
Never trust a fox

Void stood outside the animal clinic for a while, waiting. The rain was pouring down once again, soaking his clothes. He stared at the lock on the door.

'Deja vu.' He mumbled. Only now he didn't need a key, he just smashed the lock.

Alan Deaton was just about to leave when he heard something. It sounded like... like... He didn't really know but it didn't sound good. Alan was a druid for a long time, he knew when something was off. Right now, something was off. The nogitsune was back and now a weird sound. Keylee was kidnapped and no one had any idea where she was. Besides, he knew that if his suspicions were right, Void would come for him.

He walked slowly to where the sound came from, the back door. He took a syringe with kanima venom just to be sure. His suspicions were right. At least, it looked like it.

'Stiles? what are you doing here so late? Do you need anything else?'

He walked closer to "Stiles" who was looking down until he was close enough to use the kanima venom. Only Void stopped him by taking his wrist in a painful grip. He looked up and stared at the druid.

'Lets drop the act shall we. You and I both know why I'm here. Or well, you will know after I told you this...


Alan Deaton visibly paled. 'No, that's impossible.'

Void tilted his head a bit. Then he took the syringe from the man in front of him by twisting his wrist in an even more painful position.

Deaton stood as calm as possible. Being calm was something he always was. He knew pain, he had learned to live with it.

'You can't get her, she's just a girl now.'

Void sighted. 'See, that's it. She's just a girl now. When I'm done... oh, when I'm done.... Just wait. But first, I want you to give me what I need. Where is it Alan? Where did you hide the book this time?'

'Somewhere were you will never get it.' He answered calmly.

Void took a knife out of his pocket and held in in front of his face. Twisting it and studying the blade. Then, while he still focused on he knife, he spoke calmly to Dr. Deaton. 'You'll talk. They always talk. You will be no exception.'

Deaton looked the nogitsune straight in the eyes. 'No matter how much you hurt me. I'm not going to tell you anything. I know what you will do once you have it. I won't let that happen to her.'

'Oh, but I'm not gonna hurt you that much. And for the last part, I believe it's already to late. She's starting to trust me you know. Trust the fox.'

Void took the knife in a right grip and slid it across Deaton's arm. The cut wasn't long but it was deep. Deaton looked at him in horror when he realized what Void was about to do.

Void looked in his eyes. 'Keep looking at me would you Alan. I want to see it, I want to see it change inside of you. And you know there's nothing you can do. For once you will lose your calm manner, you lose, I get what I want, I win.'

They both kept staring at each other when Void took one of his flies and pressed it in the wound. The little insect sneaked inside and slowly corrupted Dr. Alan Deaton.

Void placed a part of himself in someone else, now he looked through the eyes of the fly, or Deaton. He saw the memories. He saw what he needed to see.

'You're smart. I have to say that. Covering the book in another book. Placing it between the vials with wolfs-bane and mistletoe. I have to admit, it's good, just not good enough.'

Void walked over to the cabinet and took a small book out of a bigger book. 'I'm a spirit. A little mountain ash wont stop me.'

He turned around, Deaton was possessed in a way but apparently could still try to get rid of it. 'Now, before I go I believe you got something for me. How much does it really hurt Alan?'


Keylee let herself fall down on the couch and sighted. Why did this had to happen to her? She tried to list everything up she understood now, which wasn't much. 'Okay, so, my brother tried to kill a fox spirit who possessed Stiles. Because of that he kidnapped me. Then it turned out I'm some kind of spirit. Which still sounds weird. And now I'm here, in a house in the woods. Away from my family, who might not even be my real family. But that's okay, cause... It okay because...'

She sighted. 'It's actually not okay. I'm not okay. Maybe I'm just going crazy. Pfft, strong spirit. I couldn't even make friends without trying to run away.'

Keylee looked at her right, there was the door. She looked at her left, there was the kitchen. She stared op to the ceiling and started trying to remember anything about her so called previous life. Without any luck, of course.

'Oh great, I suck at this too.'

She closed her eyes and imagined how things could have gone. It wouldn't help and make things better but she couldn't do anything about it. It always happened when something went wrong. She imagined it over and over again, trying to do things different, wishing she would have done things different.

She should have noticed it sooner, Stiles wasn't Stiles. She didn't even recognize Void wasn't the boy she practically grew up with. And why did she ever followed him into the woods? Would things have gone different if she wouldn't have done that? Would he still kidnap her in the middle of a crowd. Probably, he could always just kill everyone who saw them with his ninja men.

Thinking about them... Keylee stood up and looked around. The house was empty. The walked towards the door, she promised not to leave, she didn't promise to keep the door shut.

She peeked outside and saw 4 Oni in a half circle in front of her, backs towards the door. They were looking into the dark night, waiting for any possible danger, ready to destroy it. Suddenly one of the Oni turned around and stared at Keylee with his glowing yellow eyes.

Keylee quickly took a step back. 'Uhm, hi?'

The Oni didn't say anything, he just stared at her. His friends didn't notice the door open, or they just didn't pay attention. Which was a better explanation.

'Can you talk?'

No answer. The Oni just continued to stare at her. 'Can you do anything else than being creepy and staring at me?'

No answer, again. Keylee got slightly annoyed and uncomfortable. Why was this guy so intimidating? "No idea, perhaps its the glowing eyes? The black smoke, or maybe even the sharp pointy sword that could split you in half in just a second?" Keylee thought to herself. She sighted.

