

In the middle of a plain that was plunged in the utter darkness of a moonless night, a group of people stood, holding the hands of one another, they formed a circle.

No magic cirles were drawn on the ground and there wasn't any sign of a ritual going on, these people just stood in a circle in the middle of the night, without any shady reason, they simply did and yet, something still happened, indeed, despite the fact that they were innocent souls, it was as if the world had decided that they would still summon a being being their comprehension anyways.

The sounds of glass being damaged was heard clearly due to the utter silence of the night, above them, in the center of their circles, a crack had appeared from which a creature they could barely make the shape out of came, immediately slaughtering them without any hesitation, it did so before even taking in its surrounding.

The creature that was apparently summoned by nothing but a circle of people, left their sliced and crushed bodies behind, not even bothering to take another look at them.

When morning came and the bodies of the local weirdos were found, their already hard to look at corpses were growing horns from everywhere on their bodies, the horns broken through their skin and bones, piercing and pushing everything in between it and its growing direction, seeing such a thing happening, it was

decided that their bodies would be burned as it appeared like they had been infected by something and were potentially going to become monsters or puppets of what killed them.

The local people didn't catch wind of anything like that for a long while as the perpretator had decided to move away from here and had instead taken up to becoming the bane of a certain city's guards, killing one by one and leaving the bodies behind for all to see the horns growing out of them.

At first, they thought it was a person disguising their murders with strange means and brutal killing methods to make it believe it was the work of a monster but the injuries inflicted could really only have been done by the latter and with the reports of people getting a sight of a very tall being or seeing shadows of an extremely mishapen thing, it seemed clear that they were on against an intelligent monster that chose to infiltrate a city to do its thing.

They kept that information to themselves though, a person going on a murdering spree was much less scary for people than a monster doing the same and also, they didn't want to be the guys to not manage to catch a monster for crimes it was committing in the city they were meant to protect, monsters were considered to not be intelligent by most and it would hurt their image if it was known.

It was a good decision on their part as they didn't have a single clue leading to this monster even after a whole month, the number of victims was getting higher and higher by the day and despite their recruitement of adventurers to help them, there was still nothing and the monster had even started to attack guards as they were patrolling the city, an utter provocation.

Unfortunately for them, no investigator showed to help them out of nowhere, they were all alone on this case and it was getting clearer and clearer that they were outmatched, so much so in fact, that the people, enraged at their incompetence started to take it upon themselves to catch what they still believed was a person, only resulting in even more deaths per nights than usual and not any evidence coming out of it, except for evidences of stupidity.

After another month of this charade, the one that decided that it was time to end was none other than the serial killer itself as it decided to step out into the main street at the busiest moment of the day, revealing to the populace its true appearance.

It looked exactly like the typical venerer if one were to exclude the atrocious amount of horns growing over its body, they curved around, swirling and showing a very irregular growth as they sometimes increased in size and then suddenly went down before doing it again.

With such an appearance, it was understandable for the people to think that it was a devil that had crawled out of hell to devour them for their sins, it didn't devour them though, only slashing its claws at them but with the horns sometimes getting in the way, people would be stabbed by the irregular horns and get flung around as the venerer didn't stop to remove them, resulting in people being sent flying when it did a big movement and in people getting mortally wounded by the horns, which, while would cause their death, caused a very slow one.

These people were able to witness the horns growing on and in their bodies live, feeling them filling and piercing their lungs, suffocating them, gouging their eyes out or pushing their teeth out of the way.

Unlike some had believed, the horns weren't a sign that the venerer was enslaving them to its will or transforming them into monsters, it was but what happened when it harmed someone and it had no other purpose than make sure to finish them off.

A gruesome death awaited those who managed to survive the first blow, the venerer, with this way of dealing with survivors, it was certain that anyone it even remotely grazed would end up dying, letting it move forward, focusing on the ones in its path.

This power wasn't anything flashy or exceptionally powerful but it was efficient and with the added protection of its own horns, this venerer was bound to be succesful, especially when no other of the holders of mov were around to absolutely destroy it into oblivion.

It even had other uses for its horns but nothing would ever call for their use in its mission and these uses would instead shine in the hands of another.

Don't hesitate to share any idea you might have!

Ready_creators' thoughts
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