
Chapter 33

He had that itch again. The itch to show off for gratification. For the tips. The praises. It seemed he craved it now and he was suffering from withdrawal. He could just take more of his medication so he would be knocked out, but that would lead him down another road of more problems. The new laptop was just sitting there. All he needed to do was get a camera and setup.

He couldn't believe he was thinking of doing that considering everything that had happened. He had confessed to mum and so far she hadn't talked about it, which he was grateful for, but still his mum knew what he had done. That he had done a lot of things that no parent would want to know or think that their teenage son or daughter was doing.

Beck wasn't talking to him. In school it was like he didn't exist. Mum still dropped him off as usual. Trisha had texted, Cynthia too. Thomas hadn't. Seems like he only needed him when he felt like it. Like he was some pet waiting on hand and foot for his orders.

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