
tourney part 2.

AN: Pool is closed due to... *cough* I mean Poll.

Winner is Ostara of the Dawn. *cough* I mean Ashara Dayne.

Thanks for voting


After waking up and remembering how Lysa tested my mind only wondered how Ashara would. As far as my foresight goes, in the original timeline, she was either bedded by Eddard or Brandon Stark. after getting a stillborn she got depression, found out that her brother was dead, her best friend (Elia) raped and murdered, and basically her lover gone (either due to marriage or death depending on who she bedded) she then jumped off the top of Starfall down the cliffs.

If I end up being the child's father, perhaps with HealingHands I will be able to save the Baby. or a potent healing potion. otherwise instead of riding away as Ned did after announcing her brother's death leading her to despair. I could even prevent that if I managed to subdue him. make it so he is sent to the wall perhaps. Exiled? yes. Alive? yes.

Anyway. Less thinking about Pussy and more thinking about the Melee.

The Melee was kinda divided in two parts. the one on horseback. up to the point that around 20 contestants were left. then the fighters dismount and duel on foot until the last man standing. it is a courtesy to leave a knight around 5 minutes to catch his breath before challenging him. not that everyone follows that unspoken rule.

After retrieving a TwoHanded Warhammer from my inventory I exited the tent and went to get Shadow from the stables. It was a beautiful ebony Warhammer, even though i could go one handed with it I decided to go all Ham and just destroy the competition with raw power. Also, there were people to kill, Accidents happen all the time in tourneys. *wink* *wink*

The main target is Ser Gregor Clegain, the Westerland's representative that was knighted by the Prince himself. (talk about how idiotic was Rhegar). Even though it would fuck up the Clegain storyline it would still be worth it to take out Tywin's mad dog. Armory lorch? also dead, you don't get to stab a little girl close to 100 times and then walk away as if nothing happened. same as Ser Taryn Mant who was yet to be named a kings guard, no sympathy for him.

After retrieving Shadow from the stables I rode towards the fighting grounds.

The price of winning the Melee was 15k gold dragons. 10k to the second place. with ether price, I was happy with.

Lost in thought I arrived at a place where three young men were pushing another one around, and it was escalating "frog eater" were a few of the shouts that I heard. taking a look I saw a dirty brown haired skinny kid in the colors of House Reed. so now is the time?

Approaching them I just gave my best impression of the "hey!!!!" that Odin gave to Loki and made them freeze on the spot.

"The three of you. Run before I beat you up black and blue and make you piss blood for a week" the three squires ducked tail and booked it. Howland got up from the ground and fixed his clothes.

"Thank you for your aid Sir." Said howland

"Don't worry about it. next time you walk around the Camp. Carry that Trident I heard you were good with. I bet after you beat them up, they won't bother you anymore" I say, One of the things the Reeds had was that they used tridents to fight, similar to how Martells preferred the spears. as I was about to leave a young girl and an even younger kid came running.

"Howland! what happened to your clothes? are you all right?" The young woman asked. I could see why she was called a winter rose. she was a beauty in the making, a few more years and she would have been with suitors from all around the continent, even maybe across the narrow sea. not that it mattered since she was already betrothed.

"Do not fret. He is unharmed. perhaps except for his pride. Enjoy the Melee" I say as I leave with a slow walking pace on Shadow.

I hear her demand answers of Howland while I'm slowly pacing away. Time to get ready for a good old Brawl. Bar fights were a thing of my past and I will never say no to a good old scuffle.

After arriving at the fighting grounds and getting ready to fight someone rides beside me.

"I see you have chosen a real man's weapon!" A loud Bobby B on top of his WarHorse

"thought about making it more fun." I say in a playful tone "besides somehow you have to have a chance to win" the last part was teasingly.

"HAHAHA! let's agree to one thing, we don't target each other until we are the last two standing," Says Bobby B as he continues to bellylaugh.

"Deal," I say and we do an old fashion handshake where you grab each other's forearms

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