
Real Hero

[Penthouse, Musutafu, Japan, 15:20]

"How do you explain the deaths of three students and three other students who were seriously injured? Is UA safe for children?"

In a rather posh penthouse, our wizard can be seen watching the press conference currently being broadcast on television with a big smile. Nezu, Midnight, and Cementoss can be seen answering the reporters' questions as best they can.

While Midnight and Cementoss don't know what to answer, Nezu remains calm and answers quietly, much to Izuna's annoyance.

"Yesterday, while the students were training for rescue situations to become the heroes of tomorrow, a criminal organization, known as the league of villains, attacked the students.

Despite the courage of the hero Eraser Head, Mina Ashido, Eijiro Kirishima, Rikido Sato, and Hanta Sero are seriously injured, with Ms. Ashido's condition being the most serious, however, what makes me the angriest are the brutal and despicable murders of Mashirao Ojiro, Denki Kaminari, and Kyoka Jiro.

These three horrific murders were committed by one person, the infamous serial killer, Yusuke Izuna."

The second the name of the infamous black sorcerer (yes, I changed the nickname because sorcerer is cooler) is uttered, the reporters' faces paled as silence filled the room for a few seconds before Nezu spoke again.

"The situation could have gotten worse if it wasn't for the intervention of the symbol of justice, All Might, who not only defeated the league of villains' asset which allowed us to arrest many of them but also to make the criminals, including the black wizard, retreat, proving his cowardice."

Izuna's eyebrows furrow as she hears Nezu's words and starts talking to reporters again.

"That's why I would like to address Yusuke Izuna directly."

He says as he looks with a serious look straight into the camera and right into the eyes of the wizard.

"You're just a temperamental kid in constant search of attention, and you've won, you have my full attention now, I hope you're ready because I'm not a kid, and I've known you since YOU were a kid and as your father, I'm going to do exactly what I should have done years ago, show you that every action has its consequences, and I'm your consequence, thank you." He said to the media before walking away with the two teachers in tow.

Sitting on the couch of his penthouse, Izuna's eyes contain only immense coldness as he calmly gets up from the couch and slowly approaches his television before grabbing it violently from the wall to throw it out the window.

Izuna's calm and cold gaze disappeared and was replaced by an intense hatred as the sofa was thrown violently against a wall.

Lightning bolts begin to dot her body as some of them escape and strike randomly into the penthouse.


The lightning bolts increase in intensity as Izuna's anger continues to rise before he slowly begins to breathe to calm himself down, the lightning bolts decreasing in intensity.

"He wants to play that, huh? Alright, "dad", I would just have to change my plans a bit, but I can assure you that I would kill every student and every person working in this fucking school and I know exactly where to start."

As Izuna says these words, a crazy smile appears on her face.

Nezu doesn't know it yet, but what he unleashed that night would be just the beginning of a long line of heinous deaths.


[U.A. High School, Musutafu, Japan, 12:50]

The day after the press conference, Class 1-A is rather quiet, some look at the empty tables with a sad look while a green-haired student looks at the seats with other feelings.






These emotions come back every time this man is involved, and every time that phrase he said to her years ago comes to haunt him every time he fails.

While the atmosphere of the class is more than gloomy, the door opens as their main teacher enters the class, his body covered with bandages.

And the first thing that Aizawa notices is the atmosphere of the class, knowing that their morals are at their lowest, decides to take matters into his own hands.

"Desperation is not allowed."

This simple sentence draws the attention of all the students to the teacher.

"I know you are scared and sad, I am scared too, however, that doesn't mean I will stand still, you have lost comrades, but sitting around moping only injures their memories, you have chosen the path of a hero for various reasons, however, you must remember one thing, a real hero always stands up no matter how many blows he takes, if he falls, he gets up again because if he stays down, the people he protects will be affected, if you stay down, those who have placed hopes in you will be affected, so never forget, when you are hit, keep your head up and counterattack with a single thought: plus ultra. "

Despite their teacher's monotone voice, the hearts of the apprentice heroes embrace a flame of determination as they all shout in chorus.


All but one, for just as the flames of determination began to consume Izuku's heart, a man's face comes back into his head with a sentence that has plunged him back into doubt, something that unfortunately no one sees as Aizawa begins to speak again in his bored voice.

"Good, because you'll need that energy for the UA Sports Festival."

Thanks to their renewed determinations, none of the apprentice heroes asked about the fact that the festival is being held right after an attack by bad guys because for them everything will be fine.



First time I write a speech tell me what you think

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