

During the concert, they all drank much more. Zoe, Gina, and Claire were ecstatic, and Gabriel and Mark were keen to join, with Joe joining part way through.

They left the arena early in the morning, drunk and overly excited.

"As it's late, would you like to crash at mine? My parents are away." Zoe suggested to the group. "It's already 4 am. And you're all drunk out of your minds."

"I'm not!" Gina stomped her feet, as Joe held her up.

Claire laughed cheerfully.

"We're not drunk! What are you on about?" Claire asked Zoe teasingly, wobbling on her feet. Gabriel grabbed her arm to help her balance.

Zoe walked alongside Mark chatting cheerfully and flirting with him again.

"Did I pass the rite of passage?" Gabriel asked in a whisper.

"You don't have to buy our friendship," Claire said softly. Her cheeks were crimson red from the alcohol and excitement, and her hair was messy.

"It's okay. I wanted to spend time with you. And frankly, you have some fascinating taste in music."

"Oh, you don't like my taste in music?" Claire looked up at Gabriel in concern.

"I love it. I just didn't see you for a hard rock fan."

"What did you expect?"

"With your serious facade, I was sure that Bach was the main thing on your playlist."

Claire laughed.

"What a silly assumption!"

"Indeed." Gabriel nodded. "Would you like to go home?"

"I rather continue drinking at Zoe's."

"How is your liver holding up?"

"Probably better than yours."


They walked into Zoe's parents' house, quickly grabbing duvets and blankets and spreading them across the living room floor, as Zoe brought a few glasses and bottles and set up tv with some rom-com.

Gina was quick to fall asleep cuddled up to Joe, him following her soon after. Zoe was chatting with Mark, flirting with him more openly. And Claire sat beside Gabriel, having a drink and watching the movie.

"Did you see it before?" Claire asked.

"No, I haven't."

"It's one of my favourites." Claire smiled.

"How so?"

"Because its happy ending is not what you'd expect," Claire said quietly. "For most of the movie they get you to wish for them to get back with their childhood sweethearts. But in the end, they still end up with someone else. It's bittersweet really, as they slowly outgrow each other and yet they still find peace and love with the ones you didn't initially think were possible."

"I see. And do you watch a lot of movies like that?"

"Not too many. I like movies that have unexpected endings. The ones that either make you think hard as they end, hanging around your thoughts for a long time. Or the ones that cause so much emotional turmoil, that a reminder of it causes a cascade of emotions." Claire smiled. "But I do love fantasy the most. I concluded a long time ago that the world is grim enough to prefer a fantasy world with different kinds of pain and sadness depicted in it. What about your favourite genre of movies?"

"I'm not sure. I do like good drama and fantasy movies. And sci-fi." Gabriel smiled. "I used to collect comic books as a teenager so I guess that still lingers."

"Which superhero did you want to be?"

"I think I saw myself more as a villain."

"Why?" Claire looked to the side, looking at Gabriel's profile.

"I guess I sympathised with them more. I felt misunderstood."

"Which teenager doesn't?" Claire smiled.

"You're right, I guess."

"Do you still feel like a villain?"

"Yes." Gabriel nodded.

"I see." Claire looked back at a tv. Mark and Zoe left outside for a cigarette, Claire smiled behind them.

"They like each other, don't they?" Gabriel asked as he looked behind the closed door.

"Yeah." Claire nodded. "I think they might even get together."

"That would be interesting." Gabriel chuckled.

"Sorry for Zoe," Claire uttered. "She's something for sure."

"Did it ever work?"


"The seance."

"She used it to scare any annoying boys away from me. If someone was badgering me enough, I'd take her and she would put up a show." Claire laughed. "They'd leave us alone after that, thinking that we're crazy."

"I love your kind of crazy," Gabriel said softly as he moved hair behind Claire's ears. "I think I can appreciate Zoe's kind of crazy too. She seems like a good friend."

