
Reborn as a queen? 5 Fruits.

"You're dead!..."

"I can tell"


"Not gonna feak out or anything?"

"Naa, if i'm dead, what good is freaking out going to do? Besides it's not like I had anything I will miss.




"I'm an evil god"

"I can tell, I mean you don't exactly try and hide the vibes you're giving off"


"Not going to freak out or anything?"

"Naa, what good will freaking out do? Besides, I assume you called me here for a reason."

"*Sigh* Why do I always get the smart ones. Yes mortal, I am bored and so I called you here to entertain me. To put it simply, I am going to reincarnate you into a world of my choice, in a family of my choice. I will also remove the memories you have of said world, you will however, get to pick five devil fruits from the one piece anime.

"What about the weakness?"

"No, I will be giving you the powers of the fruits, not the fruits themselves, so you will not have the standard weakness. I will also allow them to grow the more you train with them."

"I see. Can I know what world?"


"I see."

"You aren't even going to bother arguing or asking?"

"Will you tell me if I ask?"


"Then whats the point of asking?"


"*Even bigger sigh*...Pick the fruits woman."

"Let me have an internal dialogue"

"Hurry up, I dont have all eon."

Internal dialogue time*

Let's break this down then. I am about to reincarnated into a random world with a random family. I do not know how dangerous this world is, so I have to expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst.

Let's say this is a game. I have a stats that I need to improve like attack, defense, dexterity, vitality and intelligence. There are three types of devil fruits being Paracemia, Logia and zoan.

Zoan means gaining the abilities of animals or beings, Logia means creating, controlling and becoming an element and Paracemia allows the user to perform super human feats. I can choose five and so I need to choose some that are exceptonally strong and can prepare me for the world I will enter.

Lets see... strong devil fuits. Luffys was revealed to be the mythical zoan - sun god but it just makes him stronger and allows him to turn the surroundings into rubber he can manipulate. The only reason it would be a good choice is due to its invulnerability.

Whitebeards is obviously an amazing devil fruit, the gura gura no mi. Allowing him to shatter the air with a punch and create earthquakes, but it was as dangerous to friends as it was to enimies. You also need an absurd amount of strength to make the best of it.

The goro goro no mi, named the invincible fruit by nico robin. The logia capable of manipulating lightning is beyond powerful. You can also manipulate the electromagnetic waves in the air, allowing for observation haki and telekinesis. Let's not forget moving at high speeds.

There are so many to choose from, It's a pity I can only have five, but beggars can't be choosers.

"Alright mr evil god, I finished my internal dialogue."

"Huh, already?, it's only been a few minutes."

"How long were you expecting?"

"A few years maybe"

"I see."

"Even, even bigger sigh* Pick your fruits woman."

"Alrighty then mr evil god, my first fruit will be Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Azure Dragon - kaido's fruit."


"Well firstly, who doesn't want to turn into a massive dragon? Secondly, the fruit gives the ability to control wind, fire and lightning, thirdly, the fruit grants both immense strength and defense. Kaido was already a monster before the fruit thanks to his undying phsique but after the fruit, he basically couldnt be harmed by anything under advanced conquerors haki."

"Fair enough, strength, defense and attack all in one huh? next."

My second fruit will also be a mythical zoan. Tori Tori no mi - phoenix, Marco's fruit.


"Regeneration. In the anime the Marco was basically immortal. He had half of his head blown of and it healed like it was nothing. He controlled fire that heals any wound including fatal ones and when transformed into a phoenix, basically no physical attack can harm you. He can also control phoenix flames.

"Alright, next"

"Next is a Logia fruit, Pika Pika no mi. The light fruit. I mean it's pretty self explanatory. Moving at light speed, controlling light iteslf and becoming light is too good to pass up on. This is the fruit that will contribute to my speed.

"Two more"

The next is the logia, Goro Goro no mi. Same as the light fruit, it helps both speed and attack, creating and controlling lightning at 500 million volts, moving as lightning, controlling electromagnetic waves and having some sort of observation haki"


"The op op no mi. I mean it's pretty obvious. You can become a doctor but the patient is the world itself. You can manipulate reality around you to a certain extent, cure incurbale diseases, and can literally remove someone's heart from their chest without harming them.

"Perfect, that concludes your abilities and I will now give you three things that will help you immensly. The world I am sending you to will be chaotic so good luck surviving since I need entertainment.

The first thing I will do is upgrade your mind so that you can handle your fruits, like traveling at light speed and the second thing I will grant you is eternal youth. You will stop aging at 19. There are a lot and I mean A Lot of long lived races where you are going and I dont want my little toy to die in the time it takes for me to take a nap, and finally is a training ground you can access when you either mediate or sleep, however it won't awaken until you turn 5 so good luck and goodbye."



A middle aged woman (31) lay on a bed screaming in pain, her belly was swollen indicating pregnancy and she was gleaming with sweat. Next to her stood a middle aged man (37), holding her hand and encouraging her. Two nurses stood at the end of the bed and was focussing on the birth of the baby in her stomach and soon the baby was born.

