
The Guest

Just then, Felix was pulled into a realisation and he noticed the blood smell was coming not only from the box but also from the wrapping. Smelling them close to his nose, it was stronger in the wrapping than in the box.

What's so special about the wrapping? Why did it smell like blood?

Felix placed the wooden box on his table and started observing the wrapping.

Soon after, he found out what's so special about that wrapping. It was indeed a gift. A gift that made him disgusted to the point he had to resist himself from puking on the spot.

In the name of revenge, Anne had been digging into his past trauma he promised himself to forget. And this...another remarkable memory.

The wrapping was indeed not a paper at all. When he rubbed it, it was not soft like normal paper. He didn't pay attention to the wrapping before since he thought it was clumsily wrapped and not important. But now he understood it was not clumsily wrapped but had done well.

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