
Chapter 43 - Son's

For those confused, Oppai Odyssey chapters is the latest in the timeline while this chapter is in the past, at least a month prior to Enzo departing to Holy Terra to meet up Momiji. 

Understand? Good, I'll continue this until things are straight. 


Billy Kaplan never had a problem being different from other people. It was other people that had a problem with him. Being raised in a normal home in New York with his loving mother, Rebecca Kaplan, father, Jeff Kaplan, and two brothers, Billy had the average problems for a gay teenager. In school, he met a tremendous amount of hate and fear because he was different. Billy's issues escalated as he grew older and entered high school where his differences became the source of endless torment and violence.

John Kessler was Billy's main nemesis and after receiving a beating that left him sore and bloody, Billy went to his favorite place to calm down-The Avenger Mansion. A woman jogger passed by and asked him if he was okay because she saw the boy was bleeding. Billy explained to the woman what had happened and was shocked to see the woman was none other than Scarlet Witch, she had been an Avenger at the time. Flabbergasted, he then admitted that she was his favorite Avenger even though Wanda was more an X-Men member. 

Once Scarlet Witch had heard the full story of his troubles at school, she told him that next time he was threatened the best thing to do would be to stand up to Kessler. Billy scoffed at her advice and told her maybe if he had powers like her he could. She reassured him that "Everyone has some gift," and advised him that next time he encounters Kessler, not to back down. Billy did not take Scarlet Witch's advice. He avoided Kessler at all costs until one day he saw Kessler had found a new victim. 

Unable to allow another to suffer Kessler's abuse in his place, he confronted Kessler. While being attacked, Billy's powers manifested for the first time. Unable to control them, he electrocuted Kessler, nearly killing him. Shocked and afraid at what he had done, Billy ran back to the Avengers Mansion to talk with the Scarlet Witch but she was nowhere to be found at the time since she was with Enzo on date at the time. Though he was able to meet Dr. Stranger senses his power awakening and managed to help him being trained under him even met Wanda afterwards since she had been also training magic. 

The two of them grew close feeling there was more to it than what he initially thought until he accidentally called her 'Mom' that became the reason why he was able to remember everything about his past. He foresaw a future that never happened where Wanda became crazy creating two children him and his twin brother Tommy until the whole timeline was altered and resisted by their father who sent them back into another point in time while giving him last bit of his power saving the whole multiverse and protecting. 

He was unaware that his fate was like his mother becoming an all powerful entity called "Demiurge" who would "Rewrite the law of magic." a piece of his father that was Demiurge had only increased his fate coming to fruition. Eventually, Billy tried to find his "brother", Thomas Shepherd where he found him to be with their "uncle", Pietro Maximoff teaching him on how to use his power and being able to talk with him. At first he's unsure if he should tell the truth until a message from their father appears before them and causes Thomas Shepherd's memory to return. 


Billy tried to hug his father but passed through him hearing a chuckle from their father while Thomas almost did the same if not for trying to process everything entering his mind.

"Hahaha sorry I am just an illusion cast into your soul."

Their father laughed at the two for a moment until he became serious. 

 "Moving, sup, kiddos! If ya seeing this then I likely be dead or at least barely alive. I left this piece to help you two since fate is a funny thing at times and thought it best you know the truth before unnecessary drama happens."

He said since their timeline had been erased from existence only been barely saved by Enzo in hopes to save the tragic future. 

"I might be extremely busy at this time or maybe it will change? Most likely the latter but whatever, once you two meet me I'll automatically know everything so expect a high from papa! 

Ps. Let your father handle everything."

After some time, the two Maximoff brothers whose souls came from another timeline that had been destroyed and rewrite into a new. Enzo at that time was rushed and did not think things through which is why at the current time when he manages to acquire the memories of his other self allowed him to grasp even more power along with learning a new possible future. Meanwhile, everyone in the room was still confused at what's going on.

"Uhmm…Enzo, what's going on? What do you mean sons?"

Captain America stepped forward asking for an answer while Enzo merely let go of his two sons before messing their hairs. 

"It's a long story, simply put their soul is my son's in an alternative future that has been erased and rewrite that current overlapping to this timeline."


He asked while Enzo just shook his head then looked at his two children.

"You two come with me once we're done here. Wait, does your mother know?"

"N-No, dad. We haven't told her yet."

"Good, I don't think she can handle learning that the two of you are our son's."

