
Chapter Seventy Three: Saint


A wooden floor board loudly creaked under the small feet of a child…

"…Did papa hear me?"

A black haired boy muttered to himself with a beating heart, he looked towards his parents bed room door for a moment before continuing his adventure.


The boy carefully crept on the cold floor of his house. He went past windows, snow could been seen from behind the glass. He went past the muted tv, last minute christmas sales were still happening. He finally went past the hanging socks above the fire place before arriving near a slightly cracked door, light peeked through the crack.

"Munch! Munch! Munch!"

The sound of loud munching was heard from behind the door…


The boy's brown eyes shined after hearing eating sounds, he covered his excited laugh with his hands.


The smiling boy sat down and slide towards the door, any loud creaks or loud noises at this point …would alert the eating Santa.


After sliding with little to no noise, the boy was able to touch the door. He took a deep breathe and touched the handle…


The boy pulled open the door and ran inside…

"I caught you…Santa's?"

The boy stopped in his tracks and slowly tiltled his head after seeing two Santa's. One Santa had hazel eyes, red and white Santa clothing, and a glass of milk in his hand. The other Santa had red eyes, antlers on her head, and a cookie in her mouth.

"Munch! Munch! Munch!"

The girl finished her cookie while looking at the black haired boy.

"Oh, Genta"

The hazel eyed Santa put the milk on the table before walking towards the confused boy with black hair…

"…Santa, why is a girl Santa with you?"

"She's not Santa, she my reindeer…she flew me over here."

Rian pointed to Yami's small antlers, she made them from her hair.

"…How cool!!"

The boy eyes shined.

"You want to touch them Genta?"



Rian nodded with a light smile on his face before picking the excited boy up.


Yami leaned her head down as the two came closer…


The boy patted the antlers for a while before Yami moved away.

"See…she's my reindeer."

Rian put the boy down.

"…Where are the other reindeer?"

The boy didn't see anymore reindeer.

"I only needed one this year, this one is alot faster."

Rian went towards Yami and patted her antlers.


Red Yami allowed her antlers to be touched…

"Santa, you reindeer really likes you."

"Mhmm, she really likes me."

Rian agreed with the boy.

"…Oh, you also can't open all your presents yet."

Rian had almost forgotten what Genta's parents told him, they wanted to take pictures as Genta opened his presents.


Genta's head dropped slightly…

"Don't worry…you have alot of presents in the other room, they all couldn't fit under your christmas tree."

Rian nodded his head towards the other room, you would have to enter this room to get to the room of presents.


The black haired boy's head rose up, his excited eyes looked towards the door…

"Don't get any idea's Genta…I told you because I believe you won't touch anything until your parents let you."


Genta nodded.

"Good, I can leave without worry."

Rian walked over and pulled a small present from his pocket.

"You're parents said you could open this one."


The boy slowly took the present from Rian's hands.

"Thank you Santa!!"

The boy excitedly grabbed Rian's hand and shook it before running over to the golden haired girl.

"Thank you Reindeer!"

He shook Yami's hand the same way..


Yami nodded with a smile on her face…

"…Oh! Before you leave…let me help you out reindeer!"

The boy ran towards the door he came out of, he gestured for the two to follow him.


Rian and Yami followed the boy as he went through the house, he seemed to be looking for something.

"…There it is."

The boy ran towards a part of the house before stopping and turning around.

"Walk slower…Reindeer."

Yami was walking too fast…


Yami slowed down and matched Rian's pace.


The boy raised his hand to stop the two.


The two stopped.

"You can kiss each other now."

Genta pointed up, mistletoe hovered above the two's head.


Rian and Yami looked up, they saw the hanging misletoe.

"Since Reindeer likes Santa, they can kiss."

The boy turned around and covered his ears, the sounds of his parents kissing under mistletoe made his back shake.


Before Rian could even make the first move, Yami grew a bit and grabbed his head. She pulled him closer and planted a kiss on his cheek.


Before Red Yami could finish her words and turn her red face, her head was grabbed and her lips were taken by Rian under the mistletoe.

"Much better."

Rian said after pulling away from the red faced girl, her eyes were dazed and she stood in place.

"Are you done yet!"

The boy was covering his ears, he didn't know how loud he was being…luckily his parents were out right now, and would be arriving in a few minutes.


Rian waved his hand in front of Yami's eyes…she didn't follow his hand movement.


Rian walked over to Genta and patted his shoulder.

"…Is your Reindeer happy?"

"Yeah, thanks to you."

Rian took out his phone and sent a text to one of his doctor friends, Dr. Acula

"Santa uses a phone?"

"Yep, I need to send some things to the hospitals."


"Yeah, I'm paying for other people…"

"…Santa, won't that cost alot?"

"Maybe, I don't know how many people are there yet."

Rian recieved a reply, he clicked on the link his friend sent him and donated a sum of money to different places before cutting off his phone.

"…You're parents should be arriving soon Genta, you should pretend to be asleep."

Rian gave the boy a suggestion.


The boy had forgotten everything after achieving his purpose, he ran towards his room before stopping.

"Bye Santa!!!! Bye Reindeer!!!"

Genta ran towards his room a full speed, his parents weren't here so he ignored the creaks he created.


Red Yami was still stun locked, she looked like a glitch from a bug filled game.


Rian sighed before picking the girl up, he needed to go to different houses.

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