

Austronesian Empire, Majapahit, Nusantara, Streets Of Nusantara.

2000, 1, 1st Week, January.

Flickers of lights surround the entire streets of Nusantara as the headlights of the amphibious vehicle's lights up the streets. Columns of amphibious vehicles were moving out from a military base in Nusantara. Deafening shots reverberates throughout the streets and buildings as various amounts of monster carcasses fill the area.

"Over there!" A soldier said.

After the soldier pointed the locations, various amounts of shots were fired from the side of the soldier. When the shots landed through the bodies of the monsters, which was the monster, then left out an indescribable scream to the horror of the soldiers.

"Move! Move!" a soldier said.

The soldiers were on a speedboat and so they sped up towards a nearby house. They will now start clearing each house manually despite the severity of the storm. In fact, since the start of the storm, it was now slowing down as the rain pours less heavily than a few hours ago. To the surprise of the many, the water is also rescinding down at a quick rate, as if the water found an indescribable hole that they could fill in.

It was a surprising one, but a welcome one. They would be able to clear the surroundings faster than ever. Finally, hope is on the horizon. Now the only thing that they have to finish is the monsters that have invaded their motherland and bring the perpetrators into justice while the storm was much weaker.

"On your right! Fire!" a soldier said.

Flickers of light spreads through the desolate streets as soldiers marched down the area.

"Above us! Fire!" a soldier said.

Dead monsters fill the surroundings. After which, the soldiers removed the barriers that were once set earlier before the troops stationed retreated earlier. As the water rescinds to the knee level, the atmosphere became heavier as the soldiers saw the dead bodies of their fellow soldiers. They have died fighting for the motherland.

Unfortunately, they couldn't recover the bodies as of now, so all the respect they could give is to move the bodies to a place that is somewhat more respectable and out of the way when the amphibious vehicles drive by.

After they moved the bodies, a soldier walked towards the armoured columns of amphibious vehicles and brought out a light stick and signalled for the vehicles to move on as the area was clear.

The soldiers systematically cleared from streets to streets. As the time goes by, the entire city of Nusantara is being cleared of all monsters. Of course not without casualties.

The triage and hospital camps were being filled with the wounded. Fortunately, the valiant nurses were able to handle the issue quickly and so there were no backlog of the wounded.

Panning back to the soldiers, they've now entered a house and were combing it if there were any civilians left and if there are any monsters around.

A soldier opened a door and what he stumbled on left a deep impression on him. He saw people, civilians, that were hanging on the ceiling. Did they kill themselves? Upon observing it more he saw that there seems to be a spider web around them as if they were in a cocoon.

The soldiers then realised that a monster did it, and so he turned to the sides to call for the other squad to alert them of a monster inside the house. Alas, it was too late, as he found out before he could even shout is that he couldn't.

The soldier touched his neck and found that there was blood. No, in fact, he was bleeding profusely in the neck. That's when the blood finally gushed out and splattered through the surroundings, painting the interior with crimson flowers.

When the soldier fell to his knees and was about to lose consciousness, he saw that there was a monster on all fours below him, which he didn't see. It was a colossal blunder, one that could never be reversed.

The soldier completely fell on its back, which made a loud crash. This then alerted the other soldiers and so they rushed towards the scene. Unfortunately, the only thing they found was a dead soldier with his neck slit.

"Make sure, you're rifles aren't on safety! We just lost a man." a soldier said.

"Affirmative!" the soldiers said in unison.

The soldiers then moved on with a look of sympathy on the soldier that died.

A soldier that was with the group that rushed towards the dead soldier was observing his surroundings. That's when he finally saw what seemed like a woman on all fours climbing the ceiling. The soldier looked with horror as he aimed and fired his rifle.

Unfortunately, the monster was able to dodge and attacked the soldier. The soldier continued firing, which alerted the other soldiers in front of him, alas it was too late once again. The monster was able to flip in the air and slashed down the chest of the soldier.

Fortunately, every other soldier finally saw the monster and was so focused with all their might on shooting the monster. The monster was utterly obliterated and could not fight back by the might of superior firepower of the soldiers.

"He's wounded and bleeding! Quick, he can still be saved! Move him to the triage nearby!" A soldier said.

Two soldiers then moved towards the wounded soldier and brought out a white tray and placed him above there, to which they then rushed towards outside and brought the wounded soldier to the medical field.

Soon after, the entire city of Nusantara was cleared and so they now proceeded to advance towards other areas and try to reconnect through the isolated military outposts throughout Austronesia. The entire Austronesia is now mobilised and is quickly advancing on all fronts as the flood rescinds and the storm became less heavy.

The might and unity of Austronesia is unbreakable through thick and thin, they'll survive.

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