
S2E46 - Lights, Rifles, Action!

We finally get to the town and find it nearly devoid of zombies. There's a couple stragglers, but nothing we can't take care of. Looking around, the town has that sort of small-town Main Street kinda vibe. Lots of brick buildings, trees lining the sidewalk, and small shops on the sides. I take out a map as the group gets out, and look around the town.

"Alright… Crawford, Georgia. This map is a couple years old, but it shouldn't have changed too much."

Shane shakes his head,

"Not too much, but we were in a recession, so I still wouldn't put too much stock into that map."

I nod my head,

"True. But it's the best we got so far as local knowledge goes. Alright, it says that if we follow the Main Street we should eventually wind up in an area with two stores, a pharmacy and a deli combined into one. Look for a store named Jeremiah's."

Everyone nods and gets out their guns. Each of them is equipped with an M16 and a pistol of their choosing, along with a melee weapon. Shane chose a combat knife, Gerard chose a military shovel, and Andrea chose a machete.

Of course, I have my usual kit. DMR, Revolver in holster, pistol in waistband, knife in sheath, and my gladius at my hip. I did some maintenance work on all of them while I was injured, so they're all back to pristine condition.

I use my scope to try and see a bit further down the road while we walk, but don't see anything out of the ordinary. All of our rifles are suppressed, also. There weren't many pistol suppressors though, so only Shane and Andrea have those.

As a walker shambles towards the group, letting out a low growl, Gerard motions to let him take care of it. He slings his rifle on his shoulder and takes out his shovel, walking up to the walker and raising it above his head. He brings his arm down quickly as the walker gets within range, digging it halfway into its skull with a loud thwack. This repeats itself as we walk down the street, with each of us getting at least one kill each, with Gerard actually getting two.

We, however, notice something is up with the pharmacy. The wall is caked in dried blood and has four corpses sitting in front of it. I stop everyone wordlessly, and motion for them to get into cover. As we all duck into an alleyway, Shane whispers,

"What is it?"

I look at the group and say,

"I think we've run into our first big group of bad guys. In front of the pharmacy I saw some people set up like an execution. At least, I think they were. They were all lined up and most likely have a gunshot to the back of the skull. I don't know how fresh they are, but it's likely that the group responsible is still around. Keep an eye on all the buildings. We're gonna go around through the alley. It was stupid to go through the main street in the first place."

I see Andrea wordlessly mouth "shit" and Gerard sykes himself up, readying for potential combat. I look at the group and say,

"I'll take point, Gerard after me, then Andrea, then Shane. Shane keep an eye on the rear. You see someone move, you fire. As of right now, anyone we spot in this town is considered hostile."

The group nods and falls into line, with myself being the one at the front. We hook around the building on the corner and make our way down the alleyway. As we come to the end of the alley, we spot something chilling. Line up against the wall is a group of four. A family. A man, woman, and two girls no older than thirteen. Each gagged with their hands tied behind their backs. Their heads are lying on the floor with puddles of coagulated blood underneath. Gerard unconsciously speaks in a whisper,

"Jesus fuck…"

I move ahead, giving the group some time to process what they see. As I peek around the corner for a split second, and manage to spot someone on top of the building across from the pharmacy. They're sat with a rifle, aiming it down the main street. As I go back around cover, I motion for the group to stay silent, and point to the building while shaking my head no. I then point my finger behind us, to which Shane takes cover behind a dumpster, aiming his rifle down the alleyway behind us.

Andrea quickly joins him, while I grab onto Gerard's arm as he's about to follow. I motion for him to keep watch the other way down the road, opposite of where I'm gonna be shooting. I want no surprises. I calm my breathing and hold my rifle up. I slowly inch my gun around the corner, aiming it at where the person was previously. I find them still scanning the main street, giving me clear view of the side of their head. I breathe out and slowly pull the trigger, aiming for their ear.


The sound of a suppressed shot rings out as the clap of the bullet ripping through the air echoes through the alley. In a split second, sniper man went from watching the road to watching the sky as the bullet rips through his head, in one ear, and out the other. He falls back as grey matter splashes the rooftop behind him.

[Human killed 100p]


I stay there for a few seconds, keeping an eye on the rooftop. I don't spot anyone moving, but I'd rather stay safe. I get back into cover and take off my backpack. I reach in and take out four plate carriers. Shane looks at me with confusion as I pull them out, confused as to how I expected to be able to carry anything back when my bag had these in it.

Simple, they were in my inventory. Though, he doesn't know that so… yeah.

I hand each of the group a plate carrier, which they quickly put on. I whisper to them,

"Alright, I took out the sniper that was watching the main street. They probably noticed already, especially with how loud the crack of the bullet was. I know it'll be tough, but we've seen what this group is like. Don't hesitate for a second. You see one of them, you kill them. Got me?"

Shane and Gerard nod their heads, while Andrea looks a little hesitant. I speak to the group to reassure them,

"Any group who executed children will have no issue with killing us. C'mon, let's move to the next alley."

They nod their head and go to move across the road with me to the next alley. I first peek again, finding no one else looking from the building while Gerard keeps an eye the other way. I motion for them to follow while keeping my gun trained to the right. I see a bit of movement coming from behind a gathering of crashed cars, and whisper out,

"Oi, double time it."

We sprint over and just about reach the alleyway when the back door of the pharmacy swings open. Shane aims his gun at the door and opens fire as someone walks out the back, dropping him with a few shots. I hear a low voice yell out,


I see someone trying to shut the door using a broom, and fire at it, causing them to jump and drop the broom. I speak to the group in a quiet tone,

"Push the door with me, Shane. Gerard, Andrea, watch both ways in the alley. Any movement at all, shoot. C'mon."

We sprint towards the door as the person inside takes the broom again to try and get the door closed. I take a few more shots at them, but they keep their cool long enough to pull the door most of the way closed. However, my last bullet catches the broom itself, splitting it in half.

Thus, the door is only mostly closed by the time we get there. As we get to the door, a hail of gunfire echoes out from inside the building as I hear the familiar cracking sound of a bullet whizzing by my head. I lean back unconsciously, and put my back up against the brick wall as more gunshots echo out.



As the bullets kick up dust and brick from the building opposite us, I try to think of ways we can get in that building without risking ourselves too much. Staying in this open-ass alley is not an option.

"Fuck fuck fuck… Ah!"

I reach into my pocket and pull out a small ball with a pin at the top. It's my old pal, Mr. Frag grenade! Shane looks at the grenade and then at me and says,

"Shit… Alright… Toss her in!"

I pull the pin and creep over to the door way, waiting for the slightest lull in gunfire. And when it comes,


The trigger flies off (I don't know the correct term for the part of the grenade that flies off after the pin is pulled) and I toss it in, nearly getting my finger shot off as they begin firing again,




AN: This Friday, I'll most likely miss an upload. I'll be busy pretty much the entire weekend. I'll definitely be back on Monday, though.

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