would have done anything to get it."

Nuada nodded,while Lyra who heard this spoke up"Yes,if not for Sea Elemental protecting us.The humans would invaded a long time ago.But again. there has been few attempts to get to the island,but all of them thwarted by the Sea god.This island and everything is created by our Goddess Isis."

Hadrian curiously thought"Isis,isn't that Egyptian Goddess.But his one in this world is extremely powerful in the ways of magic, having the ability to create and destroy life with mere words.Atleast that's want the Grimorie said."

Hadrian then saw water faeries skating on a stream, through the flower-filled meadows teeming with pollen faeries, and above the wallerbogs splashing around in the muddy marshes.

They soon flew through the entrance of the Nest of Origin.The nest was huge,with huge natural Arch's popping out of it,one could say this was island of it's own.

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