

Indigo staggered through the crowd. His initial plan was to leave the party, but he didn't know when he found himself with the partying people. He was hungry for blood, his mind was not intact. Most of the people at the party were supernaturals.

Hailey, the girl from the pimp car sighted Indigo and ran off to meet him.

"Inny, oh my God you look awful." She jeered.

Indigo wasn't looking his best. All he thought about was draining a human from his/her blood. Indigo abstained from human blood because he had a lineage of reapers. And he knew he was likely to become one because of his adamant lust for human blood.

Hailey wanted to leave when a piece of wood cut her on her ankles. She was bleeding and it wasn't healing,

"Fuck! My precious ankles!" She wailed. Indigo watched her bleed and salivated over it.

"Hello, I'm fucking bleeding! Do something about it!" She yelled at Indigo.

Indigo took her away from the party, but they could still hear the music from the party indistinctively. He placed Hailey against a tree and stared at her lustfully. She was captured by his alluring looks and succumbed to his intentions.

He kissed her slowly and passionately as she closed her eyes. He went down to her ankles and licked the blood off them. She found that a bit awkward but soothing. He wasn't satisfied with the blood he kicked off her ankles. He came back up to her face with blackish veins below his eye area and a crimson red eye, with his fangs lengthened, ready to drain the blood off Hailey.

Hailey was scared stiff, like a deer in the headlights, by the way, Indigo looked. She couldn't believe they were real, Vampires!

She screamed as Indigo fiercely sunk his fangs into her neck draining all the blood in her. The vampires at the party could hear the scream, even some of the werewolves.

Sandra and the three boys also heard the scream.

"What the fuck was that?" Jesse, one of the boys said. He possessed a deep hypnotic voice, that captivated Sandra when she heard him speak.

"Jesse, that's not our interest right now. What our interest is right now is why the fuck is this bitch here." Matthew said gruffly.

Sandra was offended by what Matthew said and the name he used to address her but she couldn't say anything. She was speechless.

"Come on now, Matthew apologize. You can't go around calling people you don't know bitches." Jesse said.

"Matthew's a fucking degenerate. You should expect more from him." Collins said spitefully.

Matthew heard this and instantly growled at Collins. Matthew and Jesse were werewolves, while Collins was human. They were in the woods settling a dispute before Sandra came and interrupted them.

"It's okay, I'll leave," Sandra said as she was about to take her to leave when Jesse held her back.

"I'm Jesse, and you're?" He said as she gave her a cheerful smile. He had the perfect smile that could send shivers down one's spine.

She stuttered before telling him her name then they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Sandra Sage," Jesse said.

Matthew was irritated by Jesse's warmness and kindness towards Sandra,

"Can she leave already?!" He groaned.


Meanwhile, as Indigo enjoyed his meal, another of his kind; Andrea, saw him and pulled him away from Hailey's almost lifeless body. Hailey fell to the ground unconscious.

Indigo's mouth and lips were filled with blood, his face was also covered in drops of Hailey's blood. He felt a little satisfaction from the amount of blood he drained from her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Andrea said in a lowered tone. She was ginger, with a British accent. She had a high-pitched and irreverent voice.

Indigo did not move, he had his fill at least just for the night. Andrea reprimanded him,

"How can you feed so close to where people are? Are you bloody stupid!"

Indigo still wasn't moved, Andrea was getting pissed,

"Do you fucking talk, are you just fucking dumb?" She added. Then he said with a husky tone and in a haughty manner, as he wiped his lips with his thumb,

"Never tell me where to fucking feed." He saw that Hailey had gained consciousness so he said to Andrea,

"Back to my meal." He picked Hailey up, placed her against the tree and continued to feed on her. As he fed on her, he noticed the change of colour in Andrea's eyes. Her eyes were golden, which signifies that she feeds only on animal blood.

"Join me, that is if you want." He said to Andrea as he continued sucking on Hailey.

Andrea resisted the urge to join him, she did not want to go back to her old life. When she was a 10th grader, she killed as many humans even her kind as well. She was ruthless until she was tamed by her mentor. She believed her Senior year would be better for her.

"Too late, she's dead," Indigo said indifferently as he let her lifeless body fall to the ground. He was always a different person anytime he was in his vampirism overshadowed his humanity.

"What are you gonna do with her body?" Andrea asked curiously.

Indigo moved towards Andrea slowly and looked her deep in the eyes as he compelled her to forget about him and what she saw. Indigo was a descendant of the original family so he could compell other vampire's.

Andrea left Indigo and Hailey's dead body like she was under a spell. Indigo looked at Hailey and shivered with disgust.

Then he remembered that he left Sandra alone deep, in the forest. He wanted to go back to look for her but he could hear random voices coming from a mile. You know, vampires and super hearing skills. He ran as fast as flash then he stopped when he sighted Sandra, Jesse, Matthew and Collins. Out of the three boys, he was acquainted only with Jesse.

Jesse found interest in Sandra, he asked her why he had never seen her before. She was reluctant to tell him that she was new there but she had to.

Indigo watched them quietly and saw that Sandra and Jesse were getting along quite well. He couldn't believe his eyes, Sandra and Jesse were holding hands as they smiled at each other.

He decided to crash their little romance,

"Sandy!" He yelled from a distance. Sandy couldn't recognize his voice.

"Who's that?" Jesse asked confusedly.

"I have no idea," Sandra responded.

Soon, his image and physique became clear to Sandra and Jesse.

"What the fuck is this guy doing here?" Jesse mumbled.

"Jesse, get the fuck away from her," Indigo said raucously.

Sandra was confused, how did they know each other she thought to herself since Indigo told her that no one knew him in school.

"The fuck dude, what's your problem?" Matthew said annoyed with the way Indigo approached things.

"I'm not here to fight. Just let her go man." Indigo said.

"I'm I hurting her? Did you hear her scream? Chill out, dude." Jesse said brimming with annoyance.

"What's going on, In?" She said plaintively.

"Sandy, just come with me," Indigo said as he stretched out his hands.

"Bye, Sandra Sage," Jesse said with a luscious tone as he let go of Sandra's hands. Sandra told him bye as she stared at him until she got to Indigo and they left.

"We'll discuss this later Collins. Maybe when school resumes. Right now I have something's to deal with." Jesse said as Collins agreed and left.

And then there was Jesse and Matthews,

"You're a fucking pu$$y, how the fuck did you not beat that guy's ass up," Matthew said to Jesse.

"Matthew, sometimes I wish you had a switch, you know where I could just flip and you'd shut the fuck up," Jesse said, he was tired of Mathew's consistent ranting.

"Fuck you, bro," Mathew said.

"So what are you gonna do about the situation, between me and Collins?" Mathew asked curiously.

"Time will tell," Jesse said as he entered his SUV and drove off leaving Matthew alone in the woods.

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