
Chapter 77: Snape Charmers

The Corridors, Hogwarts...

Austin Embers had been rather nervous about the upcoming Cupid's Ball celebration. He had never been to a formal dance before in his life and this one made him nervous. He was well aware that the most of the other Slytherins including the older more unapproachable ones had dates to Cupid's Ball. Apparently this year Dumbledore made it so that all students could attend the ball which was the old Headmaster's way of making it mandatory. Not having a date had been the least of his worries it seemed when the Hufflepuff girl Wendy Shrouder approached him one afternoon after Charms class.

"H-Hi Austin." she said with a pleasant smile.

Austin looked at the girl with a weary smile in return.

"H-Hello Wendy." he said nervously.

"Are you going to the dance?" she asked.

Austin refrained from opening his mouth to make a snide comment about it being a mandatory dance. No doubt Professor Snape was rubbing off on him. Instead he took a cautious approach.

"Y-Yes." he replied.

"A-Are you going with anyone?" asked Wendy looking hopeful.

"I do not have a date at the moment." said Austin. "If that's what your asking."

The girl batted her eye lashes in the manner of all seemingly shy girls. Again Austin resisted the urge to make a snide comment. He had enough trouble not having a date to this blasted thing.

"Well." she said.. "I-I was wondering if you'd like to go with me...I-I know your Professor Snape's son and that he can be a little mean at times but...I think you're...kind of nice."

Austin couldn't believe what the witch was saying. She actually wanted to go to the dance with him of all people. He had been so caught off guard that he didn't even bother to correct her for saying that he was Professor Snape's son. The man had simply been his guardian. Still, he had not minded being referred to as his son. It sort of filled him with pride to be associated with the dour wizard publicly.

"I-I would like it very much if you would be my date to the dance." said Austin recovering enough to remember his manners.

Wendy Shrouder's blue eyes brightened and her smile widened.

"I would love to." she said sweetly and planted a kiss on Austin's pale cheek.

The red haired boy had been at a loss for words as he watched the blond haired witch make her way toward her next destination. The Slytherin turned and headed toward the Slytherin dungeons. He could not wait to tell Professor Snape and Professor Granger about his date to the dance. Only there was just one problem. He didn't exactly know how to dance. Still, it was impressive enough that Wendy actually wanted to go with him of all people.


Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Snape had been sitting at his desk grading parchments while Hermione busied herself with his book collection. The two of them had been working in companionable silence for several hours when Austin Embers came knocking at the door. Snape looked up from his parchments and waved his hand over the door.

"Enter." he said and turned his attention back to the numerous parchments.

Austin stepped inside with a look wavering between elated joy and constant worry filed across his face.

"What can I do for you Mr. Embers?" asked Snape.

The red haired boy looked down at his feet and ventured close to his guardian's desk.

"W-Well sir." he began. "I-I have a date for Cupid's Ball."

Snape arched an eyebrow as he once again looked up from his grading.

"A date?" he said. "I have to say I am rather impressed...who's the lucky girl?"

"W-Wendy Shrouder." replied Austin meeting Snape's eyes.

Snape shook his head.

"It's as I thought." he said. "A side effect of this bonding thing you seem to have developed my weakness for Insufferable-Know-it-alls."

Hermione looked up from her book and narrowed her eyes at him.

"You're not funny git." she countered. "I think it's nice that Austin and Wendy are attending the dance together."

"Of course you would." he replied. "If only she had been placed in Gryffindor house, had bushy brown hair and amber eyes instead of blue and you'd be twins."

"I wouldn't be so high and mighty if I were you, the only thing Austin lacks is the raven hair and he could pass for you any day git." she countered.

Austin smiled at the both of them.

"Well, it's nice that your going to the dance anyway." said Hermione turning her attention back to Austin after silently threatening to hex Snape.

"I-I guess." said Austin sadly.

"What's the problem?" asked Snape observing the boy's change in demeanor.

