
Chapter 105: Settled

Part 1:

The schoolwide bell rang, signaling the end of classes.

Some students left their class to use the loo, some left to wet their whistle with a non-alcoholic beverage, and some left just to go see their friends from a different class.

Nana, on the other hand, went across her own classroom to talk to Mea, who was in her seat…looking out the window with her chin resting on top of her palm.

Nana took a seat in the currently empty chair that sat in front of Mea's desk.

The way Nana sat down could be considered…"Unladylike". This was mainly because Nana sat down backwards…with her legs spread.

"What's up, Mea?" Nana energetically said to her friend with a smile.


Mea didn't respond at all. In fact, she didn't even move after Nana spoke to her.

A 3x3 of pink and white question marks appeared above Nana's head for a few seconds before fading away.

Nana slowly leaned her head to the right to see Mea's face. But before she could completely do so, Mea's head turned toward her.

"Nana…" Mea said in a low voice.

"…Somethin' happen, Mea?" Nana inquired.

To that question, Mea shook her head before saying…


"...Are you sure? You can tell me anything, Mea. I'm all ears."

Nana leaned closer, indirectly implying that she would listen to anything Mea told her—no matter what it was.

Mea remained silent for a little while…but her answer didn't change.

"I'm fine, Nana."

Nana stared at Mea, seemingly not believing her.

This wasn't the first time Mea acted in a similar way like this.




Nana backed off.

However, that didn't mean she wouldn't try to cheer up the girl she thought wasn't okay.

Nana knew that candy could cheer up Mea, so she decided to go and get some with her.

"Let's go get some candy." Nana said before getting up from her seat.

Albeit delayed, Mea got up from her seat like Nana.

Nana grabbed Mea's dainty hand and led her out the class…and towards Rian Yuki's class.

It didn't take that long for Nana and Mea to arrive near Rian's class.

They were, after all, in the same school.


With Mea in her grasp, Nana continued to make her way towards the CandyMa—Rian's class.


"Woah! Who the heck is that?" Nana suddenly exclaimed.

Although Mea was looking forward and walking hand and hand with Nana, she wasn't actually paying that attention to what or…who was in front of her.

So when she finally did after hearing Nana exclaim…she saw…that woman.

Tearju Lunatique.

Tearju Lunatique was conversing with Haruna Sairenji and Yui Kotegawa.

Mea's entire face went dark, and her blue eyes became devoid and dull.


No nearby student…or even Nana seemed to notice.

"H-How did she even get a chest like that? Although I've been growing….t-that's just ridiculous." Nana spat out with comically widened eyes and a perplexed expression on her little face.

Nana was about to take a step forward, but she was suddenly pulled back.

The next thing she knew, Mea was quickly leading her away from the area.

"Mea?!" Nana, who was caught off-guard by Mea's sudden action, blurted out without meaning to.

Because of Nana's loud voice, Tearju, along with the other students in close proximity, heard her.

Tearju instinctively turned her head towards the direction of the voice, and saw a girl with short, pink hair and a swinging black tail being led away by a girl with braided, red hair.

Part 2:

Mea made her way to the roof of Sainan High by herself.

Instead of taking a seat on one of the roofs benches, she leaned against the metal railing that prevented you from falling off the roof.

It looked as if she was looking off into the distance.

But she was actually recalling a short conversation she once had with her Master about Tearju Lunatique.

"What kind of person was she, Master?"

"A foolish woman. She foolishly rejected Golden Darkness's path as a weapon…and foolishly wished for her to live her life as a human."

"Doesn't that make her get in the way our plans, Master?" Mea asked.

"…It does."

Mea backed off the railing she was leaning on.

That settled it for her.

She would go to Tearju, and confirm whether or not she still had any plans on making Golden Darkness live a human life.

If she did…Well, that would be the end of the existence called Tearju Lunatique.

Part 3:

The end of the day had come, and many students were on their way home.

Tearju, however, was still in her classroom with her head down and hands on the very same lectern podium she hit her knee on earlier today.



Tearju sighed in disappointment.

She was disappointed that even though the whole day passed, she only saw Yami that one time.


The classroom door closest to Tearju slid open, and Yui walked in.

"Sensei…" Yui said after seeing Tearju.

Tearju turned her head towards Yui.

"…Ah, you're still here, Kotagawa."

Yui nodded and picked up her school bag that she left near the door.

"Yes. I had a meeting to attend…and my name is Kotegawa, Tearju-Sensei."

Tearju's face became a fifty-fifty mixture of embarrassment and shock upon hearing that she had gotten the name of the student that had been helping her all day wrong.

"…I-I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Yui said calmly, seemingly not minding the fact that Tearju messed up her name.

With that said and her stuff retrieved, Yui walked to the door of the classroom.

Seemingly remembering something, Yui stopped herself and turned to face Tearju.

"…Sensei, if any of the boys ask you any shameless questions that you don't want to answer, please let me know."

"…Ah, Thank you, Kok—Kotegawa."

Yui nodded once.

"Have a good day."

"Ah, you too." Tearju replied.

Yui slid open the door and left.

Tearju let out another sigh.

'…Being a teacher is much harder than I thought. I…I hope it's worth it in the end.'

A sudden wind blew, patting Tearju's face and fluttering her golden hair.


Tearju jumped and quickly turned her head to the right—where she heard someone speak.

There, she saw Mea Kurosaki sitting on the window with a playful smile resting on her face.


How did this girl get by the window?


"Do you have time for a chat, Sensei~~?"

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