

Kei, who was about to take his leave from the hall, was stopped by Vivi's call.

"Wait, Kei-san, c-can, you, stay with me here?..." Vivi asked with a bit of hesitation, as she felt quite lonely. When, those lively crew-mates of her left this place.

She knew it was quite greedy of her to ask him some of the time, when he had to manage his New Organization, or some other work.

He turned his head towards Vivi, and saw her playing with her fingers nervously.

"It's kind of lonely…When, Nami-san, and others left, So…"

Seeing her lonely figure, Kei decided to stayback, as his morals didn't allow him to leave her. "Sure, I don't mind it~" he replied back with a smile.

Hearing this, Vivi's nervousness went away. "Sigh~, Kei-san, can we do that?..." asked Vivi.

"..." Kei.

'Did he hear wrong? Or was it an interpretational mistake on his side?',... was what Kei thought, so he decided to confirm it, rather than jump to the conclusion and make the situation awkward for them.

"What do you mean? I didn't get you." said Kei, while tilting his head.

"Do you remember, on the ship, on the way to Alabasta, you were playing something?"

Listening to her, mentioning that day, Kei's brain took the hint, "Oh~, you mean that!...Sure!,... Let me show you now!"

"Finally! I was waiting for a long time…" said Vivi, while waiting in anticipation.


"Igaram-san!, it's bad, It's bad!!" shouted Pell, while hastily walking towards him.

"Eh?...What's the deal?..." asked Igaram, as he was going through the reports on casualties in the war and other stuff.

Thomp* (Placing something on the table heavily)

"See, here is the Poster of Straw hat Luffy and Zoro along with Kei-san!" Pell explained to Igaram, who was shocked by this reveal.

"Impossible! It's just been 2 days, and they have already increased their bounty??!" exclaimed Igaram, while hurriedly going through them.

[ WANTED | Straw Hat Luffy | Dead or Alive | 100 Million Berries ]

[ WANTED | Roronoa Zoro | Dead or Alive | 60 Million Berries ]

Igaram and Pell, were still fine with their bounty, as they were really strong enough to take down Mr. 1, and Crocodile. But the point is…

[WANTED | Devils Hand Kei | Dead of Alive | 120 Million Berries ]

"Wh-why is Kei-san's bounty this high?!!" asked Igaram.

"Well , according to the news source, He single handedly defeated Captain Smoker of Marines!, while he also had half of contribution in the defeat of Sir Crocodile, the Former Shicibukai(War Lord)! …" commented Pell, while as he was about to continue, he saw Igaram's big reaction.

"WHAAT?!! Really?..."

"Yes, And…" Pell, stopped in his tracks, as he was hesitating whether to tell this matter or not?, which piqued Igaram's curiosity.


"And, it's related to his Title, 'DEVILS HAND', which was given to him due to a certain incident" Pell said, while making a strange face.

"What incident?..." Igaram asked Pell, as he felt a bad premonition.

"It's …"


"Hurry! Pell, we have to find Vivi-sama, before something happens to her!!" said Igaram, while running to find Kei and Vivi.

"Yes!", while Pell followed behind his back.


"Vivi-sama!...Vivi-sa–" x2

As they were looking out for Vivi, they saw Karoo, sticking his ear's on the door. While listening to something silently.

"Karoo!?, what are you doing there?!!" asked Igaram, in confusion, same with Pell.

Turning his head, Karoo, explained to them in a hush tone. "Quack~…Quack~!"(Shhh!~~, Lower your voice, let me hear!)

But it was unknown whether they understood him or not.

"Oh?..." said Pell, in understanding, while he explained to Igaram.

"Eh?...Inside Vivi-sama and Kei, are we talking with each other?..." Igaram, was surprised by the fact, but he decided to confirm it before talking without knowledge, So just like Karoo, Pell and Igaram, decided to hear their conversation.


"Kei-san, ho-how should I hold it?..." came Vivi's shy voice.

"Here! Give me your hands,...It's li.ke this!...So? How do you feel?...Are you able to hold it?" asked Kei.

"Yes!, but still it's a little big for me to handle. I don't know whether,... I can do it or not~" came Vivi's voice with lack of confidence and nervousness.

"..." Igaram, Pell, Karoo.

"Don't sweat it!,...I'm very good with this stuff, so just leave everything to me~, Ok?!" said Kei, with a gentle voice, while encouraging Vivi.

"O-Ok!, I can do it, Here I go…" said Vivi, while her voice stopped to come.

Hearing this, Igaram and Pell, pale in fear, while hurriedly opening the door, "Oye!! Kei! What are you doing to our Vivi-sama!!!" shouted Igaram and Pell, while looking at them.

Meanwhile Karoo, closed his eyes, in blush.

But to their surprise, they saw something else.

It was Kei, sitting on the bed, while Vivi was sitting in the space between his legs, while holding the Guitar in her hands.

"Eh?...What's wrong?..."asked Vivi, while tilting her head.

Igaram and Pell were tongue tied. They didn't know how to explain the matter, since they thought Kei and Vivi were doing something Adulterous thing.

"Vivi-sama! Wh-Why are you sitting like that?..."asked Igaram, while seeing how close in contact, were Kei and Vivi.

"Well, It's because Kei-san is teaching me how to play this Guitar…that's why…"

"But Vivi-sama, isn't it wrong for you to have such close contact with a Man?..." said Pell, while supporting Igaram from behind.

"Eh?...Well I'm fine with it, because I believe in Kei-san, he isn't a bad person, to begin with…" explained Vivi, while blushing for a moment. But thankfully it went unnoticed by Igaram and Pell.

"Right Kei-san?...Would you do something bad to me?..." asked Vivi, while turning her face towards Kei.

Smelling her Lavender perfume, Kei was lost for a moment, but he replied back somehow, "No, I won't do anything like that!" he said with a smile.

"See!" Vivi commented back, while looking towards Igaram and Pell.

"Well, if it's like that then…By the way, Kei-san, did you see your new Bounty poster?..." asked Igaram, trying to change the conversation.

"Eh?...It came so fast?!!" asked Kei, with clear surprise. Wasn't it until tomorrow?...How come it came 1 day before?..." thought Kei, as he hurriedly walked away from Vivi, in order to look.

While Vivi, who lost Kei's support from back, felt empty inside her heart. 'What's this feeling?..." thought Vivi, while looking at Kei's back.


"It's awesome! The Navy is left behind! Hahaha!" said Usopp, while sighing in relief. As their escape route was devoid of any Marine ship, due to Kei's help.

"Luffy!, what's that thing which Kei gave you?" asked Chopper in curiosity, when he saw Luffy looking at that thing.

"Oh! It's some kind of Badge or something! Kei said 'I was the Pillar of Gluttony or something…'" explained Luffy.

"Hahahaha! Gluttony?!! That may be right!! Ahahahah!" laughed Sanji, while Nami and Zoro also laughed along, as they felt, the Title suited Luffy perfectly.

"Eh?...Why's that?..."Luffy asked in confusion, as he didn't know what Gluttony word meant.

"Ara…Captain-san, Gluttony word means 'Habitually Greedy'" said Robin, while keeping her distance from them. As she felt, they were quite wary of her.

"Still I don't get it…and, I don't care!,... Oye Sanji!! I am Hungry, gimme some food!!" said Luffy.

"You!! Didn't you just eat minutes before?!!! And you are hungry again??!!" shouted Sanji in anger, while thinking , Kei was right. He is indeed a Pillar of Gluttony!

While everyone sighed in defeat.

So how's the Chp?...ฅʕ•ᴥ•`ʔ

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PandasanSenseicreators' thoughts
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