

Wish I never felt this way

I opened my Nature class and took a seat in the back of the class. After stalking away from Max, I went to the restroom and looked at my appearance, my face looked like a raccoon and my eyes were blood red from all the crying.

After changing my hideous appearance back to normal, I went back to class like nothing happened.

Max opened the door after a couple of minutes and sat down next to Justin, his best friend. His eyes narrowing at me angrily. "Good day students. Today I'm going to hand out a form for your parents to fill." He said handing out the form. "For our Nature project we're going on a camping trip in the middle of the woods."

What the fuck? It's the first day of school and we already have a project? The class cheered and some girls freaked out about monsters in the woods and other shit. Thank God I'm not that kind of girl. "It's mandatory guys." The girls groaned. "So don't think for a moment that you can skip this trip."

This better be a good trip! "I made a list of the things we need for this camping trip." The teacher said, grabbing the list. "School is going to cover the rest so don't worry about money."

After a whole fifteen minute of reading the darn list, the teacher finally let us have a little break. "Like I said, the things I didn't mention the school covered it already so don't worry. And one last thing, we're leaving next Friday at six o'clock in the morning." The bell rang making everyone grab their things.

"Don't forget to hand out the form to your parents!" Mr. Dossed shouted from the classroom.


Lunch time.

I walked on the school yard and saw my brothers sitting on our bench. I walked towards them and pushed Alexander out of the way and sat in the space he was about to sit on. He groaned, shooting me a glare but sat down next to Anderson. "So? Who will pay for my lunch?" I asked loudly, trying to get their attention. They talk too loudly.

"Ohm...you I guess?" Anderson mumbled amused. "No, you idiot. You guys are such bad brothers." I growled, crossing my arms and pouted.

"You have your own money, use it. You're so fucking cheap." Adrian complained and I fake gasped in horror. "Don't act like it's not true because we both know it." I gave him the eye, making him look away. I mentally grinned before shrugging my shoulders. "I'm not cheap."

Alexander groaned. "Here. Take this and go buy something from the canteen." Grabbing some money out of his pocket. "I love you so much Xandie." I exclaimed as I placed sloppy kisses on his cheek.

"Stopped it, Alex. You're filling my face with your saliva and it's disgusting. Stop it, Alexandra! I mean it." Alexander pushed me away and I widened my eyes and pouted my lips, making him groaned. He mumbled a "Fine have it your way." Under his breath and let me kiss him.

Ha! It always works.

"Thank you Xandie." I cheered thankfully, climbing off the bench, and started to make my way towards the school building when Adrian shouted out for me to get him something. "Where's your money?" I shouted back at him, and he waved his money at me.

I groaned, stalking back towards him. "What do you want?" I snatched the money out of his hand and started to count. Oh, fifty. I can buy some desert. I pushed the money in my bust. "I want...." He started to say but I cut him off by walking away from the table. Ha! Loser. "Hey! Bring me back my money Alexandra!" I shook my head and headed to the canteen.

"If you don't, I will take it from your allowance." I gaped, that bastard! "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes as I made my way into the canteen, stopping when I saw the long line. This is going to take forever!

I dragged myself towards the line and stood there impatiently, watching the front of the line every time to see if it was moving fast.

I groaned, tapping my foot. Yay! The line moved! I walked one step only for it to get stuck again. What the hell? Only one person? This is going slower than my grandmother.

I touched the guy in front of me, batting my eyelashes. "Hey, can I get a turn?" I told him sweetly, nodding his head he gave me his turn. "How sweet, thank you. Have I seen you before?" He shook his head. "Can you talk?" He shook his head, "Why?" He shrugged, "But, it gets weird." He raised one eyebrow with a small smile and did a sometime motion with his hand. "You can't talk, or you just don't want to?"

He pointed to the front, and I frowned, "What?" I turned around, "Oh, the line moved, the line moved! Yay!" I squealed as I took a few steps forward, now we're talking. "Thanks, I'm so clueless. We can be friends; I always wanted a mute friend."

He smiled at me and shaking his head, "What? Can you talk yes, or no?" He did a hand movement, but I didn't get it." He sighed pointing at his neck, "I hurt my vocal cords, I can't talk for a while." He managed to say barely audible. I pouted sadly, "Such a shame, here I wanted to have a mute friend." I playfully bumped our shoulders together.

I gave him a short smile as I turned around and walked toward the counter, finally. "Can I have two Pizzas and a coke please? Barbecue chicken. And can I have a Hamburger and a large coke?" I paid for the food and kept my brother's change.

