
Ransacking the City

And as the Undeads were going through the city, killing everything in which they sensed life, while setting the buildings on fire, destroying things, as they got orders from their master to destroy as much of the City of Torlen as possible. Because the human troops that the Human Brotherhood were neither numerous nor strong enough, they fell before the might of the Undead Army, as approximately 1,000 Undeads were enough to overrun the entirety of the city.

After the Silver-Tier Professionals were killed, there was practically nothing that would stop the ferocious Undead Tide, which had descended upon the City. Those Silver-Tier Professionals together with couple Bronze-Tier ones were the sole protection that the City of Torlen had, which was... sad because the city should be very important to the Human Brotherhood and yet it was technically speaking defenseless.

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