
Chapter 39

He knew Cynthia had a problem. A test didn't need to be carried out to show that she had a couple of screws loose. Yesterday just hammered a nail in the doorframe. Then the texts that she had sent. They sounded like a threat and he was starting to think that maybe them seeing each other at the mall wasn't just a coincidence. Now he was thinking crazy and making himself scared. This was what crazy people did to you. They rubbed off on you.

He had to go see her.

Imagine if he didn't and she showed up again. He couldn't even explain what had happened yesterday. Luckily Beck didn't hassle him, mum hadn't texted. Maybe still trying to digest that the relationship he was in was real. Dad though, he still had the idea in his head that he had a girlfriend. He had been snooping, so how much exactly did he know? He shouldn't think much about it since dad hadn't interrogated him.

He had to reply Annabanana.

'What are you implying?'

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