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The unresolved case from the 1975 continued due to the emergence of the victim's last will in 1982. Due to the disruption of the Mustacho family, a wealthy people. Everyone is also interrupted and wants to get its treasure also the justice because of the truth and last will of the victim before he dies. You will read different people in this story who have different reasons and events in life but only one desire to find out, justify death and solve the mystery in this story. Who's going to win the justice nor the money, the power? What is the secret of the Tuffin's family? Let's go to the journey of the Tuffin's Familly until we reach the end and know who's the killer and the innocent one.

Chapter 1TRIAL


The unresolved case from the 1975

continued due to the emergence of the victim's last will in 1982. Due to the disruption of the Mustacho family, a wealthy people. Everyone is also interrupted and wants to get its treasure also the justice because of the truth and last will of the victim before he dies.

A Tuffin named Zaki D'.

Who's going to win the justice nor the money, the power? What is the secret of the Tuffin's family or the Mustacho? Let's go to the journey of the Tuffin's nor Mustacho Familly until we reach the end and know who's the killer and the innocent one.


Zaki D' POV:

"That's a great news. Hmm I'll talk to you later, bye." I said.

I hung up that call because I felt someone was following me. Even if there's so many people around me, I still feel if someone is following me.

Is this the right time, is it my day? I checked my watch and it's nine-fifty seven pm, at the same time I sped up my walk. I can hear the silence of the crowd while walking, every step I take every time I get away from the crowd.

"This is not the right time." I said.

What does he need from me? Maybe he's going to rob me, But if that's the case here I can handle him. I sense that the robbery or what is behind me and he sped up as he walked. I'm going to cross this road and I don't know if I still live beyond this quiet road.

I walk across the road and at the same time I heard gunshots not far away. Bang... Bang... Bang... Three times and I fell, I felt nothing no pain. I asked again the myself, is this really the right time to die? The killer walked towards me. I couldn't understand the look when he looked into my eyes. I sense the anger, pain, regrets, sadness in his eye's a cold eye's of him. I don't know who is he, the event is also fast but I only know one thing now.

I'm in the middle of life and death.

Suddenly, there was a voice and memories flooded my mind over and over again but each time the events was different.

"I love you so much, goodbye, I'll be back."

"Zak, I love you too. I'll wait for you to come back."

Two people wave goodbye's to each other with no worries just that they're inlove.

Those words and the events in my mind were the only one that made me smile. In that moment my vision blurred out into nothingness...





Year 1982, The future.

"Sir, state your name for the record." He said.

The person in my front suddenly asked me that question again. They didn't get tired of asking me, so here I am now, I surrender for the silence that I want.

"How many times to be like this? D*mn it. Okay fine." I said.

I've been here in this dark room for a while now and only one light was shining, or in other words interrogation room. Because they brought me here, they asked a lot of questions and I've been in jail for several years while they tortured me. I've been giving up and surrendering for several years because of what I want but there is a lawyer who still wants to know the truth, For g*d sake! Let's finish it. The detective asked me again, he recorded me again. Am I a famous artist?

"My name is Nek Tuffin." I said.

I said my name without emotion while I was here in a room with people and I was investigated. Then a lady sat in front of me and stared like she knew me.

"Nek, 8 years ago on a dark road, ten o'clock spotted a man walking. An armed person followed and k*lled him, no trace can tell that time who killed him but now." She said.

I know this investigation will never end but I'm here now and giving up to finish it and not be preceded by others.

She sighed at the same time as the light went out in that room, then she would tell me that I already know what it is.

"Yes, I am the one and only k*ller nor m*rder*r and I'm giving up let's finish this." I said.

Before he could speak, I spoke up, I want to end this chit-chat.

"She's now surrendering his head so let's stop this already, Attorney."

Someone interrupted, our chit-chat.

I don't really see who spoke, I just want it to end and he also agreed to dismiss this case.