"I-I can't dance sir." replied Austin. "I-I don't much fancy going and making a fool out of myself in front of the whole school."

Hermione looked at Snape and a wide smile spread across her face.

"That's not a problem." she said.

Austin looked at her with his eyebrow arched.

Snape would have laughed if he had not been trying to figure out what she had been on about.

"What do you mean?" asked Austin.

"What are you up to Granger?" asked Snape.

"Professor Snape is an excellent dancer." said Hermione.

The wizard in question narrowed his eyes at the bushy haired Charms Mistress.

"H-He is?" asked Austin looking over toward Snape.

"Yes." said Hermione matter-of-factly. "When he was a student he use to win every competition against Gryffindor."

Snape rolled his eyes.

"It's nothing that Professor McGonagall can't teach." he said.

"But I believe he'll learn so much better from you." said Hermione smiling at him sweetly.

"Of course you do." he replied. "Insufferable-know-it-all."

"C-Could you teach me Professor Snape?" asked Austin hopeful.

Snape sighed looking into the young Slytherin's hopeful obsidian eyes.

"Very well Mr. Embers." he said. "You will meet me at the room of requirement every afternoon following your classes until the day of the ball."

"Yes." said Austin pleased. "Thank you Professor Snape...Thank you Professor Granger."

The elated Slytherin had been so overjoyed that he kissed Hermione on the cheek before sprinting out into the corridor. Snape's eyes glinted from the small surge of jealousy over the boy landing a kiss on his witch. Hermione caught sight of it and laughed. In a bid to make him feel better, she walked over toward his desk and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"You're not off the hook." he said wrapping one of his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "I demand compensation for having to play dance instructor."

Hermione giggled when the dour wizard got to his feet, scooped her up, and carried her into his bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind him with a wicked gleam in his obsidian eyes.


Two Weeks Later...

Diagon Alley, Wizarding World...

Snape had been rather pleased with his new purchases as he and Austin ventured out of the tailor shop. Lucius Malfoy had been grinning like an idiot but pleased nonetheless that he got to lend his shopping expertise to his friend and the Embers boy. It had pleased him to have Severus come to him and request his input when it came to choosing attire for the young wizard's first dance. Snape rolled his eyes when Lucius insisted the boy call him "uncle" and kept referring to him as the boy's father while telling him various anecdotes about their misadventures as children. The dour wizard had not minded being referred to as the boy's guardian but he had not known how to feel about having children of his own. The prospect of such a thing always seemed so...daunting.

"So your father decided he was going to hex every last one of the offending Gryffindors." said Lucius with a chuckle. "It was a pity they got the drop on him and took all his clothes off..."

"Must you tell the boy this story?" asked Snape annoyed.

"It's character building, Severus." said Lucius with a pleasant smile.

"Character building huh?" said Snape with an arched eyebrow. "Perhaps Draco would be interested in the tale of your astrology mishaps?"

Lucius narrowed his eyes at The Potions Master.

"That was a bloody accident and you know it." he said annoyed.

"Whatever you say." said Snape with a smirk.

"It was all your fault anyway." said Lucius. "Nobody told you to point the telescope at the girls changing room."

Austin burst out laughing.

"See what you've done Severus." said Lucius. "I can't imagine what the boy thinks of me."

"Simply uncle Lucius is a pervert." replied Snape.

"At least I didn't wear an old ladies dress with a bright red hat and handbag." said Lucius bitterly.

Snape narrowed his eyes at the handsome albino blond wizard.

"Sod off Malfoy." he said. "That was Lupin's nonsense class project and you know it."

"Still gets laughs at the office." said Lucius.

"You know I still have the copy of The Daily Prophet framed where you decided to take a new approach to your looks before a press conference." said Snape.

Lucius's eyes widened.

"You miserable old sod." he grumbled.