"They both are. They were always by my side when things went downhill, even if they complained and grumbled, they helped to pick me up."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there so many times."

"How could you?" Claire said dismissively. "You had your own life to deal with. You still do."

"You're my number one priority, Claire. Whatever is happening, you can tell me."

"Nothing's really happening." Claire's smile vanished.

"That's not true," Gabriel said carefully. "You don't have to tell me, but know that I'm here if you want to. I can honestly help you deal with it."

"And what would you even do?"

"Well, I've managed you a phone and a card that you can use safely. I can manage a new car and bodyguards, and I can investigate the people that are bothering you."

"Thank you but I'm okay," Claire said quietly.

"You don't need to pretend that you're okay in front of me." Gabriel placed his arm around Claire's shoulder, which she accepted without a fight. It was the comfort she needed. "Claire, I've noticed…"


"I think someone is following you," Gabriel said carefully.

"Yeah." Claire nodded her head.

"You don't sound surprised." Gabriel noticed. Claire smiled silently instead. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"You can sh*t up," Claire grumbled at which Gabriel smiled. She carefully placed her head on Gabriel's shoulder. His smell filled her nostrils. It was so intoxicating. He wrapped his arm around Claire, playing with a streak of her hair. "I'm glad that you've quit smoking…"

"I'm glad too. I don't think you'd let me this close to you if I still smoked."

"You might know me better than I've realised."

"I'm learning."

"Uh-hum," Claire replied quietly, feeling her eyelids get heavy. "This is my favourite part of the movie." Claire pointed at the TV.

"Your favourite part of the movie is when they break up?"

"It's a beautiful break-up." Claire smiled falling asleep. Gabriel watched her for a while, holding her tightly so that she didn't slip, and placing his chin on her head. Gabriel found comfort in her steady breath.

Zoe and Mark returned, and Zoe's eyes widened at the sight but Mark signalled her to be quiet. She decided to question Claire once she woke up.

Gabriel fell asleep once the movie finished, curious about Claire's interest in it. As the movie ended, he struggled to understand how she loved its sad ending and even considered it sweet.

He noticed the black car beside the company a few times already, and whilst out, he spotted it again. He guessed that it was there for Claire due to her hyper-vigilance with using her own phone and card.

"Did someone turn up the brightness?" Gina moaned a few hours later.

"Sh*t up!" Zoe responded angrily, too hangover for Gina's complaining. Gina rushed to the toilet as she was sick, and Zoe followed a few steps after. Mark was all green himself.

"Claire?" Gabriel checked on her.

"Hmmm…" she responded softly. She still was asleep.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm just tired."

"Shall I get you some aspirin and water?"

"No need. I just need a few more minutes and I'll get up."

"Okay." Gabriel nodded, still holding her in an embrace. "Breakfast anyone?"

"How can you even think of food?" Zoe asked grumpily. "Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"Leave my husband alone…" Claire grumbled under her nose. Zoe and Gina froze in the doorway. Mark sat up straight whilst Joe still snored. Gabriel's eyes widened as he looked at Claire on his arm.

"What?" Zoe suddenly sobered up. "What did you just say?" She asked Claire but then looked sternly at Gabriel. "What did she say?"

"Claire, I think you should be the one dealing with it," Gabriel said softly to Claire.

"I don't wanna." Claire waved dismissively.

"Claire!" Zoe roared, waking Joe up. Claire opened her eyes and sat up straight, looking around in a daze.

"What's wrong?" She mumbled.

"Claire…" Gabriel started carefully. "I know that you're probably still drunk or at least very hangover, but you really shouldn't be saying things like this out loud."

"Why not?" Claire looked at him innocently.

"Okay." Gabriel nodded. "I am just worried that you'll regret it later."

"I had four months of regrets. I think I can deal with that one." Claire stood up carefully.

"Explain yourself," Zoe demanded. "What have you done this time?"

"Why do you have to be angry with me straight away?" Claire asked.