"Nek, I know you, you can never do this to your brother even if the both of you fight, I know you're surrendering because of his wealth or some reason and it's me." She said.

The light went back to normal, now I know who's this. I'm amazed for what she become right now.

"Yes, it's me Nek, Mio." She said.

I'm shocked, she's different than before but why did she do this? I surrendered. Woman is confusing, if she wants to prove that I'm innocent she's wrong because not, I'm not.

"Mio, haha ​​did you just become a lawyer because you wanted to save me? I was touched." I said.

I smirked at her but she looked at me seriously, this girl don't know what joke is.

"Let's end this here Mio or should I call you Attorney? Prosecutor Mio? " I said.

I stood up but a guy in my back, stopped me and made me sit down again. Bwesit, Mio motioned him to hold me tighter than before. What's going on?

"Stop talking nonsense, Prove to me that you're the k*ller Nek." She said.

"Mio, the suspect has surrendered and there is a lot of proof, no need to go this far." He said.

The detective interrupted again, Yeah, they asked me again and again and I admitted it but this Mio who doesn't want to wean yet.

"Shut up Jasral, Nek tell me and defend yourself." She said.

I see through her eyes that she wanted to help me, so serious but I laughed so hard, do I need this? Why would I? I know they are a blah blah Prosecutor, Detective or what is here in this room. She's more than serious right now and so are the two with her.

"Okay, fine do you want to hear the story? From the start? Then I'll tell you." I said.




Year 1975, The Past.

"06/03/1964, that day I met her." I said.

I whisper and then closed my diary after writing that'. I can't believe it's been over 12 years already.

"I know I would love you like this tell the day I die and every universe, I will. " I said.

I just smile, got up from my seat and walked to the window of my room. I could see the beautiful sky and what am I now without him.

"I'm too wealthy but yet I'm alone, what if I didn't become like this maybe you're still mine" I said.

I whisper and sense the nature, I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and entered my room.

Don Devon, here is the information you want and it is confirmed that your brother starting a plan to drag you down." He said.

I frowned at what I heard, I couldn't believe that my brother wanted to fight me. This is not new to me but why is he going this far? I turned to Gethro one of my people and handed me the papers where there was the information he got about Nek my brother. I looked at it badly before I took it and looked at the content of the information he was carrying.

"D*mw*t, Nek." I said.

I'm shocked for what I saw, Nek is also a mafia and I know it, one of my opponents. Right now a billionaire Asher, is on his side!? He really wants a fight.

"You will regret this Nek, I'm sorry but you started it first. "

I grinned my teeth and read the entirety of the information I received, Who are these two? I got some cigarettes and also my gun then lit it and looked directly at Gethro.

"This information you gave is not complete yet Gethro, I need this information to be completed right a way! Did I tell you before? I want a complete new-"

"Don Devon, the information is complete-" he said and I raised the gun at the same time Gethro was shot, he almost hit on the shoulder, this guy don't have respect.

"The next time you interrupt me, my gun will hit you. Now get out!"

I clutched my jaw and at the same time as I had another shot of my gun, Gethro left that room. I really don't want to be given incomplete information especially about my brother. It's not completed, I'm not sure from what I read here if Nek and Zachary are really in cahoots.

Relax Devon, don't be angry. Don't be upset."

I said to myself, then stood up and stepped out of the room. I need to get some information too my way. But why Nek? And also why Zachary? Why are you betraying me.

KiD is the only one I can trust now I have to go and talk to him, and to take the next step. I went out of my mansion and got into my car with Assistant Keng.

"Keng, let's go to Zaki D's house, I need to talk to him." I said.

"Why not go to your therapist first, Don Devon" He said.

"Just drive, Keng." I said.

He looked at me again and as usual when I want to talk to someone I can trust he always says to talk to my therapist first. But I don't have a mental illness?! that really hurts me D*mn it. I don't need therapy! I know many problems are coming but that's not the solution.

I had no emotion when I said that, I shifted my position and looked out the window. Yes, I can't be angry with Keng because he is one of the important people in my life and I trust him.