However, she was silent. The baby did not cry nor show any sort of action, she just glanced around and eventually her eyes landed on the woman in the bed.

"Why isn't she cyring?" The man asked with worry evident in his tone. He gently leaned forward and laid eyes on the child. She had brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

"I-I do not know, she does not show any signs of illness, she is a perfectly healthy baby. She may just be quiet but I assure you it is nothing bad." Stuttered one of the nurses, nervous about messing up in front of Robert Queen himself, one of the most richest and powerful men in the city.

"L-Let me hah hold her" Said Moira Queen, obviously exausted and in need of rest yet determined to hold her child. As the child was placed in her arms, she looked down at those emerald green eyes and was stunned. They were beautiful and unique. She has never heard of such a beautiful eye colour. At the same time, she felt guilty. She knew the true origins of this child, knew the type of world she was born in and couldn't help but feel sorry for what she has done. She became more determined to raise the child with love.

Immediately after she made her internal declaration, the doors to the room were slammed open. In came a young ten year old child. Brown hair reaching his shoulders and blue eyes shining with excitement. He soon spotted the new addition to his family and bolted to her side, eyeing the new born with curiosity.

When he reached the side of the bed, the child turned to look at him and he was just as stunned as his mother at the brightness of her eyes. He thought they were pretty and was jealous he didn't have eyes like those. "Hey father, why are her eyes green?" He questioned. "It's just the way she was born son, it's nothing bad and they're beautiful right?" He replied and the boy nodded.

"Sup little lis, I'm oliver. Your big bro." He said with a smile on his face which brought a soft smile to the face of his parents. "She needs rest ollie, and so do I, so it's time for you to leave you can meet her later, alright." Moira said as her eye lids drooped, prompting Robert to push Oliver and the nurses out of the room. The only things that could be heard were the soft breathing of a mother and her child.

4 years passed since that day.

Thea POV*

It has been four years. Being a child sucks, I have no freedom what so ever. All I do is eat and sleep because thats what they expect me to do. I don't understand why they have to watch me or have maids following me round. Its nausiating having no freedom.

I did manage to find out some information on the world and my current situation. My name is Thea queen and my family, the Queens, are rich. Like billionaires. We live in a city called starling city, I have never heard of it but it's located near America. The earth I know is also different. Its bigger, about 1.5x bigger. It's not much but it's different.

It's the information about the world that stumps me though. Humans in this world are different. A supersoldier, a man who more or less won world war 2 for his country singlehandedly thanks to the serum of a genuis. There are also rumors of a woman who participated in WW1 who deflected bullets with her bare hands.

The world is dangerous... and quite exciting.

I can feel my powers and instincively know how to use them. But I haven't, not yet, well except the op op fruit. I don't have an excuse for me suddenly transforming into a dragon or becoming a literal human shaped lightning ball. I don't really care if my parents find out but it's more trouble than it's worth but creating a room and grabbing things I cannot grab is fun. Tacto.

Unfortunetely, life as a child is not always the best. For example school. Currently, in front of me is a woman around 30 years of age, my new teacher. She has long blong hair and soft blue eyes, an ever present soft smile ingrained on her face. Her name is julia and she was supposed to teach me the basics such as reading, writing and numbers.

It's insulting. Understandable but still insulting. It's even more annoying becuase she wants me to talk. She is a kind woman, but I have barely spoken even a few words to my family, never mind someone I have known for 10 minutes.

I don't know why I don't talk. It's just that I don't want to, I can't really bring myself to speak if it's not important. My parents were worried obviously, thinking I had low intelligence and could not speak, but when a psychiatrist told them that I was just quiet and actually intelligent, the were relieved.

I don't see why it's such a big deal. I cannot be the only one to have those sort of moods right? Were you just... think. In your head about anything and everything, drifting of in the dimension that is your mind. It's addicting. I assume it's weird for a four year old to feel this way, but I am not mentally 4 nor am I going to pretend to be.

Soon I got tired of Julia trying to teach me how to count to five, so i picked up a pen and paper and wrote from one to fifty, spelling each individual word and then handing her the paper, shocking her. Whilst she was shocked I quickly deployed a 'room' and grabbed myself a choco milk from the fridge by switching it out for a pencil. Hehehe, choco milk supremacy.

Julia looked at me with a appraising gaze and was slightly shocked to see my chocolate mustache but then began to think about what to teach me, so she wrote down a few math questions and handed the paper back. I looked over the paper for no more than a second before answering them thanks to my mind that has been 'upgraded'. This became a back and forth for a few minutes with the questions becoming harder, around primary school level and borderline highschool.

The more I answer the more shocked she becomes, understandable, and she eventually rushes of to tell my parents. Leaving me alone where I quickly find myself enjoying another choco milk carton.

5 fruits:

- zoan - azure dragon

- zoan - Phoenix

- Logia - light

- Logia - lightning ⚡

- Paracemia - op op

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