Enzo said, turning his attention to the rest of the team introducing himself while also explaining about why just happened earlier. He manages to learn certain events from the future at least in the timeline that his two sons came from. Enzo seems fortunate enough to make his empire unlike their timeline where he stuck as hero and hadn't gotten stronger causing their reality to collapse forcing him to rewrite it again to save everyone. 

That timeline is now obsolete and won't ever happen. Technically the two of his son's aren't blood related but their souls are. He was eager to see how this young avenger would fare against his training. Fury and Captain America move to the side watching them in the sidelines. 

"Alright, all of you may know me as Apeiron, currently the God Emperor of mankind and serving as the poster boy for the intergalactic expansion of Archeapeiron Imperium. Can each of you introduce yourself? I know Tommy and Billy over there since they are the reincarnated souls of my son's in an alternative future."

They took abit how casual he just said the last part since most of them thought he'll be a hard ass and more regal but was actually more casual. 

"I am Katherine Bishop, I'm honored to meet you sir. Clint often mentions you when he was training me."

"Good thing I hope but knowing Clint he might be ranting about how I often tease him which often results in an arrow straight to the head which is fun you can say he's always ahead from the rest of us, get it? Cause he shot me in the head? hahaha."

Everyone awkwardly smiles while Enzo wholeheartedly laughs and his children felt like dying since they're father is known for his horrible pun. 

"Well, next you! I can see that you're not from this universe. Does your universe have a version of me?"

Enzo turned his attention to the young woman who

"How can you tell I'm not from this universe?"

"You vibrate differently than the rest of us as well as being protected by a rather thick interdimensional barrier. If not for that then you have collapsed and crumbled where even a scrap of your atoms would be reduced to nothing."

She shuddered at the thoughts while Enzo just chuckled.

"No need to worry, you should be safe. That aside, care to tell me your name?"

"I'm America Chavez from Earth 878."

"What's our universe number?"

"I believe it's 747."

Enzo nodded upon hearing her then turned his attention next towards the other young man who was half Skrulls and Kree. He raises an eyebrow looking at him and his son wiccan then back at him. 

"What's your name kid?"

"M-My name is Theodore Altman, Sir. I'm known as the Hulkling"

He scanned him head to toe looking at his son who was panicking even blushing since Enzo knew exactly what's going on. His son, Billy was actually Gay and the young man before him is his secret crush or rather the has some attraction to him and vice versa.

"No need to feel anxious and I'm not a judgemental person. Hey if yah need advice just talk to me I'll help you score my son-"

Enzo then felt his lips shut looking at his son who used his power to remove his ability to speak. He inwardly laughs at himself before using his own magic to easily dispel it.

"Okay, sorry I can't myself. Alright, Anyways today I was sent here to train all of you in order for me to further understand the grasp of your powers and find new ways to improve your skills. For now, let's start a sparring match to help me grasp your powers. Who's going first?"

Enzo shouted looking at each one of them analyzing deeper into how each of them would fare against the gourmet world. The planet itself is the same as the sun and the creature could easily be a planetary threat from the sheer power they all possessed.

"Or you want to fight me all together?"

He flared his killing intent to each of them weighing into them making everyone hesitate to fight him head on. Enzo still has the extreme power but the same level as Franklin Richards who was the child of Reed Richard and his wife that he would meet a year from now and would be a child for a few years.

The child whose power was so far powerful that Enzo was unable to completely siphon it since the alternative future didn't have the Astral Regulator. He was only lucky to himself in the past because his future self managed to steal a small piece of Franklin Richards that protected the essence that he sent in the past and save his children. 

Enzo looked at them seeing that they were all reluctant to fight him since they saw how strong he was. His power fend off Galactus in the past and fought the sentry with little to no effort. He started to feel bored when he felt his whole body start to feel weaker noticing his son was using his power to restrain him and it was effective. 

"Tommy go! While I hold d-d-Enzo-Dad-I mean!"

"Yeah, but call me speed!"

He chuckled looking at the bicker then brazely moved to the side surprising his whit haired son then tried to move once more but was blocked by Enzo. 

"You still have a long way to go. You think speed is everything but when a skilled fighter is up against you then it is easy to predict what your next move would be?"

Enzo moved his head where an arrow went past him turning his attention to hulking who moved strike him but twist his body then pushed him several feet then dodge an attack from American Chavez who tried to punch him that produce wind shockwave then had her wrist grabbed by Enzo who threw her towards his son, Billy who was about to cast a spell but halted when his friend was thrown toward him and collided with each other. 

