

Heroes, legends and tooth fairy queen on one side, Santa Claus, his mangers and their troops on the other. It was almost like the battle of Ragnarok except, Santa Claus was involved.

Prometheus, Titan of fire and a supreme trickster remained quiet, he was a legend who was imbued with craftiness and intelligence and most times credit was given to him as the champion of humankind. That was why when the weaver had asked for their service in vanquishing a deviated fabled being, whom currently was a terror to humankind, there had been no hesitation on his part.

He ignored the fabled being's taunting and focused on the size of his army, they looked powerful and he wondered how a calm and benevolent being such as Santa had been able to amass such. Granted he was a deviant, totally unpredictable and out of the weaver's control but should it be possible?


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