"Thanks Lucas." I made my way out of the canteen and walked towards my brothers table, "Thank you sis." Adrian said with a teasing smile when I gave him his food and glared at him, sitting down on the bench as I munched on my pizza.

"Can you eat more ladylike?" I shook my head as I slurped from my coke, burping as I took another bite from my pizza. "Lord, have mercy for her poor mate." I rolled my eyes at him, slurping from my coke. "Ha-ha, so funny." I spoke with food in my mouth.

"Don't do that Alex, it's disgusting." I ate more pizza and chewed annoyingly; my mouth wide open. "Stop it! You're so annoying." He pushed me away and I laughed at him, my hand around my stomach as I snorted, coughing when I choked on my pizza.

Alexander patted my back a bit too hard as he lifted my arms up and down, coughing madly I threw him a glare, trying to catch my breath. "You're so abusive." He leaned his head back as he raised one eyebrow at me.

"I should have let you choke on that pizza." I gaped, "At least I can say that I died happily." I stuck my tongue at him as I slurped from my drink, finishing my other pizza. "Where's Zoe and Chloe?" I asked around casually and Alexander shrugged, "They aren't my mate, ask these two morons."

I laughed, fist bumping with Alexander. "Good one, yes morons, where are my two besties?" Anderson ignored me and so did Adrian, "Oh, nice. Ignore the poor sister." I sniffed, wiping my fake tears. "But that's okay, I will find my besties myself."

I grabbed my drink and got off the bench, heading towards the canteen. "Why is it that every time you're just in my way?" I jumped slightly and then cursed at myself for not hearing him sneaking up on me like a creep.

I turned around and saw that he wasn't wearing his hooded jacket anymore but his black shirt that hugged his muscles nicely. Gosh stop acting like a thirsty ass wolf in heat! His bare arms crossed on his rocked chest, making him look quite good looking. "You can stop drooling now." That idiot, who does he think he is?

Arrogant jerk!

Scowling up at him I said. "Drool? Me." I pointed at myself with a snort as I rolled my eyes. "Over you." I turned my finger as I pointed at him, "I have better things to do boy." I fake smiled at him and turned back around. He growled and took my upper arm and dragged me out of the canteen.

"Hey! I was about to go look for my friends." I scowled at him while trying to get loose. He tightened his grip on my arm and kept on walking. What the hell is wrong with him? Is he crazy? "Hey! Where are you taking me? Let go." He just dragged me away without saying anything.

I huffed in defeat and just let him drag me away. He looked around before shoving us in the janitor closet. "We're not done talking." I pinned my lips together and glared at him. "We don't have nothing more to talk about, I thought I made that clear when I walked away." I huffed, crossing my arms together, trying to look somewhat intimidating.

"Fine! Have it your way then." He snapped angrily at me, making me jump slightly. "Fine! We're done." We both glared at each other and before we knew it, we were ravishing each other's mouth, hands gripping everywhere as we kissed heatedly.

"Now we're done, and we're not going to speak about it either." I spoke out with a good amount of air before exhaling deeply, my top lip running across my bottom lip as I walked past him. I opened the janitor closet and got out, closing my eyes briefly as I let out a soft breath.

"Alexandra wait! We're not done, you know God damn well that we are far from done." His voice boomed in the hallways, but I ignored him and made my way back to the canteen. He growled at me before a hand grabbed my arm, turning me around.

"Let go of my sister Arden." An angry growl came from behind us, and Max turned around, hiding me behind him. My brothers stood their glaring at Max with hatred in their eyes. "What if I don't want to Armstrong?" He growled back at them. He was shaking and could shift any minute now.

I remember when we were younger and he used to get angry, he would destroy everything in his sight and let me tell you this, it wasn't something pretty to see. "Max, go for a run, you need it." Said a voice behind us.

I turned around and saw one of Max's lap dogs, I think his name was Chris? Max growled out but did what he was told but before he left, he gave me one last glance before taking off. "I thought I told you not to go near him?" I flinched away from his harsh tone, and he softened a little.

"I didn't go near him! It's like every time I try to avoid him, he gets in my way!" I shouted out, getting frustrated. "We go to the same school! It's not like I can avoid him all year, trust me I tried, and it didn't work out as planned. I would have to talk to him at some point."

