
Chapter 2: Hired

Brenna POV

“Are you sure?” The barista asked who looked relieved at my suggestion.

“Of course. Can you also ring me up for a large vanilla latte with soy?”

The barista nodded and wrote the order on my cup. I pulled the cash out of my wallet and found a twenty before he could give the total.

“The name on the order?”


“Thanks, Brenna. We’ll have those drinks ready for you in a moment,” the barista smiled at me as they handed me change. I shoved a five in the tip jar and stepped to the side.

I looked at the woman’s face for the first time as she stared at me in shock. She was probably a few years older than me, but my original assessment of her being a model was spot on. She looked like she belonged in LA. People would flock to her if they saw her at the bars and clubs down there.

“You didn’t have to do that,” the woman said quietly. She was inspecting my face, and her gaze made me feel a little self-conscious.

“No worries. Just glad I had the extra cash on me.”

“Now what?” I could hear the voice growl out of the phone as the woman held it away from her ear.

“Oh geez, I’ll deal with you later,” the woman said loudly back into the phone as she hung up before her twin could respond. “Sorry about that. My brother’s in a mood.”

“Does he do that often?” I don’t know why I asked her that, but something in me felt I needed to make sure she was in a good spot. Maybe I was projecting too much, but it felt like the right thing to do.

“Not really. He’s just been so extra lately. That’s why I wanted to go and take care of some family matters, but he just doesn’t like asking for help. Unfortunately, he’s so damn awkward he doesn’t know how to ask for help. He’s essentially throwing a tantrum.”

“Oh,” I wasn’t sure what to say, but I was just relieved to know she wasn’t in a situation like I had been.

“You know how some teens get moody and grow out of it?”

I nodded.

“Well, Kieran never grew out of it completely,” the woman laughed, “great brother, but he’s still learning how to ‘people’ better.”

My concerns faded away as she explained her situation. It sounded like they’d be able to resolve the issue whenever they met back up.

“What did you say your name was?” The woman held out her hand, waiting for my answer.

“Brenna. Brenna Mora.”

“I’m Vivian, but everyone calls me Viv. Thank you for being my knight in shining armor.”

“Happy to help,” I smiled as I made my way to the pickup counter for our drinks. I checked my phone, but there were no messages. Not that there would be any unless it came from Kat or Leo.

“Waiting to hear from someone?” Viv asked next to me. I didn’t realize how close she was, but she was practically hovering over me.

“No. Well, sort of. I have an interview in a bit.”

“You do? That’s exciting! What’s it for?” Viv’s tone sounded like she was genuinely happy for me, but she was still so close in my bubble that I took a half step closer to the counter to have more distance between us.

“It’s a front desk position with a hotel around here.”

“Which hotel?”

“Varick Manor. I’ve never heard of it before, but my friend said it’s a high-end resort that’s a big deal around here.”

“I know exactly where that is. Your friend was right. It’s very exclusive. Are you new to the area?”

“Yeah, I just got into town this morning,” I said as I glanced over to make sure my bags were undisturbed. They sat by the empty table waiting for me to join them.

I wasn’t sure why I was answering her questions. It’s not like I knew her. It was just nice to have a conversation with someone new. Scott had kept me home, and really only brought me out when he had work dinners to attend, but even then, my words needed to be perfect, so talking normally with anyone at functions was out of the question.

“Is that all yours over there?” Viv asked. Her words were soft, much different than when she had been on the phone easily.

“Yup. Trust me, it’s ten times better than where I was last night,” I laughed and reflexively felt the bruise that was surely formed by now on my left forearm. The only reason no one could see was I hid it beneath my black long sleeve shirt. I didn’t want it to poke out, as the sleeves were a little big. Hopefully, no one had noticed it yet.

“Well, I hope you get the job.”

“Me too. I always wanted to work at a hotel, but I never got the chance.”

“Why not? What was stopping you?”

I had to think for a moment before answering. I glanced out the window. The morning fog still hung in the air, but the dark clouds had lightened to a brilliant fluffy white as the sun poked between the gaps.

“Myself. I let myself get stopped.”

“Was it life or love that stopped you?”

I wasn’t sure why I felt compelled to be so truthful with a stranger. I couldn’t even be that honest with Kat. Maybe it was the fact that this woman was a stranger. I had nothing to lose, so there was nothing to hide.

“Both. I didn’t finish my undergrad in hospitality, even though it was my dream. I let myself get talked out of what I wanted most in the world by someone who didn’t truly love me.”

“That’s too bad.”

“If I could go back in time, I’d have done things much differently back then. Since that’s impossible though, I just gotta do what I can now. At least I’m not wasting any more of my time.”

It felt therapeutic talking to Viv. Kat was already like a sister to me, but is this what it felt like to have an older sister? Being able to talk to someone wiser and willing to listen to my problems without judgment.

“Brenna, your drinks are ready,” the barista from before called out as I went and grabbed both drinks. I passed Viv hers, as I put a cozy around my latte. I forgot to ask for iced, so I’d be stuck waiting to drink it until it cooled off.

“Thanks again for the drink,” Viv said as she took a sip. Her phone began to buzz again, but she silenced it after glancing at the name displayed on the phone.

“Glad I could help,” I made my way over to the table where my belongings were waiting for me and sat down.

I wondered what sort of questions they were going to ask me. Talking with Viv helped me relax though. My shoulders and neck felt less tensed up now that I had a chance to catch my breath. Maybe I could pull this off. I just needed to go in confident and keep myself from sounding too needy.

To my surprise, Viv walked back to my table and set her drink down.

“What can I carry for you,” she asked with one of her hands stretched out.

“I’m sorry, what?” I felt like I was missing something.

A small smirk played across Viv’s lips as she hoisted my duffel bag onto her shoulder. She picked her coffee back up and started heading toward the door.

“Oh, you don’t have to help, I still have time before the interview,” I said as I chased after her. What was she thinking? It’s not like I owned a car to put my belongings into.

“You answered all the questions I had, so go get your things,” Viv said with a smile as she reached the door and turned to face me.

I opened my mouth but quickly closed it again. I was definitely missing something.

“Didn’t I mention my last name?” Viv asked as she tilted her head.

“No, just your first name.”

“That explains things,” Viv laughed to herself. “My name is Vivian Varick. I’m the hiring manager for Varick Manor.”

My legs felt rooted in place. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what was happening. Did I just get the job and not even realize it?

“So, are you coming or not?” Viv asked with a Cheshire grin.

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