

After discovering his ability to use divine powers descended from the angels, Alex was feeling a little wary holding such powerful magic in his hands.

Shining bright with pureness, it did definitely look heavenly and angelic and just as the succubus explained, at the very beginning, succubi were born from lust between angels and demons.

Although, the succubi still took most of their characteristics from demons as the two lived in the same place, hell, and had to adapt to its cruelty.

Additionally, it was like a punishment to be cast to hell as creatures created from forbidden love, which seek only lust to grow.

"I get that I will be in danger if demons get to know I also have their weakness?"

Alex as he planned from the beginning wasn't really into the thing of war or fighting against demons. He still had his human memories and still regarded demons as vicious creatures you shouldn't mess with.

The only thing making him involved is the safety of Liza, as she vowed to avenge after being betrayed and attacked her back home.

And since he understood that demons are weak to that golden energy, he would probably be useful to make that vow come true.

"Uh yes, obviously, but you should worry about the angels too, they hate us to the core as we are a "disgrace". Knowing you share the powers of their ancestors will get you killed~"

Liza uttered with a sigh, but carefreely brushed her silky hair and jumped back into the couch seating. Alex didn't have to worry about demons only, but also angels!

In his mind, angels were righteous and pure, but gazing at the succubus's hateful eyes as she recalled her memories made him have a different opinion.

That was enough to cause him to seriously think about practicing magic consistently. He already committed to getting reborn as an incubus, now it was time to know the basics of survival.

"I think I need to go to practice in a bigger space, wanna tag along?"

Looking down at the lazy succubus who was yawning frequently as if she hadn't slept in a week, rather, it was her full belly that causing such laziness. She ate quite too much at lunch.

"Yeah~ You know I'm not leaving you for a second—"

Standing up while shaking her head to wake it up, but having her cheeks fluster in embarrassment after realizing what she blurted out. Staring at his warm smile before the two of them left the apartment.

Going down in the elevator and exiting the building into the streets.

"Where are we heading?"

The succubus asked while gazing around. However, Alex stood frozen as he gazed upward. Suddenly jumping up and piercing into the sky, leaving Liza with her hair dancing around. He definitely mastered flying now.

"Geez~ I love his excitement, he's cute~"

Watching him flying freely in the sky with a chuckle, Liza also jumped and soon caught up to him. The two were heading outside the city and into a forest.

Going towards a hill and landing among the tree. It was the forest near the city in which Ashley was kidnapped before. It was deserted from any humans and suitable for hiding a corpse, or perhaps practicing magic!

"Do you need help, or you got this?"

After he was about to start, Liza offered help with the practice, as she was a magician master and could be considered among the top.

"Also, I think you learn how to defend yourself more than attack. How about I throw some attacks at you and you defend? I won't go easy~"

Before he could answer her proposal, Liza thought of a different plan and offered it. Since she knew he was unlikely to be the one to attack someone first, then it's best to learn how to defend when attacked.

Alex nodded in approval and closed his eyes for a minute to recall any defense spells. Luckily, Liza already taught him all basics in magic.


Without any warning, a huge fireball was approaching him at a high speed and about to hit his handsome face. Alex hurriedly stretched his arm up and opened his palm towards it and immediately a shielding orb surrounded his whole body, causing the fire to fade.

Before he could recover from it, a dozens more fireballs, much bigger and blazingly burning the surrounding air. The succubus was effortlessly summoning one after one with just a finger.

Alex was struggling to maintain the shield as Liza's attack were gradually getting tougher. Although fire magic was the very basic kind of magic and very easy to cast, but having a succubus queen the one attacking was absolutely a level ahead.

Nonetheless, the two chose to continue the training, which went easily over an hour.


Alex let a sigh as he finally dropped his hands down after Liza stopped attacking. He surely didn't expect his first day training to be this difficult! He drained most of the mana.

While Liza on the other hand seemed to be completely fine, not a drop of sweat on her loli body. She approached with a bottle of water in her hand.

"Take this. You did pretty well"

Throwing the bottle of water she created using magic and praising him with a smile. Taking into consideration his inexperience with battle magic, he did good not getting hit by her attacks.


Drinking the refreshing water and cleaning his body off sweat. Alex was feeling a little better and no longer felt the crippling exhaustion, which gave him a chance to do what he came for!

Shaking his head from side to side and stretching out his palm, soon a fireball began amazingly forming in his hand, growing exponentially large.

Lifting his hand as the blazing ball grew wider, gradually getting big as a car and radiating so much heat that it was burning the trees' leaves without touching them.


Without delaying it any longer, Alex threw the enormous fireball up, flying in a high speed, before exploding and turning the blue sky red with flames.

Fortunately, humans weren't able to see his amazing "fireworks" show.

"That's amazing!"

On the other hand, the only person saw it was the succubus. She nodded her head with a beaming smile. What he did was impressive!

Crack~ Crack~

Nonetheless, it turned out she wasn't the only spectator of his powerful magic. Someone was slowly approaching, cracking some sticks on the way.



A figure appeared from the shadows of the large tree, dressed in a black cloak, covering their face with the darkness of its hood. It was the same mysterious magician that attacked them before!

Approaching with steady steps, while the shadows were strangely moving with them, making the surroundings darker.

This was enough to make Liza extremely alert, so was Alex.


He expressionlessly glared back while showing his killing intent to the maximum, in hopes of making the enemy more hesitant or scared. However, none of it was working.

Rather, he felt no ill-intentions back. His eyebrows rose up as he heard a soft voice.

"Calm down, human. I'm here to talk not to fight, but before that, I have an important question you must answer"

With a small pause, they spoke again.

"Who are you?"

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