Snape smirked pleased that he had one that particular exchange. Austin had still been in awe of the two wizards. They had been war heroes and men of profound professions and yet they could act as casually as students at Hogwarts. It had been clear to the boy that they had a very good friendship.

"So little nephew are you all set for your first dance?" asked Lucius changing the subject.

"I think so." said Austin.

"Surely you have more confidence in your abilities than that." said Snape with an arched eyebrow.

"Y-You can dance?" asked Lucius with an arched eyebrow as well.

"Yes." replied Austin "Professor Snape's been teaching me."

Lucius smiled warmly as he looked up at Severus.

"Has he now?" he asked. "Well, you're in good hands...Severus has won every dance competition for Slytherin house against Gryffindor for years."

Austin looked at Snape who did his best to ignore the compliment.

"That's what Professor Granger said." he said to Lucius.

Lucius shook his head and placed a hand on Snape's shoulder.

"So." he said with a smirk. "Who's hungry?"

The three wizard's concluded their day out with stopping for fish and chips before heading off to their separate destinations. It had not been a bad day out and even Snape had to admit to himself that he had fun. Unsurprisingly, it was mostly due to Lucius despite his antics, the Senior Malfoy knew how to shop and he knew how to have a good time. Of course Severus would never tell the handsome pale blond that, his head was big enough already.


Room of Requirement, Hogwarts...

Snape looked down at Austin who had been sweating up a storm as he looked up at his Potions Professor. They had been working on the boy's technique and form for days now. He had gotten comfortable with various moves and surprisingly he had been quite good at the waltz. It seemed to be his best dance when he really relaxed and got into it. Snape smirked as he watched the boy move with just as much grace as he had. He was sure to impress everyone at the dance when the time came. Especially, Miss Shrouder.

"Alright Mr. Embers." said Snape handing the sweating boy a much needed towel. "I believe that concludes our lessons."

The boy took it and dried some of the sweat from his face.

"Yes sir." said Austin.

Snape shook his head.

"You worry too much." he said. "I believe you are beginning to pick-up Miss Granger's bad habits."

Austin smiled at his Head of House.

"You must really like her." he said. "You sure went through a lot of trouble for her."

Snape put a long pale finger to his pale lips.

"Quiet." he said. "What happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin."

"Yes sir." replied Austin still with a smile. "But I know you like her."

"You know Mr. Embers." said Snape annoyed. "You are starting to become an insufferable-know-it-all."

The younger Slytherin laughed as they made their way out of the room of requirement. Snape headed toward his quarters and Austin to the Slytherin common room.


Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Completely exhausted, Snape made his way into his front room. It had taken a lot more out of him than he realized teaching Austin to dance. The Potions Master made his way over toward his favorite armchair by the fireplace. After taking a moment to rest he made his way toward the shower. The sound of the rushing water stirred a certain bushy haired witch from her early slumber in the center of his large black four poster bed.

It wasn't long before The Potions Professor joined her beneath the crisp black sheets himself. Hermione kissed him sweetly and rested her bushy head against his chest.

"Lessons are over I take it?" she said.

"Yes they are." replied Snape.

"Was there some improvement?" asked Hermione.

"You'll see for yourself soon enough." he said.

Hermione smiled in the darkness of Snape's bedroom.

"I knew you could teach him." she said.

"Of course insufferable-know-it-all." replied Snape as he let out a yawn. "Pleasant dreams, Boundless Gryffindor."

"Same to you, Slytherin Git." she said sleepily.

The witch and wizard settled into a peaceful quiet slumber. Snape had not been looking forward to Cupid's Ball but he had to admit that he was interested to see how the boy would fair given the lessons he had just received. He supposed that if he had to be stuck chaperoning he could at least find it tolerable with Hermione being by his side despite having other plans for the bushy haired Charms Professor. Still, the night wouldn't be a total waste and if she dressed anything like she had at the last Cupid's Ball they attended...The night wouldn't be a waste at all.

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