
chapter: 15 historical drama

On a beautiful night, a step of a couple of horses can be heard loudly in the middle of the forest making all of the bird who is sleeping flinch and fly above the sky scared.

After the war, Quin who is riding her horse makes her way toward the empire speeding up making the soldiers who are in the back panic.

" your Majesty please slow down, the horse might pass out any second now. " Long Shu shout while having a hard time controlling his horse.

Emperor Quin who hears her commander plead didn't listen and continued to speed up toward the empire because of news that she cannot miss out as a future dad/mom.

• Quin's pov earlier •

It is now night time so all of my soldiers are now in their camp sleeping but I on the other hand just sat beside the campfire looking at the sky.

After taking time alone I then sigh and stand up before a chirp then penetrates my ears making me look up where I see the dove again.

After the dove land on my arm, I then notice a letter where I see.....

` Congratulations your majesty Quin, consort Yang will give birth to the first ever royal child of yours in 6 days, and please don't worry about consort Yang your majesty, she is completely healthy and also your child. ` reading the letter I then widen my eyes and look at the direction where the birds fly.

" The campground is far away towards the empire and it will take you about 5 to 6 days to come....here. " I thought in my mind snapping myself I then ran towards my horse who is drinking water.

Putting the saddle I then sat down and the horse run on the tracks that lead towards the empire.

After the horse ran all of the camp curtains then open up and you can see all of my soldiers draw their swords in their hands before they look in my direction.

Long Shu and the other soldiers who are nearby in the barn where the horse is sleeping then get their horses and catch up on me.

After Long Shu shouted I then slow down a bit making Shu sigh in relief.

" go back commander Long I will go towards the palace alone. " I said while looking forward.

" but your majesty..... " Long Shu then said but got cut off.

" This is an order Commander Long go back and tomorrow the grand duke will lead the soldiers too came back. " I said making Shu nod and without wasting more time I then again continue the ran and finally arrived at the palace gate.

And after the soldiers open the gate and give me a respectful bow I then hurriedly get off of my exhausted horse and run towards my chamber where I hear grunting making me run even faster.

Arriving at the door I then open it with so much force that it cracked startling all of the maidservants out just then a voice call me making me snap where I see my beloved Yang sweating so hard because of the delivery where I go towards her and took her hand with mine and kiss it.

" you did well when I was away dear. " I whispered in her ear which give her face a smile before she close her eyes and was asleep of execution.

" your majesty congratulation it's a girl. " a maidservant then said before handing me the newborn baby that look just like Yang I just can't help but smile with happiness almost tearing up.

" thank you for helping my consort my servant, you may go. " I said softly and all of them bow and leave the chamber.

" my dear daughter you look so beautiful. " I said and kiss the child's forehead where it put its hand on my cheek and I just cried silently.

[ congratulation host. ] Amin then said I then wipe my eyes and smiled.

" thank you, Amin. " I said shortly and sat beside Yang.

[ host all of the tasks are now complete, do the host wish to go back to the void. ] amin said which I shake my head.

" no, not now I will stay here for a bit until I see my daughter grow up. " I said making Amin nod.

[ no problem host I will see you on the void then, bye bye. ] Amin said and I sigh in relaxation.

• Yang's pov •

Opening my eyes I then see the person I have been longing for I can't help but smile and touch the person's face when it opens its eyes.

" Good morning hon. " I said and smile hearing what I said she just hummed happily.

" how are you dear, are you hurt anywhere. " she asks and I just shake my head.

" no I'm alright I'm just glad you came back safe. " I said putting my palm on her face.

" just as I promise. " she said before standing up.

" let me get the baby. " she said while her face form a smile and she walk out happily when she arrive she is now holding our child securely in her arms.

" Look dear she looks just like you. " she said gently and hand me the baby who is sleeping peacefully.

" yeah....just like me. " I mumble and smile before kissing my baby girl on the forehead just then Quin suddenly stands up.

" I will come back alright dear. " she said before giving me and our baby a peck on the cheek then left.

• Quin's pov •

Walking outside I then see all of my wolf shadow return running towards me before one of them who is now in front of me vomit the head of Yang's cousin I then look at them confused and the wolf tells me that this lady has been spying on Yang since she was still carrying my child and tried everything to wipe Yang existence in this world and after hearing it I just rewarded them shadow blood that can be able to grow them within a year.

( A/N : also readers the cousin of Yang Jin Yuo in |chapter 5| is actually the lady hidden in the dark and the one who discovered it first time I give you my congrats. )

• years later •

Years passed by and the very child of the emperor then turned into a hot topic while the news spread just a few months later after Princess Yeon's debut in the public Yang who is the one and only daughter of grand duke then became an Empress making all of the consorts and concubine shock but just accepts it in the end since its the emperor's order.

And while princess Yeon is growing beautiful like a new bloom flower her mother and her father the emperor and the empress is now growing old making her independent day by day which is praised by her father the emperor which she appreciates so much.

And just like that, she is now married with three children while the other one is still in her belly now looking at her father who is on his deathbed.

" Yeon you must grow strong alright. " Quin said to her daughter making the helpless girl nod while lowering her head.

" do not let others step on you and also please don't cry it's just making me stressed now I want to see my grandchildren where are they. " her father again said and she just smiles and open the door making the three troublemakers in.

" grandpa, grandma!!!! how are you are you feeling better. " the older one then said and Quin who is in her bed just pat the child and cares its check.

" hahaha just like Yeon's young days. " Quin said before she coughed.

" Now you three go outside the older ones will talk adult thing. " Yeon said and the three just groaned and left.

" father please rest well. " Yeon said and also left after that Yang who is just in the corner then sat beside Quin who is trying her best to catch her breath.

" ha....looks like it's time I will leave you my Yang. " she said making yang slide some tears.

" My dear empress I will look into you in heaven I wish you the best. " Quin again said and slowly closed her eyes after her eyes is now closed shut, Yang who is beside her just cares her hand until tomorrow morning.

After news about the death of the emperor, it then scattered making all of the people devastated and also making the royal palace atmosphere depressing.

And year after recovering from the loss the Empress's turn is now, all of the servants and the Princess's family all scattered around her death bed while crying.

" I will leave Yeon in your hands Shung. " I said making the future emperor nod in sadness.

I then look straight glancing at the ceiling.

" I will see you, my dear emperor. " Yang said and close her eyes before leaving a smile on her face.

Good evening/morning my lovely readers.

here are some new chapter for you.

see you on the next.

Claude_miyucreators' thoughts
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