'Take a picture, it will last longer.'

The Oni didn't budge.

'So, do you have a face hiding beneath that mask or is the mask your face? Cause then you have very deep eyes.'

Still no answer.

After a few unanswered questions Keylee gave up and went back inside. This was starting to get boring. At one side, it was good to be alone, sort of, but on the other side she missed her family. Did Scott know what she was? Probably not. But what about Deaton? He always knew everything. And her mother? What would she think? Would they still accept her, would they think different of her?

Keylee sunk down in the couch again and closed her eyes. Imagining coming home after the train, everyone would be happy and not scared, she wouldn't know anything confusing. She imagined she never left, would Allison still be alive? Could she have saved her? The only reason she left Beacon Hills is because it became too much, she wanted to get rid of all the supernatural and be normal again. So she ran away like a coward. But it was to get help right? Miss Blake sent her to someone who helped her control it, a little.

'I'm sorry I wans't there Alli, I should have been there.'


Keylee's eyes flew open, Void hung above her, hands placed besides her head. Keylee noticed a bit uncomfortable how close their faces were.

'You couldn't have saved her Kitten, don't blame yourself. You and I both know it's on me. You had all rights to go away for a while.'

Void stood up straight and walked around the couch to sit down. Keylee turned around so they sat across from each other. 'What questions did you got me Kitten?'

'How old am I?'

'What? You wanna know how old you are? From everything you could know-'

'Yup, I mean, you say I'm a spirit so, how old am I?'

Alright, maybe it wasn't the best question to ask but Void gave her the opportunity to ask her everything so....

'Alright, I'm not sure how old you are, but you are from a time when humans believed in spirits and could live in harmony with them. That means it was before the medieval times. Now, the medieval times in Japan were a different time than here and in Europe. Japan's medieval age is often described as the long, war-torn, four hundred-year period, from the mid-twelfth century through the Kamakura, that was in 1185-1333. Besides that you also have the mid-sixteenth periods, Muromachi, in 1336-1573.'

'So, are you telling me that, that I'm at least 10 thousand years old?'


'Then, how old are you?'

'I'm from around Muromachi. You're about three thousand years older than I am.'

'I'm older?' Keylee asked in disbelieve. That was really hard to believe. Void nodded.

'Wow... When's my birthday? Do I have multiple birthdays or am I born at the same day every time?'

Void frowned. 'How should I know that? When is your birthday now?'

'September 19th.'

Void tilted his head. 'I don't believe you are born at the same date every time since you get born almost immediately as you die. Could also be that you die at the same day as you're born.'

Keylee huffed. 'Well that's not creepy at all.' She said sarcastically.

Void Shrugged. 'Maybe, next.'

'Why do you always call me Kitten?'

Void smirked slightly at the thought of it. 'Well, Kitten, that's because you are one. You are a cat after all, maybe all together you are very old but right now you are 17, which is very young for how old you could become. Meaning you're a kitten.'

'But, can you stop calling me that?'

'No. Next.'

Keylee thought about it for a while. She had so many questions, which one to ask first? How am I a spirit? Why don't I remember my past life? Do I have special abilities? Do hunters hunt me? Are there others like me? The list went on and on.

----- time skip ----

'So... let me keep this all straight. I'm a spirit. I'm about 10 thousand years old but I don't remember my past life because it has to come with the time. If I train I can shift in a cat, get claws, heal people and guide dead people. I would even be able to talk to dead people. Hunters don't know I exist but I should still look out for hell hounds. And I'm completely utterly alone because there is no one else like me since I'm not one of the supernatural species but more like... reincarnated?'

'Sounds about right.'

Keylee let her head fall down on the back of the couch. Wow, that was.... a lot to get suddenly. Keylee suddenly got worried. What if.. what if-

'Void? What if I never learn to control my powers? Or, or what if everyone will hate me now? What if I do meet a hell hound!? What if-'

Void quickly bent over and placed a hand over her mouth. 'Shhh, it's okay. Don't panic.' He looked down in her eyes, they were filled with panic.

'You'll learn to control your powers, I'll help you. And no one will hate you, they couldn't. And if they would they don't deserve you. For the hell hound, I hope he doesn't meet you cause when that time comes I would feel sorry for him if I could.'

He stared at the girl in his grip. She looked so helpless. She missed the glimmer in her eyes when he first met her. It was his fault, he knew that. She knew that. Yet here he was, ready to help her. Why? Keylee seemed to be at the verge of tears. Void knew she wasn't the person to cry much but even she could break. Things could become to much, to chaotic. To broken to be healed in seconds. He knew the stress of the past few days and now all of this was to much for her to think clear. And that was exactly what he needed. It was exactly what he was hoping for, the plan was working.

So Void did the next thing he planned out and pulled the broken girl in a hug. She tensed at first but like he predicted, she couldn't think clear anymore and she relaxed in his hold, seeking comfort in it. Finding comfort in it.

Void let her cry softly in his shirt as he calmly stroke her hair. Now and then whispering comforting things. And with every passing minute he gained her trust more and more. She seemed to forget he was the one that caused Allison's death, she seemed to forget he had kidnapped her to hurt her brother. She seemed to forget everything like that right now.

She seemed to forget that one rule...

Never trust a fox.

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