
Principal's Office

"My sweet child, will you help me today in leading the service?" (its phrased as a question but I know better, he is telling me) so I stay silent. He hands me the program and says "I called your mum she will pick you up around 5 so you can help with the pre-schoolers", ' I mean do I know him or do I know him'. I spend the rest of the lunch break reading the program and getting ready with the uniform looking neat and my shoes polished not a hair out of place. I walk out to face a crowd of people who believe I was dumped and are probably exchanging their "version" of events they were not present to witness. The faces of people who are sad for the poor fat girl, those that pity me and those who are happy this happened. I got on stage and gave the mic to male teacher I know these kids won't listen to me Mr Vele quiets them down and I begin, I also lead them in song and prayer before the pastor comes in and starts the service. I make some announcements: 1) Next week is sports week so classes end at 12pm, 2) There will be a bible quiz in two weeks each grade will be asked to compete on Friday so a team can be finalized to compete against the other school. All volunteers can sign their name up with me because for some reason Grandpa and the teachers made me captain. We will use the library to practice as it has bibles and space. The list went on and on and finally the pre-schoolers will stay in the church as the other learners leave myself and their teacher will walk them out and ensure they all make it home safely. Closing prayer is said while I go to the back to pick up my bag and make my way to the pre-schoolers. After that I inform my siblings of my mum coming but they do not want to miss their cartoons so they leave early on the school bus. With the tiny toots in tow we have a fruit and juice for them and send them off to their transport till I'm left with Vhutshilo (V), she is Tali's baby sister who I love to death and we hang out a lot as she often waits for her pick up today her mum will be coming so they will be here around 5 just like my mum. We talk and play games while I help her with her writing while I work on my homework (sigh Tali used to bug me while I did homework at school 'it's called homework for a reason, come and give me kisses instead', I will miss that). Around 4:30 pm we pack up the chairs and toss the rubbish in the trash can, we get our things and head for the door so I can lock up and turn in the keys in the box that leads to the principal's office. We then make our way towards the gate where there is a sitting area. V looks to the side and smiles and I look at where she is pointing and I see pants, I arch my head and move back to see the owner's face, not before I am hit by his cologne. its him (que the heart break) directly behind me, I am surprised and shocked then I covered the look with a smile and looked to Vhutshilo (V), "well sweety this was fun, see you tomorrow and practice your writing", I got up from my seat and said "goodbye" really to no one in particular waving at V while ignoring her brother why? Cause It still hurts. Their mum's car pulls up and a few minutes later my mum pulls up too. I quickly ran to the car and put on the seatbelt so we can drive out quickly, deep breathes you will survive.

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