

"You leaving now?" Dezhong, who was on his way out of Kong's office, was asked by Krista, who was drinking with Jamal and Kina. Not wanting to speak with anyone at the moment—for their safety and his—Dezhong ignored Krista's question and instead walked out of the club.


Krista, having sensed that something was off with Dezhong, slowly followed him at a good distance. Meanwhile, Dezhong picked up his pace once he was out of the tunnels. He went past the busy streets filled with lots of people and headed to his humble abode.

As he got closer to his home, Dezhong felt like he was being followed, so he took detours in narrow alleys where there were fewer people. After making sure he was alone, he hid behind a wall and started to sniff, with his ears wiggling to hear if anyone was following him.


*Sniff* *Sniff*

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