
Chapter 63: Founding Female Lilith

After Raven shared her blood with her people, she led them outside of the cave they were in.

"Come on, step out. You will never burn; I promised you that," she encouraged them.

One by one, Raven watched her people slowly emerging from the dark cave's entrance. She could see their terrified faces, but as soon as the sun's rays kissed their faces and didn't burn, Raven saw their smile for the first time. Her grandfather gave them immortality, strength, and speed, but she gave them a new beginning and a chance to live under their worst enemy.

"Mommy, the sunshine is warm," she heard a girl say, unable to believe the light she was seeing.

"It's warm, my dear," her mother replied.

Raven's heart swelled up with pride. At least before she faces her doom and war with Dahlia, she gives these people a chance to get out of their world of darkness.

"How about you shifter-wolves? " Raven told them, "Show me how you shift at your own will."

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