
Ruined name (2)

"I pity you for having to deal with a stepsister. Still, as ladies, we much pity her because she must be jealous that your father remarried and had a new daughter he adored. I would be jealous of you too if I were in her position. That's why she aimed for the Duke. It is only because you liked him. There must honestly be some truth to her pregnancy for the Duke since there is no other explanation for why he married her so quickly," Grace said, still trying to figure out why Edgar married Alessandra.


"Hey!" Grace grabbed Kate's arm. "Between you and me, do you think your sister is pretty under her mask? It wouldn't make sense why-"


Kate shoved away Grace's hand from touching her. "Are you foolish?" She asked as it was the only reasonable explanation for why Grace would bring this up to her. What was happening in Grace's mind to make her ask if Alessandra was pretty? 


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