"Also your power may have certain advantages but there are still many factors to think about. Enemies can use your allies against you and someone who has a clear understanding of their surroundings could easily use it against you so be aware. Now let's continue."

He smirked at them, wincing after being easily defeated by Enzo who hardly used his power. Enzo knew that his power is an overkill and had certain situations where it can be used appropriately. At times, he needed to severely hold back when on earth or near the Sol system to avoid destroying everything.

After a few minutes, Enzo looked around  being the only one standing while everyone was squirming in pain on the ground. He didn't spare his children who had cuts and bruises. 

"Remember, that if I was really an enemy then all of you would be dead. Anyways, I got enough information to go about. Let's see here, You, Bishop, you're still far from Clint's skill but you have the most training in combat compared to all of them therefore it best that you're the leader, in this team. Study not just the bow but also other weapons as it could make you extremely vulnerable when your arrows are empty."

She is still wincing from the pain of hearing Enzo's advice since unlike the other, she doesn't have any powers therefore needed to make up for in leadership and combat skills. 

"Try asking Iron Fist to train you in hand to hand combat and might learn to harness Chi from him."

Enzo has Chi and easily teaches her but trusts him to be much better in combat than himself. He rarely uses the energy since his power includes psionic, cosmic energy, power cosmic and chaos magic with the addition of hell energy and divinity. 

"As for you, Theodore, you lack understanding of your powers when it can be so much more. I'll help fix that since I'm an expert in shapeshifting. In addition, you lack combat training and fight head first and think later. It might be great if you're really the hulk but seeing you're predictable and lack formal training could easily be overpowered by a more skilled opponent."

There are many ways to use shapeshift than just change their appearance since he could make his muscle be denser and stronger without making his body bulkier by folding his cell to the point it's a lot stronger than before. Though Enzo is unsure if being hybrid hinders some parts of his physiology which he might help later on. Afterwards turn his attention to American Chavez.

"As for you, the same thing, You have incredible power and lack training. It is best if you join the bishop in that regard. Furthermore, you lack control and creativity in using your powers."

Having the power of interdimensional travel is extremely powerful but she lacks control and training that made her extremely vulnerable. He turned to his two sons and felt like he'll be killed by Wanda later. In the city block, Wanda was shopping with Rogue when she suddenly felt the urge to punch Enzo in the face.

"You alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I just felt like punching Enzo right now."

"Uhm…Okay. Anyways, do you think Enzo is going to like it?"

While the two were shopping, Enzo helped heal everyone making sure that they all remembered what he said, giving each of them a note. 

"Well, I'll be taking Billy and Tommy with me. Let's go kids."

Enzo created a portal where the two just hop inside following their 'Dad'.

"Oh right, here. I was just too excited."

He laughed using magic to change their costume into regular clothes before continuing their stroll where they walked down a few blocks until arriving in a shawarma shop.

"Hope you two ain't vegan."

He said walking inside with his two sons where they ordered their food while Enzo couldn't stop smiling looking at them. 

"Well, how do you feel about everything?"

Enzo knows that they weren't completely his son in the sense that they are from another point in time and be considered as clones as his soon to be children. A time remnant if you will. 

"Hope I am not being a creep."

"No, no, dad, it's fine. If anything, you are surprised that you immediately consider as your son when technically not."(Billy)

"Well, I mean you have an elder sister who is a living weapon and a world devourer. So it's not strange that I have children from an alternative future. Just don't tell your mothers yet, I mean do you want them to pamper nonstop like I'm doing right now?"

They shudder at the thought of being constantly embarrassed by their mother and step mothers. Enzo was already too much to handle and adding them would only make things worse. 

"Yeah, no, you're already hard enough, dad. I don't think I can handle the stress of their pampering."(Tommy )

"Hahaha good, now I can spoil you like I'd with your sister. Now, you two dire need of an upgrade."

"Sorry dad but please don't. I mean we appreciate it but we don't want to be spoiled from being the reincarnated son of the emperor of mankind. Training us is enough."( Billy )

"Oh come, I was thinking of giving speed a sick armor since that friction proof is not enough but I guess it is best for you to earn it. How about this, ince your training camp trip is over and when my evaluation is high enough then I'll reward you like the others, is that fair?"

"That's fair, dad. Thanks."(Tommy)

"No need to thank me, I may not be the version of father but I am still your father. Oh right, care to share about Theodore? He seem a great kid"

"Daaad!!?" (Billy)

He laughed at his sons who became all flustered while their food soon came and ate while chatting and bonding. 

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