
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Jamie is watching a horror film in his hotel room when someone knocks on his door. He felt a deja vu as he checked the time. It was near midnight. It was a total of three days after the incident with Hanako. He didn't leave his room because he also happens to work out inside. Just some sits-up and push-ups his body used to stretch out in his past life that his body now happily adopts. His blonde hair covered his brows almost reaching his eyes and he was wearing a bear pajama he bought online because of a sale. (He is not a cheap stake but the design is cute.)

He looked like he was at home chilling alone. Nonetheless, whoever this person is behind his door must be bored or don't care if Jamie is already sleeping. The movie is about the Japanese horror story of a student who was being bullied and died in the process. It was interesting at first but the ending is so predictable like a chain message cliche forwarding text or you will die, misfortune whatsoever. 

Jamie got started with the knock and he froze again. Fuck. He was scared, he has seen this before. He also opened the door and got greeted by a man. Jamie shook his head and forced the memories to fade away too. He walks to the door and peeks at the hole before opening them. 

Gino was wearing a suit when he came inside. Jamie crossed his arms to his chest and waited for the man to speak. He looked exhausted but Jamie doesn't care actually. 

"Jamie, we have to go somewhere." He muttered checking his luxury watch. Jamie can't help but be curious. 

"Kun's order. Another deal with shipping. He needs your assistance." Gino's voice is serious and empty as ever but this one is different. He looked like he was in a hurry and Jamie sensed his worried expression. 

It's good he had already taken the bath so when he changes clothes, using his navy hoodies and black skinny jeans. He also wears his cap with a mask and ebony converse shoes. Gino just sighs at his get-up but doesn't force him much to change again. Jamie follows him to the elevator. 

They hit the road not long after. Gino gave him a thick folder with pieces of paper and told him to read everything before they reached the warehouse. Jamie scowled but still accepted the folder. 

It was like a novel with 300k words in it. Jamie grimaced after turning the pages. His eyes were fast too and he realized that it was a shipment record and a person he was about to meet. The guy is a foreigner named Jack. He was Chinese, 35 years old, and a dealer too. He was part of a china mafia and sneaked into their territory and opened a business in Japan. He is very meticulous and never trusts anyone unless his superiors told them to deal with it. Jack is a strong-willed guy and Jamie wanted to hate Gino, Kun, and his father for making him deal with the guy. Some information is only minor like Dragon's business venture with Jack. 

They reach the warehouse but unlike an ordinary depot, this place has heavy security. Gino's car is known and even shown on a monitor. It was Jamie's first time handling this kind of shabby business. He wasn't prepared but he will ask Gino later. This deal is important though he only needs to talk and make sure they will buy them or the other way around. 

Jamie knew that Dragon's main business was weapons. Their technology is a lot more advanced than others and also of outstanding quality. Dragon is known as notorious in the industry and Jamie does not know this because he was (a newbie doing this important work) that Kun is supposed to be handling. 

Jamie came inside shortly. He saw people waiting in a conference room. The air conditioning is freezing the stone chair and Jamie is grateful for his undershirt and hoodie. 

Jamie has bodyguards too with extra Gino. He goes inside, not noticing his surroundings because he was preoccupied with dealing with Jack. 

According to the paper Jack wanted out after finishing their contract with them. This will be the last business while Dragon still wants them but Jack finds another supplier that also has quality weapons just like them. Jamie is a businessman too but staying with this guy is suicide. This man is a leech. He likes to lessen the price by 30% and Jamie is not happy being treated as a cheap merchandise manager who sells fake guns and bombs. This guy is so stupid. 

"Good evening." Jack quickly greeted, too smug and proud for his own good. Jamie is seated at the head swivel chair but never takes off his mask for his personal safety. 

"This is Kim-ssi's younger brother Kim Jamie. Gino says while Jamie only bows at Jack and looks him straight in the eyes. 

Jack is pale and has long shaggy long hair. He had tattoos on both of his arms and Jamie took note of searching for the particular mafia in China where Jack belonged.

"Why an illegitimate child dealing with me? Where is Kun?" Jack looked intimidating but Jamie has seen the worst people in businessmen in his past life and it never affected him. This person is like a small pry that would be eaten in a simple conference meeting. 

"Maybe you're not that important." Jamie retorted, ignoring how Jack gritted his teeth. 

"I think you're lost, young master. We didn't come here to play. I'm so disappointed with the disrespected Gino." Jack says in a stern voice and acts as if he was leaving but Jamie just lets him walk before he reaches the door and before he goes out, Jamie speaks. 

"I guess you're okay to pay a fine for breaching a contract, Sir Jack?" Jamie mumbled, feeling delighted that his job is easy and almost done. 

Jack is angry when looked at Jamie. He is about to reckon with him but Jamie beats him to it. 

"Failing to comply with the transaction will breach the contract and unfortunately, this business between you and Dragon will end the moment you leave this room. You will pay the penalty of 100 million dollars in cash and an apology for not dealing with us and finishing the legit contract with the formal letter saying you have no harm issues with our weapons and have no desire to threaten the organization, the business will end up in a friendly and mutual manner." Jamie says in a bored tone still waiting for Jack to be serious and deal with it already. 

"Fuck you, Kim." He muttered embarrassingly. Gino snarled and glared at him too. 

End of chapter 25.

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