"You better listen to me or there would be consequences Alexandra." Anderson said, walking away, and I just stood there in shock with my mouth hanging wide open. Did he just threaten me like that? Oh no mister. No one threatens me and go with it just like that. Not even my own brother.

"You better listen to him Alexandra." Adrian said, turning around and walked in the direction Anderson went. I let out a scream of frustration, before running in the direction of the school door.

The sun blinded my vision as I opened the door harshly, running in the direction of the woods, I needed time to cool down. I went behind a tree and looked around before taking my clothes off, folding them neatly next to a tree.

I could feel her wanting to take over and be in control just for a little bit, we both needed this. We needed to run and get all this anger and frustration out of our system. I morphed into my wolf and began to run as fast as I could, the wind brushing against my fur as everything around me turned into blur.

My paws stopped just as I reached a cliff, staring down at the waterfall. I jumped on the rocks as I got down, my body morphing back into human form as I stepped into the clear water, my feet walking further into the water until I was completely submerged into the water.

The sound of water falling was relaxing and somewhat calming, I needed this to get some stress off my back. Ever since we kissed at the summer party, I couldn't get him off my mind.

I used to easily ignore my feelings for him but now, the pull was stronger than ever. Something changed, I feel it deep within me. A voice I never heard before, a calling. I was far too blinded to hear or see it.

I was about to get out when I heard ruffling behind the bushes. It sounded like someone was coming this way.

I hid my body in the water so the person couldn't see me naked and waited patiently for the person to reveal themselves, praying that it wasn't some pervert.

When the person came into the view, I gasped at the sight of him standing a couple of feet away from me. Yep, a pervert. I groaned, of all the people in the world He had to find me in the woods naked.

I got more under the water, so my face was the only thing he was seeing. He came more into the view and stood there with his arms crossed. He looked pissed for some reason but I couldn't help but notice the lustfully look in his eyes.


I covered my breasts and hid as much as I could, but the sun was right on top of the lake, giving it a brighter contrast and I'm sure he could see everything from where he stood. He gave me an angry look as he brought his hands up, showing me my clothes.

That idiot! He stole my clothes, probably whiffing me out like a horny dog.

"Are you stupid enough to swim in the middle of the woods naked and alone?" He glared down at me. "What the hell were you thinking?" I glared back at him. "It's none of your business." I told him with a shrug and a shook of a head. "I'm not hurting anyone, or am I?"

"Alexandra for God sakes! I'm being serious here." He hissed at me. "Can you act more mature at least one time in your life?" I scoffed, yeah mister I'm so mature. "I'm being serious too. It's my problem not yours." I shot back at him with hatred. "And besides, I'm not doing anything wrong. It's hot and warm."

He growled and stalked toward me. "Gosh sometimes you make me so angry with this attitude of yours." He threw his hands at me as he barked out. I shrugged uncaringly and played with the water with my free hand, the other one covering both of my breasts. "And sometimes you make me want to kill you so we're even, it's hard to keep myself from killing you."

"Out now!" My body started to shift uncomfortably and before I could say something, I was already out of the water. "How did you even do that?" I scowled him, my eyes glaring at him.

He growled at me while throwing my clothes my way roughly. "None of your business. Now get dressed! Get dressed!" He barked out, leaving no room for discussion. I looked at the clothes before smirking. Is it bad for me to want some little bit of fun?

"Nope. I would like to stay this way." He groaned. "Put the fucking clothes on Alexandra." Oi, he's getting angry now, but did I care? Heck no! "What if I don't want to?" I said flirtatiously. As soon as I said that he was standing in front of me with both hands on my face. "Stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?" I asked softly, playing the innocent card. "If you don't want a repeat of what happened between us you better stop now." He growled sexually frustrated. I smirked. "Why, scared?" I bit my lips provocative just to provoke him.

He looked at my lips then back at me. "No. You know me damn well; I am not scared of anything." He tried to intimidate me by stepping closer. I looked to the side as I glanced up. "No?" My smirk widened even more. "I know what you're doing." He said stepping away from me, but I grabbed his hand.

"And what am I doing?" I kissed the palm of his hand.

He groaned, taking a step back. "Stop doing that." He growled, looking away but I caught a glimpse of lust in his eyes. "You're fighting it. I know you still want me."

He growled and stalked towards me, putting his hands on my face. "You asked for it." He crashed our lips together, my arms wrapped on their own accord around his neck, deepening the kiss.

I played a game that would surely burn me in the end.

“What happened between us is the first thing we have to let go of.”

anais_baromeocreators' thoughts
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