
The Vile Defender; Azur (6)

Azur walked over to the half of the split head with the horn and looked at the Pentagram on the horn.

"Ahh, so it was Belial then? Wonderful, then this thing may not have been bluffing." Azur said, still trying to handle his boiling anger.

But unfortunately for the forest, Azur just couldn't take such idiocy, even from himself.

His lethal energy just randomly started combusting in various places, setting the trees on fire and starting a steady forest fire.

He then set his index finger ablaze and poked his own right eye with the flaming finger and destroyed the eyeball.

This was his punishment, for being ignorant once again, for being a prime example of the existence he hated.

The sun was rising on this destroyed area that rose up in flames, he knew the destruction would naturally attract other Defenders.

He grabbed the side of the head with the horn and went ahead to sit on the edge of a cliff with no tall trees and an open view of all he had destroyed.

He placed the severed head right beside him and stabbed his light sword into the floor beside him, with a bloody head and eye he sat in wait while he gazed upon what he had done.

What he was expecting finally arrived.

"Azur? Is that you?" A female Defender arrived on the scene.

The flames didn't show any sign of dying down anytime soon and Purple Flames were the signature of the Regal Defender Azur.

[A/N: You can clearly see why Zane regarded Azur as the one with many names.]

"Who else?" Azur answered.

"You destroyed all of this? Murdered all these people?" She asked with terror in her eyes.

"This was a Guardian that sold its soul to a Demonic Destroyer and became a Fiend. I arrived here as quickly as I could before it caused damage to this peaceful town but it had stolen the sentience of every citizen. My hands were tied. There was nothing else I could do." Azur outrightly lied.

"You came here to save the citizens?! You, Azur!? Nah. That ain't possible. Why did you really come here?" She interrogated.

She was a very beautiful Defender. In fact, she was a team leader of Defenders under the name of the pink Lotus, a name that Azur truly hated.

The Defender had lush pink and black eyes. She was accompanied by two other Defenders who were trained to only speak when spoken to. Despite her beauty she was very strict and very powerful.

"Well, I did come here for multiple reasons, but my main one proved to be unfulfilled, I made wrong decisions, I wanted to get information on Belial. You know, that Demon that wants me dead for no reason. This Fiend here is formed from Belial." Azur diligently explained.

"Still on this Belial thing. So, because of it you massacred a whole Town!?" She yelled.

"Look I took a real beating. My head and eye. Look, there was a big battle and everything." Azur argued to try to prove his point.

"You probably inflicted those injuries on your own. That fiend doesn't even look all that menacing. If he injured you then you must be losing your edge." The female defender reprimanded.

Azur just chuckled as a Defender started wrapping his injuries with bandages and another healed him with Sorcery.

The forced memory cognition was coming to an end and the sight of all those caught in it went fuzzy.

POV -----> Madden

"Do you see those horrifying images!? I screamed out.

Recounting those painful events made me break down into an involuntarily teary moment.

Azur stayed silent and without movement inside the Wind Prison, almost like he was lifeless, Anastasia was completely wide eyed and dazed and seemed like she could not even think.

"That's not me." Azur silently said.

"You could just say you did have a valid reason! The damned Guardian planned to not just sacrifice himself, he planned to sacrifice all of us. I have Belial's Pentagram still on me to prove it. To think a malevolent criminal such as you curbed the disaster that would have emerged when he sacrificed all of us for the contract." I explained.

"T-That's not me." Azur said with a stutter.

"Nevertheless, you are a Defender! There are ways to save Branded Sacrificial Offerings without what you did. You destroyed everything I knew!! You knew I had a connection as well, you surely figured that out! yet you didn't come to end me! Do you know the things I have faced with this brand on my palm!?" She screamed out.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about. I can't do any of that! No one can do that!!" Azur cried out.

Was he trying to act innocent, was he trying to fool me? He was acting very strange.

But it didn't matter.

"The great Demonic Destroyer Belial wants you dead. I have encountered him numerous times and entering a contract on the basis of a promise was something that our Elven guardian did and Belial will never make that mistake again. To become a Fiend and completely disregard this existence you have made hell for me, I must become a Fiend." I explained.

I immediately began the chants and my Familiar sat in his location and focused his energy to be ready to send Azur and his companion to their demise on my command.

Half way through the Sacrificial ritual we were interrupted by something I forgot to put into account, the fact that it was only a matter of time before Christopher won.

The ground began to rumble and crack, the rocks then violently slammed together and formed multiple perfect rock spheres and the roof caved in, interrupting my Chants and the focus of my Familiar.

Azur escaped and the protection faded away, Azur just lay on the floor, clasping his head in pain. The scenes of him burning all of those people to smoldering crisps replayed many times in his head, I made sure of that.

But I never thought it would have this kind of effect.

I looked to the opening and saw Christopher holding the defeated brothers with one hand as he gripped onto their hair. Whitlock had all of his limbs cut off and Zane looked like many of his bones were broken. They were still using their Volitions so I guessed they still had some life in them.

"Become a Fiend? You want to become one with the Destroyers? No, you are already too much of a criminal."

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