I don't know what will happen in my life in a few years. But I need it when I prepare, Zaki D' can help me to fix this all and I know that. The car stopped in front of a small house. I immediately went down and as usual waited for Keng outside and walked to the door of the house.

"It's been a month since we last talk Zaki D'."

I whispered then opened the door. While I'm inside, someone spoke to me behind. I looked at him and I saw the joy in his face to see me.

"Devon, It took you so long to visit. What happened to you?" He said.

Yes, it's him Zaki D' the one who's happy even if his also alone in this house and his life. My other brother Tuffin, I immediately sat on the couch then stared at him with no emotion.

"Sit, We need to talk KiD." I said.

"Don't you want a hug first? I can see the stress and anger on your faces hmm what's wrong?" He said.

He took his glasses and wore it then sat down. He knows that I have something to have him read because I'm too lazy to waste my saliva. I handed him the paper of information and I also saw the surprised look on his face.

" You see, our brother, even if we are not a Kid anymore, he still wants to fight, haha, but the new thing is this time he has an ally." He said.

I'm amazed to this man, he still managed to laugh even though his brother is like this, isn't he worried that he might die because of him?

That's really cool, D*ng. A minute of silence across the room and I interrupted him reading.

"Now let's talk about the plan, KiD." I said.

Hmm... Okay? So what is Devon's plan? Will you also use violence and k*ll our brother as you already know, he will do the same to us?" He asked.

He looked at me seriously and put down the information he had read on the table and picked up his book that was just beside it. I looked at him writing and then he looked at me.

I took the book and looked at KiD. We already know what to do, just step into our plan. Thanks to his idea then and we used it. He stood up and looked at me smiling, he took some wine and poured a glass, gave it to me.

"That's a great Idea KiD, I can't really k*ll my own brother. Even if he wanted to k*ll both of us." I said.

"Let's drink Devon and enjoy our new beginning a new plan has come." He said.

He raised his glass and then I smirked and took my glass, we toast that night and tomorrow is the beginning for our plan.

"For the new beginning and the people I love, For everyone. Cheers!"



Year 1982, The future.


I know, Nek, you will be the first to give up even if there are a few more cases to go through." I said.

I sipped my wine and just read the newspaper. I smiled when I read that many people really liked Zaki D's last will, they couldn't believe that he was so rich. They stopped the investigation and now it's back.

"Congrats Don Devon." He said.

Keng said while putting wine in my glass and I nodded as thanks for his help.

I stood up and put a glass of wine for Keng. I want to toast for my new success. I know that everything is not over yet, but I still have the last laugh. I give the glass of wine to Keng and then we have cheers for our new success.

"You deserve to drink also Keng, this is a good news for both of us!" I said.

"Don Devon, I know you can make it, the next plan is already in place." He said with a smile looking at me as he drank his wine, I sipped mine too and sat down again.

"Haha! If you didn't help me I wouldn't be able to achieve this, thank you for the help I hope the success of Keng's plan will continue" I said.

"Don't worry Don Devon, it won't go wrong I assure you." He replied.

I smirked and looked at the void seriously, this is it. I do this for everyone. Next year or a few years later, whoever gets KiD's last will, he/she deserves it. My life and our lives are at peace, everything will end and I will also end their lives one by one, those who want to kill me in a clean way. They don't know about me, they can't k*ll me that easily.

"Keng, prepare the car we're going somewhere." I said.

Keng immediately obeyed and prepared the car. I am going to meet her again in the most painful situation. The emotion can change from joy to sadness very quickly. But somehow my plan is going to be great.

I'm inside the car right now and Keng drove it away to the destination where we will meet again. I took the cigarette and lit it, I flick my lighter three times to calm my self for later when we meet.

"Let's see who is really real and who is not Keng, They can k*ll Zaki D' but not me."


I'm Devon Tuffin you can't escape from my nightmare, sweet dreams everyone.

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