
Chapter 47

This had been a long time coming. It was sort of good for the time he had lasted. He had got to meet some people he would never had met with how he lived his life. Turned out he wasn't as boring as he thought.

There were some people that he wouldn't want to meet again and that was for certain. They must have gotten the hint because he hadn't gone live for weeks now. It was almost nearing a month. Thomas…well he had deleted his number. Trisha had texted asking if he was alright. It was still radio silence from Cynthia. He didn't exchange his personal contact with the other weirdos he had private sessions with.

It was time to say goodbye for real.

'This will be the last text. I'm no longer in that business. Hope you enjoyed them because what transpired will not happen again'. He sent that to Trisha and forwarded it to Cynthia. Just in case she came up again.

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