"Because I'm worried for you." Zoe's eyes welled up.

"Out of everything I've done so far, marrying Gabriel was probably the most calculated decision I've made," Claire admitted as she stood up. Gabriel stood right after her, standing behind her with concern written all over his face.

"No, no, no…" Zoe kept repeating. "You didn't. You're just trying to tease me. It's some practical joke, isn't it?"

"It's not." Claire shook her head.


"Just over four months ago," Claire admitted.

"And just like that, you've got married?" Zoe tried to calm down but couldn't. Gina stood silently behind her, white as snow.

"I guess." Claire shrugged.

"Claire…" Gina started quietly, her voice barely cutting it through the room.

"Yes, Gina."

"Was it the contract you've signed?"

"Indeed." Claire nodded.

"Does it mean that I was a witness?"

"Yes, you and Mark both sighed our marriage contract as witnesses," Claire confirmed.

"Did you know?" Zoe turned to Gina who shook her head, and then Mark who avoided her eye contact.

"Zoe…" Claire started carefully.

"Congratulations on your marriage." Zoe spat out through her gritted teeth. "I just hope that you're not going to regret it."

Zoe left the room, Claire hesitated but Gabriel showed her to stay. He went after Zoe.

"Zoe…" he came out on the balcony where Zoe was smoking.

"I need a minute to calm down."

"I understand." Gabriel nodded.

"Why Claire?" Zoe asked coldly. "Be honest."

"Hmm…" Gabriel walked up to Zoe and stood beside her. "I love her." He smiled.

"Really? Why?"

"What do you mean?"

"You can love any eighteen-year-old supermodel. Why Claire?"

"I don't know. I guess my head didn't have much say in it." Gabriel chuckled.

"What do you love about her?"

"Everything. Every single attribute."

"What about her flaws?"

"She doesn't have any," Gabriel replied with confidence at which Zoe laughed.

"Oh, no. She does. She's as stubborn as a mule."

"I don't see it as a flaw. She's strong. She knows her mind."

"Indeed." Zoe nodded. "She's very strong. She's also naive. She's been hurt so much already…"

"I'm aware. I am ready to stand behind her back and step in as she needs me. I can be her pillar and shield. I will not let anyone hurt her again."

"I meant you."

"I'll try my best to not hurt her ever again. I've messed up and I'm trying to own up to it."

"She has a good heart and she'll forgive you."

"I don't want forgiveness." Gabriel shook his head.

"That's good." Zoe nodded as she squeezed the cigarette butt down in the ashtray. "Let's go back inside." Zoe went in first, looking at Claire who paced nervously. "I'm not done with you." She barked at Claire. "Did you really have to be drunk out of your mind to tell us?"

"Yes." Claire nodded.

"Okay." Zoe nodded. "Let's go get breakfast. I know just a place for hangover food."

"Zoe…" Claire started carefully.

"I love you, Claire." Zoe came over and kissed Claire's forehead. "Let's get some food in you. You look like a ghost."

"Are we okay?" Claire asked worriedly.

"Yes, we're okay." Zoe hugged her. "No more secrets, Claire-bear. Also, I can't speak for Gina. You might get an earful from her."

"I don't think I have enough to say to give Claire an earful." Gina chipped in quietly. "I just need time to process it."

"Now, food." Zoe decided. "Gentlemen, have you ever tried the fry up down the road?" Three men shook their heads. "As we have new honorary gang members, it's time to eat and drink some more."

"Zoe, no more drinking. My liver is gonna give up." Gina said bravely, Mark and Joe nodded in unison.

"Stop whining. Claire and Gabriel aren't."

"Claire could always drink buckets," Gina whined again. "Aren't you hangover?" Gina turned to Claire.

"I'm just a little tired. Otherwise, I'm fine."

"Is your stomach made of iron or something?" Gina was still green as she run back to the bathroom.

"Maybe we should order the food here," Joe asked carefully to which everyone agreed.

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